Friday, December 27, 2019

Tax Policy New Jersey And Alabama - 1502 Words

Ranfy Leonardo Dr. Kersey Pols 2212 14 November 2014 Tax policy in New Jersey and Alabama Taxes have always been a contentious issue of debate in the United States; furthermore it is exacerbated by the specific philosophy of individuals, states, and regions. Too be clearer, nobody enjoys paying taxes, however it is the cost we pay for having civilization. Nevertheless, selfishness creeps in to many individuals who feel no particular benefit. Taxes have a real way of polarizing many people from different socio-economic backgrounds, because a tax is inexorably linked to a person’s belief-system. For instance, in the context of social welfare policy liberals are inclined to feel that the tax-burden should be heaped on individuals who have benefited the most from â€Å"the system†. On the other hand, we have conservatives who feel they did not receive any support, and all that is necessary is hard work and perseverance to succeed. I am not suggesting either one is correct; it is only a simple illustration to show the relation between pocketbook and personal belief. I hope studying the tax structures of New Jersey and Alabama will give me insight they both reconcile their political beliefs with their individual tax structures. New Jersey like many other states relies on a tax system to provide many different services to its citizens including schools, roads, public health, and safety. Correspondingly, it has to raise the money required toShow MoreRelatedStudent Rights Under The Law1375 Words   |  6 Pagesare viewed differently under the law. In 1995 New Jersey v. T.L.O, two high school students were found smoking in the bathroom at school. One girl admitted to smoking but the other one denied it. The student who denied smoking and her purse was inspected by the principal and evidence was found that the student was also selling marijuana. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Defending Animals Who Can Not Speak For Themselves

Md. Milad Hussain Dr. Trey Jansen English 1302 May, 3 2016 Defending Animals Who Cannot Speak for Themselves The last decade, this world has been seen increasing the interest of human attitudes to abuse animals. Animal abuse defined as the failure to provide food, clean water, shelter, sanitation and medication. The peoples are abusing animals directly or indirectly who may be ignorant, poor, or other unknown circumstances. However, animals should not be abused as far as I am concerned. But every single day animals are abusing all over the world. Can you close your eyes and imagine that you were beaten and living like a prison by someone. Some Animals are treated exactly like this in this world. Animals cannot speak like humans, but they have emotion and sound which express their feeling to others. Sometimes people hurting them without knowing that whatever they are doing to an animal it is causing animal pain. Besides, some people who already abused themselves, they think this is only one way to treat an animal. It is called human intentional infliction. â€Å"Animal abuse is the ill-tre atment of an animal despite of the perpetrator’s intent, inspiration, or mind order† (Lisa 24). Animal abuse can be caused of serious pain, suffer, and horrible death. Some people like to kill animals for amusement, food, medicine, and other products The argument is as far as I am concerned, animals should be used for the benefit of human likeShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Anatomy of a Dolphin836 Words   |  4 PagesDolphins, cousins to whales, member of the family Delphinidae, and an animal that captures the heart of anyone who sees one. This powerhouse of a marine mammal can swim at speeds of up to thirty-five miles per hour and renowned for the fact that they can jump out of the water, a feat meant to both conserve energy and to get places quicker. When they swim, they are as graceful as a swan and as playful as a little child. Well, read on to find out more about these amazing creatures. When you see a dolphinRead More Comparing Empathy in Blade Runner and Slaughterhouse-Five Essay example1659 Words   |  7 Pagesthat is often asked in literary works.   Is it our intelligence that separates us from being like any other animal on this planet or is it something else?   Perhaps it is our ability to feel empathy for other humans and other forms of life.   If this is so, then how is it that we also have violence and wars where humans hurt and kill other humans?   How is it that humans can hurt animals without a second thought, if its our ability to feel empathy that separates us from them?   Both Philip K.Read MoreHow We Construct Ourselves As Human1451 Words   |  6 PagesAnimals and humans have many similarities in what makes both of them up. 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Cliche I want to die young at a ripeRead MoreHenry David Thoureaus Civil Disobedience and Walden1668 Words   |  7 PagesRomantics who reflected the good aspect of life and the dark Romantics who reflected to darker aspect in life. Overall, Romanticism focused on optimism and individualism, kinship with nature, and power of darkness. One of the central American light Romantics Ralph Wald Emerson wrote Nature reflects Emerson’s perspective of nature while Self-Reliance expresses Emerson’s opinion about a person’s independence. Around the mid-1800’s Emerson befriend another light Romantic named Henry David Thoreau, who wroteRead MoreA Breif History of Rome1051 Words   |  4 PagesRome could survive anything. Historians believe that the Romans founded Rome in about 625 BC. Historians believe that early Rome was governed by kings. After about they had seven kings, the Romans decided to take power of their city and ruled themselves. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Performance Management Australian Organizations

Question: Discuss about thePerformance Managementfor Australian Organizations. Answer: Introduction In the competitive society of the modern world, the idea of balancing work and life is taken in to consideration by many people. The Australian organizations are looking for ways and means to make the lives of their employees well balanced in terms of work and their family. Employment traditionally was the means of supporting the private life financially. The work and life balance helps the employers of an organization to have a competitive advantage over others for creating a relationship between the home and work of the employee. It directly results in the creation of lower stress rate in the working environment and enjoyment in home. It improves the performance of the employees in the work place and builds a positive image of the organization in the eyes of the public (Jones, Burke and Westman 2013). Logical Argument According to Fenech (2014), the balance between work and life is very important for a health living. To reach the top of the corporate ladder, employees often sacrifice the quality time of the family and is focused on work too much which creates a negative impact on the life of the employee in the family. In the modern competitive world however, individuals have to improve their professional career, which will help them to support the family financially. The use of apps in the daily lives of the people such as Cloud Computing has helped to turn a new page in balancing the work and life. It is believed by some people that the nature of work is facing a rapid change and it makes us proud to play a part in the changing era. According to Iwata (2016), the beginning of the 20th century saw the introduction of typewriters in the world which revolutionary idea at that period. It changed the whole perspective of writing from manual to electronic mode. This caused the organization to take an extra burden on their shoulders, as they had to train and educate their employees and in procuring the typewriters for the major work force. The invention of computer had lead to a major change across the globe and was incorporated in the organizations to reduce the pressure relating to work. It also paved the way to reduce the errors that were previously committed and provided efficient work in a less span of time. According to Kundnani and Mehta (2016), the concept regarding family has undergone a huge change recently such as same-sex relationships, parents who are single, parents who are divorced and many varieties of communities living in the society. The semantically shift from work-family to work-life is the only recognition that is linked with the dependent children. The other activities like sports, studies, health, fitness, and hobbies all needs to be balanced with the work. The organization concentrates mainly on men and women who are married or living with a partner and with children when the policies regarding work are made. According to Lewis et al. (2016), Cloud computing is an app which changes the perspective of the work. Almost all the companies in the world have adopted this technology and its implementation in the working organizations has bought significant changes in the culture of work. A process enhances the experience of the job by establishing a link between the local server and the remote server. It simply means that employees anywhere within or outside the office premises can handle the projects. It helps in building a relationship between the local and remote servers with that of the employee. The technology of cloud computing has taken the nature of the work to such an extent that employees have the freedom in working. They can work from home or from any other place with the help that Cloud computing can give. The added pressure of going to the office can be significantly reduced to a minimum. The advancements in technology have in face proved to be a threat to the security relating to job and the confidential data of the company. It has helped in widening the scope of the nature of the work and is easily accessible by hackers. They can easily get hold of the confidential materials of the company by simply cracking the codes of the company (Toosi, Calheiros and Buyya 2014). Theory In the field of human resource management, performance management acts as a concept. Goal setting theory is a part of performance management that plays an imperative role to motivate workers for superior performance. On the other hand, expectancy theory is based on the theory that individuals regulate their behavior in the organization based on predictable satisfaction of esteemed goals set by them. According to Rittinghouse and Ransome (2016), the nature of the work in relation to the employees has influenced heavily the work nature in the human resource management sector. The implementation of the technological changes has helped in many ways to make the operations of the employees to be handled in an easy manner but has also added many burdens on the shoulders of the human resource management. The changed work nature all over the world has lead to the possibility of acquiring new talents so that the company can keep up the pace related to the changing environment. There are many options for the employers to allow the employees to maintain a proper work and life balance. It improves the chance of retaining its employees in relation to the goals that needs to be met. It helps to improve the health conditions of the employees and reduces the absenteeism level in the employees, which helps to increase the productivity levels of the company and for the employees as well. The employers can allow its people to work from home at least a day in a week or some days in a month. It can even allow the person to attend the meetings with the help of technology rather than being physically present in the organization. The number of hours required to work can be restricted which allows the employees to peacefully enjoy their after work hours (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). This approach has been taken by some organization wherein the mail servers stops working after a particular number of working hours for the employees. The company needs to promote the image of work and life balance and not boast about it so that the employees will be encouraged and accept the culture of working in that environment. The focus of the organization needs to be on the outcome of the work and not on the number of hours worked because the productivity of the employees cannot be measured in the number of hours worked. Some work can be done before the scheduled time, so it does not makes sense of staying put in the office after completing the work (Snell, Morris and Bohlander 2015). According to Stawarz et al. (2013), the responsibilities for maintaining a balance in work can be done with the different kinds of employing strategies like full time, part time and freelancer by staying within the ethical guidelines of the company. The employees need to be educated regarding the ethical rules and regulations of the company. The roles and responsibilities of various employees comes under the responsibility of the human resource management. According to Cannizzo and Osbaldiston (2016), the management faces many challenges to maintain the different culture of work force. The fact that it has added more responsibilities to a bunch of new opportunities in the human resource management sector has been all because of the technology that is being updated in the modern world. The human resource management can indulge themselves in activities like evaluating the employment methods, which helps them in analyzing the performances of the workers. This directly encourages the employees in achieving their targets. However, there are limitations to this approach as many human resources body have a lackadaisical attitude, which results in complete uselessness of the responsibilities assigned to them, which hinders the evaluation process (Gill and Donaghue 2016). Apps such as TimeTune for Android users and ATracker for the iOS users keep a check on the routines and can carefully plan out the action for the working days. It will help the employees to chalk out the work by shifting towards a more realistic working ratio. Smart phones have the access to Wi-Fi from practically any place and anywhere, but can create problem in the personal life if not managed properly (Allen et al. 2014). The BreakFree app is a tool, which helps in controlling the digital life by identifying the closeness with the phone of the employee. It helps in understanding the apps that are used too frequently. It helps to keep a check on the work life of the employees when they are enjoying with their family on weekends or after work hours. The app called Pacifica aims to manage the stress of the employees that is related to the work. It helps to monitor the mood, helps in meditating and relaxing of the body and keeps a track on the health of the employee. It helps to manage the stress and handle the tense situations in a more proper way (Lyness and Judiesch 2014). Apps also help in maintaining connections with the friends of the individuals who are working in an organization. The app called Connect helps the employees to be in touch with the contacts that they have in their phone, email addresses and in the social media platforms. It helps the individuals to manage their relationships with their friends as well apart from their family (Harr et al. 2014). One of the biggest barriers is to be focused at work with all the tensions the employees have to go through after work. It maybe that the employee might be running late for office, so by mistake keeps the fan on and leaves for work. On reaching the meeting room, he remembers the problem that he encountered at home and cannot concentrate on the topic in the meeting. This hampers the relationship in the work culture as well as the homely environment (Deery and Jago 2015). Cozi, an app that keeps all the necessary information in one place because it includes the calendars, journals and the recipe managers which help the employees to maintain a safety at both the places. Time planning is also an important part in the life of the employees so that they do not miss out the finer things in life. The Weekly Planner app in Android and the Week Plan app in iOS help to ensure that individuals have time to do what they want apart from their busy work schedule and are effective in taking care of the household chores (Todd and Binns 2013). Conclusion and Recommendation The recommendations for an effective work life balance aims at providing equilibrium between work and life for the employees. The support from the management is very important in providing the policies regarding the balance between the work and life. The surveys of the employees at a regular basis help in understanding the needs of the workers so that designing the policies can be easy. The employees need to be assisted with understanding the work and giving it the priority during the working hours so that the employees do not create the notion of taking everything as equal importance with work. The managers and the supervisors need to undergo regular training so that they can understand the level of overwork in their staffs. Allowing work from home and granting sick leave without the certificate of the doctor needs to be kept in mind so that the employees can have the trust on its organization. The need of the apps needs to be discussed with the employees so that they are not overwo rked with the pressure they have in the organization and not become bored with the quality of work. It helps the organization to reduce the absenteeism level in its working culture by improving the morale of the employees and retaining the organizational knowledge of the staffs during the harsh economic conditions of the company. In the global scenario of the present world, the aim of the companies is to reduce their costs and to achieve that the professional human resource management team has to understand the work and life balance method very critically and find out the programs that will make the work and life very easy. The expectation level of the employees is high concerning the work flexibility in the modern society. Hence, some organizations think that the balance between work and life is of strategic importance. An organization with the support from the co-workers and the management will help the company to excel as it will have a flexible type of working option. To succeed, the organizations need to adapt the policy of give and take wherein the employer and the employees needs to be flexible a little so that small amounts of compromises can help in achieving the perfect personal and work lives. Reference List Allen, T.D., Lapierre, L.M., Spector, P.E., Poelmans, S.A., O'driscoll, M., Sanchez, J.I., Cooper, C.L., Walvoord, A.G., Antoniou, A.S., Brough, P. and Geurts, S., 2014. The link between national paid leave policy and workfamily conflict among married working parents.Applied Psychology,63(1), pp.5-28. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Cannizzo, F. and Osbaldiston, N., 2016. Academic work/life balance: A brief quantitative analysis of the Australian experience.Journal of Sociology,52(4), pp.890-906. Deery, M. and Jago, L., 2015. Revisiting talent management, work-life balance and retention strategies.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,27(3), pp.453-472. Fenech, M., 2014.Work-life balance within the social work profession(Bachelor's thesis, University of Malta). Gill, R. and Donaghue, N., 2016, February. Resilience, apps and reluctant individualism: Technologies of self in the neoliberal academy. InWomen's Studies International Forum(Vol. 54, pp. 91-99). Pergamon. Haar, J.M., Russo, M., Sue, A. and Ollier-Malaterre, A., 2014. Outcomes of worklife balance on job satisfaction, life satisfaction and mental health: A study across seven cultures.Journal of Vocational Behavior,85(3), pp.361-373. Iwata, N., 2016. Work-family life balance and psychological distress among Japanese junior-high school teachers.International Journal of Psychology,51, p.459. Jones, F., Burke, R.J. and Westman, M., 2013.Work-life balance: A psychological perspective. Psychology Press. Kundnani, N. and Mehta, P., 2016. Identifying the Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance of Employees in Banking Sector.PARIPEX-Indian Journal of Research,4(6). Lewis, S., Anderson, D., Lyonette, C., Payne, N. and Wood, S. eds., 2016.Work-Life Balance in Times of Recession, Austerity and Beyond: Meeting the Needs of Employees, Organizations and Social Justice. Routledge. Lyness, K.S. and Judiesch, M.K., 2014. Gender egalitarianism and worklife balance for managers: Multisource perspectives in 36 countries.Applied Psychology,63(1), pp.96-129. Rittinghouse, J.W. and Ransome, J.F., 2016.Cloud computing: implementation, management, and security. CRC press. Snell, S.A., Morris, S.S. and Bohlander, G.W., 2015.Managing human resources. Nelson Education. Stawarz, K., Cox, A.L., Bird, J. and Benedyk, R., 2013, April. I'd sit at home and do work emails: how tablets affect the work-life balance of office workers. InCHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems(pp. 1383-1388). ACM. Todd, P. and Binns, J., 2013. Worklife balance: is it now a problem for management?.Gender, Work Organization,20(3), pp.219-231. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Thoughts On Earth Essay Example For Students

Thoughts On Earth Essay This world has no place for genius. Artistry, love, beauty, creativity is warpedand mangled like raw steel into financial gain and social profiteering. Whathappened to the traveling gypsies, the gleemen and the circus? A generation oflost souls is found in this mess of suits and ties and pumps marching head onlike lemmings over the cliff to an end that is all too predictable. Education,Job, Marriage, Children, Retirement in Florida, and Death in a Mahogany Coffin 6Feet Under with the Other Poor Souls trapped there with you. No, no, no. No sir,thats not me. Me and Jimire going up somewhere else, somewhere that thefairy tales come true and dreams are waking memories. Nah, I dont want autopia, thats an illusion, man. I want magic. Thethird-star-on-the-right-andstraight-on-until-morning *censored* that yourmother packed into your head at night to shut you up and make you sleep. Youdidnt know it then but its only when you do sleep that you ever find thisplace. A few pockets of leftover ma gic from a time past and present in aparallel future all hidden in deep glorious caves of wonder guarded by flamingred swords and fake walls and Mr. SandMans sleepy, dusty, night beams. We will write a custom essay on Thoughts On Earth specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Creativity is just memories of a time, a place, a generation that wasnt lostin the briar patch of reality, a muck of modernity that we find ourselves innow. I guess Im just waiting for that next life to take me back, pull me freeof this tar pit hell hole where a smile is a sneer and a friend is a foe. I pitythose who dont realize the beauty of a soul smile, a child in her own world. In the sand box: they are they only ones who know how to get back to that place,but no one believes them. Even I have trouble now. I get glimpses into the lifeI want to lead because its right but a craving deep inside tells me thattheres more and Im just not looking hard enough, taping the wrong vein;startling myself awake from the wrong dream. I want to break out. I feel likeIm just sitting out on life, just watching the silly people go by, on theirsilly missions. But I cant tell if Im just being lazy and waiting forsomething to happen or if Im dreaming a nightmare-ish existence in a Hellcalled Earth and when I do finally wake up again Ill be back where I belong. Click you heels three times, Dorothy and say, Theres no place likehome, cause theres no place like home, cause theres no place likehome. Ill meet you there, I guess, cause Im not sure what time mytrains coming in. And maybe, just maybe my place is real; but maybe its onethats just a little bit higher than your own.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How the technology impact education

It is noted that technology plays a significant role in spheres of life and the field of education is not an exception. Freeman Dyson said, â€Å"Technology is a gift from God†¦ it is the mother of civilization, of art and of science† (Koschmann et al, 1994). Technology in education is associated with a number of advantages which include saving time, automating operation, increasing accuracy and precision among others.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on How the technology impact education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Technology has ensured that instructors and teachers are in a better position to disseminate knowledge and at the same time help learners to understand fully and grasp knowledge. This is because technology has acted as medium of communication between instructors and students as well as adds a fun-element to learning. Additionally technology is thought to have increased the level of inter action between the relevant stakeholders. Both audio and visual media for instance, PowerPoint and associated animations are utilized to provide learners with information in an interactive way. The major driving force for using this kind of technology is that it helps elicit interest from learners. Additionally, PowerPoint and animations act as visual aid to instructors and lecturers. On the same note, the uses of projectors and screens have made it possible for instructors to reach a large number of students. The result of this arrangement is that, there have been tremendous improvement in learners’ attendance and attentiveness hence improved academic achievement and performance. According to Coley, Cradler Engel, 1997 technology advancement brought internet development. The advantage of the same is linked to information accessibility and search. Through Google and other search engines, students are able to acquire knowledge from the internet. This is used to augment what t hey have been taught in class. Considering the fact that the searches are prompt, learners can get desired information within a second which they can use to enhance their knowledge and skills. Technology is also thought of enhancing the advancement of online education, blended learning and distance learning. In particular, online and distance learning have made institutions of higher learning to admit students not based on the bed capacity. Additionally, students from overseas have been able to enroll and get degree certificates from recognized Universities without traveling and being present in classrooms physically.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A platform to share notes, assignments submission and discuss among students and their instructors contributed significantly to development of distance learning (O’Dwyer et al., 2005). More importantly through technology the school board can engage in serious discussions with other stakeholders such as the government, Non Governmental Organizations among others through video conferencing. This saved schools millions of dollars that could have been used for accommodation, transport among other expenses. On the same note, some activities in education sectors have been automated hence saving time and manpower. It would be rational to bring to light some disadvantages of technology in education and challenges facing its adoption. It is worth noting that it tends to deny some individuals job opportunities due to its ability to automate certain activities. Additionally, the initial efforts to adopt it are very expensive. It is also dependant on other infrastructure such as electricity and this really put schools in rural areas particularly in third world countries at a disadvantage when it comes to adopting or using technology in education (Casey, 1997). In conclusion, it is with no doubt that technology has made learning as well as sharing of knowledge be an interactive as well as enjoyable activity. Experts in the field of education have acknowledged that technology is another gift from God to human beings. References Casey, J. (1997). Early literacy: The empowerment of technology. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. Coley, J., Cradler, J. Engel, K. (1997). Computers and classrooms: The status of technology in U.S. schools. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, Policy Information Center.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on How the technology impact education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Koschmann, T. et al. (1994). Using technology to assist in realizing effective learning and instruction: A principled approach to the use of computers in collaborative learning. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 3(1): 227-264. O’Dwyer, L. et al. (2005). Examining the relationship between home and school computer use a nd students’ English/Language Arts test scores. The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment, 3(3): 23-37. This essay on How the technology impact education was written and submitted by user Christina Wagner to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Constitutional and administrative law The WritePass Journal

Constitutional and administrative law Abstract Constitutional and administrative law has given powers to the Secretary of State to undertake certain administrative tasks such as the licensing of tyre storage and their destruction. A statement was also made that any decisions on the part of the Secretary of State cannot be challenged in a court of law, and the Secretary of State is given wide discretionary power under the statutory provisions. With this in mind and following certain concerns by three different companies, as well as a pressure group, the question has arisen as to whether or not the powers exercised by the Secretary of State in these scenarios could be subject to judicial review. Introduction The paper here will look, firstly, at the legal principles associated with judicial review, including identifying who may bring an action to judicial review and the grounds for such action, before applying this to the set of facts presented in relation to the individual entities in this case study. Judicial Review – Rules Judicial review provides a procedure whereby an individual or relevant group of individuals can bring an action in court to argue that a public body acted in an unlawful manner (IRC, 1982). Broadly speaking, judicial review will fall into one of three categories: where a public body has acted illegally, i.e. failing to apply the law in the relevant manner; has acted irrationally by making a logical decision; or has undertaken some form of procedural impropriety which means that it has not followed the correct procedure. Where an action for judicial review is successful, the court may then quash the act undertaken by the public body or may require it to review the situation or may refrain the body from acting in the manner that it has been acting, previously. A typical example of this would be a declaration by the High Court that the public body had acted in an unlawful manner and would therefore require it to act differently, in the future (Fulham Corporation 1921). Firstly, it is noted that judicial review is available against a decision made by a public body and, in this case, the Secretary of State for the Environment is a public body making public decisions and would therefore be potentially subject to judicial review, regardless of the statement that it cannot be held accountable in court (Hampshire Farmers Market Ltd., 2004). The individual bringing the action must also have sufficient standing in order to make the application (as defined by Section 31(3) of the Senior Courts Act 1981). In accordance with this section, it is stated that the permission shall not be given to bring an action, unless it is considered that the applicant has sufficient interest in the matter to bring the action (Gough, 1993). Having been allowed to bring an action to judicial review, the next stage is to identify the grounds for challenge of the public authority’s behaviour. Each of the three grounds will be looked at in turn, as each is potentially relevant, in this case. The classification of the grounds that will be discussed here was first established in the Minister for the Civil Service case decided in 1985. Under the heading of illegality, there are several grounds for challenge, with one of the most common aspects of this being where there are allegations that the legislation has been misinterpreted (Anisminic 1969).Crucially, a decision can be deemed to be illegal for the purposes of judicial review, if the decision making body has ignored relevant considerations, or is taking irrelevant considerations into account when making decisions. This is particularly relevant when it comes to a situation whereby the public authority has a relatively high level of discretion in applying the rules and regulations by which it is guided. It is however noted that where the public authority is taking into account legally relevant factors and the decision they make is ultimately rationale this cannot then be queried simply because one of the parties does not agree (ex parte Westminster City Council 1986). L Diplcok also placed a large emphasis on the second ground for challenging the actions of the public body which is on the basis of irrationality. He stated that the decision would be deemed to be irrational if it could be seen as â€Å"so, outrageous in its defiance of logic or accepted moral standards, that no sensible person, whether applied his mind to the question that have arrived at it.† (Associated Provincial 1948)This ground for judicial review is somewhat different than the other two in that it looks at the substance of the decision, but will only allow for judicial review where the decision is outrageous and again, not simply because one of the parties disagree (Barnett 2010). Secondly, also under the umbrella issue of irrationality is that of proportionality meaning that the public body needs to make proportional decisions in order to achieve the underlying aim of the powers given to the public authority. For example it may be seen as disproportionate to prevent a particular protest march from taking place where it would have been possible to protect public safety by simply choosing an alternative route. Proportionality is seen as being particularly relevant when it comes to the European convention on human rights is also an issue that is dealt with when looking at decisions relating to the application of the European convention on human rights under UK law. Fundamentally therefore, where the public body has acted in a way that is disproportionate this could be used as an example of irrationality and therefore offer an opportunity for judicial review (Daly, 2001). Finally there is the category of procedural impropriety which deals with an allegation that the public body has not used the processes and procedures required in order to make the decisions that it has made (Oliver 1987). A distinction is drawn between a procedural requirement which is perceived as being mandatory and a simple direction with any breach of a mandatory requirement allowing for judicial review on the grounds procedurally proprietary. There are also rules associated with natural justice, which are linked to procedural requirements and where it has been a breach of natural justice it is likely that judicial review of the procedurally proprietary will be allowed (Lloyd, 1987). For example, there are specific rules of natural justice, which ensured that no bias is shown and that each individual has the right to a fair hearing. An individual will have a legitimate expectation of how their case should be dealt with and a failure to offer the opportunity to have a fair hearing could result in procedural impropriety (Nottinghamshire CC 1986). Unlike other countries there is not a general requirement under English administrative law to give reasons for decisions however it may be required by statute to provide reasons and this would then prevail. Rules relating to legitimate expectation are also likely to be relevant as it is only reasonable that individuals form expectations on how their own situation will be treated and failure to comply with this can result in procedural impropriety (Fairmount 1976). Once an action for judicial review is successful, there are several different remedies which may be available, including a declaration of incompatibility as well as options for the court to nullify the decision made by the public authority by the requirement for the relevant authority to revisit their decision and to comply with the public authority duties that are relevant (Liverpool Corporation 1972). Bearing in mind the various different issues associated with judicial review the position in relation to the four possible claims for judicial review will be looked at in turn. Alpha Ltd (A) Two decisions have been made that A is confused by. These issues are firstly, the refusal to offer a grant for the recycling expansion due to environmental concerns and secondly, the requirement to cease trading due to the lack of licence. A stores no more than 1000 tyres at a time and these are shredded within 12 months. Schedule 1 (B) states that a licence is not required where the tyres are stored for less than 12 months and there are less than 1000 stored at any point in time. Based on this interpretation it would seem irrational that the Secretary of State for the Environment failed to allow the exemption to apply and this would result in a declaration being made and the position having to be re-considered. By contrast it is simply stated that a recycling grant would require the applicant to show that the waste to be recycled will not be harmful to the environment. It is argued here that the belief by the Secretary of State that the chosen recycling approach by A would be harmful and as such it would be appropriate to refuse the grant and could not be deemed to be irrational or disproportionate as it would seem reasonable to disallow a grant that would potentially support some form of non environmentally friendly approach. Beta Ltd (B) An application for a licence has been rejected by the Secretary of State by B as it is using technologies that are seen to be safe and have been proved as such in Germany but has not gained approval in the UK as is required under the statutory provisions. This presents a reasonably difficult position when it comes to judicial review as it could be argued that the Secretary of State has followed the requirements under the statutory provision yet has potentially acted in a disproportionate manner and has failed to take into account the tests that have taken place in Germany. Despite the potential argument of irrationality that B could put forward, it is suggested on balance that the Secretary of State has followed the processes contained within the statutory provisions and therefore it is unlikely that judicial review will be successful in this situation. Gamma Ltd (G) G has also been refused a licence despite having a strong environmental record. G was initially afforded a licence automatically however this was reneged and G was told to apply for a licence which was ultimately refused due to the previous investigations relating to the theft of tyres, this was not an environmental issue. It is also suggested that bias is being shown as the decision maker was involved in the original investigation. Bearing both of these points in mind it is suggested that the judicial review would be successful on the grounds of procedural improprietary on the grounds of bias as well as illegality as the rules contained within the statutory provision have not been applied appropriately with the relevant investigations needing to be environmental in nature if a licence is to be rejected. Tyred Out (T) T is a special interest group looking at environmental issues associated with the disposal of tyres and is arguing that Delta (D) should not be granted a licence due to a poor environmental record. Firstly it is concluded based on the concepts of material interest that T is able to bring an action for judicial review as it has sufficient interest. Secondly it has been put forward by the Secretary of State that a licence was granted based on the devastating potential on the employment in the area despite poor environmental records. It would be necessary to look therefore whether the decision was rational and proportionate, something which it is suggested based on the facts here that the decision was indeed appropriate and could not be deemed irrational. Discretion is given to the Secretary of State and this discretion has seemingly been applied appropriately making it unlikely that judicial review will be successful. Conclusions By looking at the specific rules and applying this to the four scenarios presented, it could be seen that there are mixed results with judicial review being likely to be successful in the case of Gamma Ltd and partly in relation to Alpha Ltd but would be unsuccessful in the other areas. References Anisminic Ltd v.Foreign Compensation Commission [1969] 2 AC 147 Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v. Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223) Attorney-General v. Fulham Corporation, ex relatione Yapp [1921] 1 Ch 440, Barnett, H (2010) Constitutional Administrative Law, Taylor Francis Bradley, A.W. and Ewing, K.D., (2003) Constitutional and Administrative Law, Pearson. Council of Civil Service Unions v. Minister for Civil Service [1985] AC 374 Fairmount Investments Ltd v. Secretary of State for the Environment [1976] 1 WLR 1255 IRC v. NFSESB [1982] AC 617. Lloyd v McMahon [1987] AC 625 Nottinghamshire CC v. Secretary of State for the Environment [1986] 1 AC 240 Oliver, D (1987)Is the Ultra Vires Rule the Basis of Judicial Review? [1987] P.L. 543 R(Daly) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2001] 2 AC 532 R (on the application of Beer) v. Hampshire Farmers Market Ltd [2004] 1 WLR 233 R v. Gough [1993] AC 646 R v. Liverpool Corporation, ex parte Liverpool Taxis [1972] 3 WLR 224 Constitutional and Administrative Law Introduction Constitutional and Administrative Law IntroductionBibliographyRelated Introduction In British constitutional theory and practice there is a clear-cut distinction between law and convention.   Law derives from common law and statute, and is enforceable by the courts.   Convention derives from constitutional principle and practice and is not enforceable by the courts.   Law remains in force until changed by statute.   Convention may change with changing times.   Law, at least if statutory, is ascertainable in precise form.   Convention is often imprecise and may be nowhere formulated in categorical terms. (Professor H.W.R. Wade) Is this an accurate explanation of the distinctive nature of law and convention in relation to the British constitution? Professor H.W.R Wade produced a statement highlighting a clear-cut distinction between the nature of law and convention in relation to the British Constitution. Throughout this essay I shall critically asses the validity and accuracy of his explanation by taking an in depth look at key concepts, doctrines and comments to evaluate whether a distinction exists   between the nature of law and convention. Whilst Britain does not have a single codified document called ‘The Constitution’, it would be deceptive to assert that the constitution is unwritten. Indeed, Britain’s constitution has been cultivated from multiple key constitutional sources which make it possible to approach a description of the constitution. These sources can be found in the decisions of the courts in the form of dictum or in the interpretation of statute. With Britain being a member state of the European Union part of the constitution can emanate from EU Law, the Royal Prerogative, and a distinct part is found in historical arrangements and practices known as conventions. I shall be focusing primarily on the nature of law and conventions, in relation to the British constitution in order to assess whether a distinctions is visible between the two constitutional sources. Professor Wade asserts that â€Å"Law derives from common law and statute, and is enforceable by the courts. Convention derives from constitutional principle and practice is not enforceable by the courts†. Accordingly, it would be just to establish that from a precise detailed point of view, this statement can be seen to be contentious. This is primarily because Professor Wade highlights that the â€Å"Law derives from common law and statute† however what he seizes to base emphasis on is the mere fact that conventions set a key agenda in the crafting of statute and common law reasoning; in the words of Sir Ivor Jennings â€Å"conventions provide the flesh which clothes the dry bones of the law†[1] Thus, evidently the legal hierarchy of the British constitution is everywhere penetrated, transformed and inherently effected by an inevitable element of convention, and a failure to adhere to an important convention might lead Parliament to cast a disputed practice int o legislative form. An example of this is The Parliament Act 1911, which was enforced after the House of Lords exceeded conventional limits on its power, rejecting, in 1909, a finance bill (Lloyd George’s ‘People’s Budget’). This consequently undermines, to some extent, the clear-cut distinction Professor Wade respectively explains, in that, if conventions are so interconnected in the cultivation of   the natural form of law as mentioned above then a distinction cannot be clear-cut or even made, and this connection will always bind the natural law and conventions. Evidently the natural form of law is enforceable by the courts. Professor Wade makes a distinction here between the nature of law and convention by stating that â€Å"Law is enforceable by the courts.Convention is not enforceable by the courts† The issue here arises with regards to the validity of this statement. Are conventions indeed distinctly dissimilar to the nature of law in that they are not enforceable by the courts? Indeed, conventions are rules and are part of the constitutional order, interrelated and interwoven to some extent, however relatively distinguishable from the natural form of law as Professor Wade asserts. The key distinction is in the nature of the enforcement and of the sanction. As mentioned above the natural form of law is inherently enforced in the courts; however it could be debated as to whether conventions are fully applied in courts (discussed further below), conventions are most certainly non-legal but nonetheless binding rules of constitutional behaviour. A good example of this is the convention of ministerial responsibility. It is a convention which holds ministers wholly and individually responsible to Parliament. If a minister knowingly misleads parliament for example he or she will be expected to resign from office. If no resignation is forthcoming the minister would be acting unconstitutionally and NOT illegally. A court of law could not compel a resignation in this situation. Nonetheless, in the case of R. v Secretary of State for the Home Department Ex p. Hosenball[2] the court had relaxed the rules of natural justice â€Å"for the protection of the realm† in a case were the Secretary of State had considered information that Mr.Hosenball, while resident in the United Kingdom, had sought and obtained for publication information harmful to the security of the United Kingdom. This case proves that the courts were willing to shape up the natural form of the law and enforce a convention for public interest in order to ensure the security of the ‘realm’. A key point to address in this case was that the Secretary of State had not arguably acted fairly in that Mr.Hosenball was denied a fair trial. In today’s court this would infringe article 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998. Therefore, it would be fair to establish that in today’s courts the judiciary would have taken a different approach to tackling the aforementioned case. So is Professor Wade accurate in explaining that a distinction between the nature of law and convention exists on the basis that law is enforceable by the courts and convention is not? Certainly the above case contradicts to this to some extent; however a reluctance of the modern courts to enforce conventions has crafted this distinction, making Professor Wade’s distinction relatively accurate on this basis. However as highlighted by the convention of ministerial responsibility a distinction can be formed between a convention and the natural form of law on the basis that acting unconstitutionally differs from acting illegally as highlighted above. Professor Wade explains that a distinction exists between the nature of law and convention on the basis that â€Å"Law remains in force until changed by statute, and convention may change with changing times†. Accordingly Professor Wade is to some extent right in this distinction, in that we have seen numerous acts of parliament being superseded and changed by more modern statutes. Furthermore, it would be fair to establish that courts accept the validity of the acts of Parliament and have validated the concept of Parliamentary Sovereignty, and although the courts do not directly challenge legislation passed down by Parliament, a strong part of the constitution comprises of common law and not solely statute law, particularly in certain cases involving private law including tort and contract law. Thus to some extent it could be inaccurate and problematic to assert that â€Å"law remains in force until changed by statute†. Furthermore, Professor Wade, establishes that â€Å"conventions may change with changing times†. He is indeed relatively accurate in making this statement, as proven by the ‘Widdicombe Convention’ which was formally recorded to resolve any conventional ambiguities with regards to the media and publicity campaigns. This convention was effectively the result of the growing media and the influence it had on society. This convention inherently proves the accuracy of Professor Wade’s explanation that ‘conventions may change with times’. However the legitimacy of this distinction is inaccurate in a sense on the grounds that even the law may change with time, after all, this is why we have a parliament and a superior court system. With changes in society comes change in the law, this is the basic foundation of any competent legal system. Alas, this asserts that Professor Wade’s distinction is relatively inaccurate as both the natural form of la w and conventions change with time in order to sufficiently meet the ever changing needs of our society. Another distinction Professor Wade explains in his statement is that the â€Å"law, at least if statutory, is ascertainable in precise form, convention is often imprecise and may be nowhere formulated in categorical forms† To some extent it can be rather contentious to assert that statutory law is precise in its form. This is merely because a broad term may be used in a statute which can give rise to confusion and uncertainty, developments in society can make the words used in a statute out of date and they may no longer cover the current situation. An example of this is in Section 53, Coroners and Justice Act 2009 c. 25[3]. However the important distinction made here is the statement asserting that â€Å"conventions are often imprecise and may be nowhere formulated in categorical form†. A good authority which validly contradicts to this inaccurate distinction is the convention of ministerial responsibility which is included in the Ministerial Code, which is issued upon appointment to all ministers by the Prime Minister.   The convention clearly sets out the conventions and codes of practice as a minister. Thus, in conclusion after critically assessing Professor Wade’s explanation of the distinctive nature of law and convention in relation to the British constitution I have established that some of the distinctions he explains are more accurate than others. Initially the Parliament Act 1911 proved that failure to adhere to an important convention might lead Parliament to cast a disputed practice into legislative form which undermined Professor Wade’s explanation, and proves that convention can indeed constitute into law. Furthermore the case of R. v Secretary of State for the Home Department Ex p. Hosenball[4] proved that a convention could to some extent be enforceable in order to ensure the protection of the ‘realm’. I also established that Professor Wade was accurate in asserting that a â€Å"convention may change in time† as proven by the Widdicombe Convention, however his distinction could be seen as inaccurate as even the natural form of law can be changed in time to suit the needs of society. The convention of ministerial responsibility’s clarity contradicts Professor Wade’s distinction which stated that â€Å"that convention is imprecise in comparison to the precise form of law†. Therefore the aforementioned examples highlight that Professor Wade’s respective explanation although rightful in some aspects; the distinctions made can seem too broad and relatively inaccurate in some arspects in defining a convention and comparing it to the natural form of law. Bibliography Ward, R. (1997) Cases on Constitutional Administrative Law 4th edition, Pitman Publishing Horsey, K. (2009) Tort Law, Oxford University Press Leyland, P. (2007) The Constitution of the United Kingdom, Hart Publishing Turpin, C. (2007) British Government and the Constitution 6th edition, Cambridge University Press

Thursday, November 21, 2019

In what ways does social class and cultural capital have an impact on Essay

In what ways does social class and cultural capital have an impact on consumer behavior - Essay Example Somewhat a form of object worship, some consumers in society in higher social classes, as one example, tend to prefer the outward presentation of consumed products to reflect their social standing. Cultural capital is a bit different than social class, consisting of the values, beliefs and individual tastes that provide differentiation between one member of society and another. Oftentimes, cultural capital is not necessarily determined by social class. It is important, especially for companies attempting to market their products, to understand the social class characteristics and cultural capital of segmented members of society in order to create relevant communications and promotions that reflect these values and social hierarchies. Why is this? Oftentimes, it is the psychological premises pre-existing within consumers that determine their willingness to make purchases of generic or luxury products and marketers must align their selling practices with these values and beliefs. To be tter understand the level to which social class and cultural capital impact consumer behaviour, the project explores the concept of conspicuous consumption, status consumption, and also the imperatives of service quality in relation to consumption behaviour. It can be reasonably concluded that there are many disparities between social class and cultural capital, as well as changing attitudes and values associated with reference groups and their role in self-assessment that make it difficult to classify, concretely, the correlative relationship between social class and cultural capital. However, both influence consumption behaviour in their own distinct fashion. Social class and the relationship to consumption behaviour In the United Kingdom, there are five distinct social classes that are determined by occupation and income resource availability. There is the lower class which is on the lowest echelon in the social hierarchy, consisting generally of individuals making ?15,000 annual ly and often holding minimal educational credentials. This follows with a working class that is slightly more resource-rich than the working class, a lower middle class segment, and an upper middle class that generally holds higher-paying administrative and managerial jobs at approximately ?62,000 annually for the single household. Followed with this is an upper class that maintains high capital resources and generally a substantial educational background. Why is understanding the social hierarchy between classes important in understanding consumption behaviour? Henry (2005) performed a primary research study that involved participants from the working class and different levels of the middle class to determine what factors determined their unique or collective consumption behaviours. Henry (2005) hypothesized that class status would determine empowerment or disempowerment in consumption practices that would be impacted by economic factors and psychological impressions carried by th e different classes. The findings of the study indicated that those in the working class felt highly disempowered, believing themselves to be in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Media analysis paper examining leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media analysis paper examining leadership - Essay Example In episode 2 of restaurant impossible, the men’s teams are meeting to chant the way forward on an advertisement campaign to promote restaurant services (Cathy 2014). Robert Irvine who is the project manager depicts a number of characteristics leadership where he portrays a discursive technique by engaging his fellow members. We see Irvine trying to convey direct directives and bringing to the fore challenging questions for other members to ponder and find the best approach to undertake. Irvine comes up with a proposal on division of labour in form of statements, for instance he uses the phrase ‘need’ to assign roles (Northouse 2013). Robert Irvine exemplifies himself as a leader by dominating the floor as the resultant task assigner and spells out his role as the floater. According to the different leadership theories, Irvine portrays that a leader is born and made. In this perspective we find that Irvine is influenced by the situation to stand with his team to make the best alternatives. The situation influences him to stand out as the coordinator of the campaign. This can be cemented by the attributes and the use of ‘okay’ which is an approach that ensures that the members completely comprehend their roles, this is typical to most leaders as a leader as to ensure that the subordinates are ready for the tasks. Irvine displays a high degree of leadership which according to a member of his team is a positive technique (Northouse 2013). In episode 4, Robert Irvine travels to Italy to save a collapsing Italy restaurant. Robert Irvine is recognized as the leader and allowed to adopt all the changes he may require in the group. Robert Irvine accused of trying to curtail the decisions that his team mates makes on the business campaign, a member is quoted saying ‘you’re obviously getting mad that I’m thinking on my own’.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

When and Why to Think about Retirement and Estate Planning Essay

When and Why to Think about Retirement and Estate Planning - Essay Example As soon as an individual gets work and immediately they are through paying off their student’s loans, then retirement kitty should be the next important investment they start to make to avoid re-entering the workforce once they have retired because they have no savings to see them through their old-age period. Action should also be taken immediately because of the uncertainty of the future and what may happen to an individual’s job and hence the retirement saving’s may come in handy in case of early and forced retirement or in case of a disability. According to Blue and White in their book, retirement is in phases and the most successful of retirements comes with early thoughts and action towards accumulation phase (Blue and White, 2008). I have already started making plans for my retirement to avoid stresses in my retirement years of having to burden my family to take care of me or having to start depending on the little social security funds or even start looking for work when am already retired. Everyone should think of retirement because it is never too early to start having a retirement kitty or to start planning one’s estate (Gitman, et al.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Peace of Westphalia, 1648

The Peace of Westphalia, 1648 In 1648, the Peace of Westphalia signalled the end of a decades old European conflict. It is difficult to decipher the true meaning of the Peace of Westphalia because it represented the end of a war which ended in a way which was different from where it began. Religious confrontation morphed into a struggle and opportunity to advance state strategic interests. However, Leo Gross, Andreas Osiander, and Derek Croxton each make varying arguments on the effects of the Peace of Westphalia. In The Peace of Westphalia, 1648-1948, Leo Gross contends that the Peace of Westphalia is significant because it consecrated the principle of toleration by establishing the equality between Protestant and Catholic states and by providing some safeguards for religious minorities.  [1]  Thus, he states the Peace of Westphalia was the starting point for the development of modern international law.  [2]  Essentially, no one country would have a right (divine or other) to have power over another, as each states was acknowledged as sovereign. However, although this would be nice in theory, history has shown that Europe bled itself dry because of conflicts in the centuries following the Peace of Westphalia. Gross states that the Peace of Westphalia marked mans abandonment of the idea of hierarchical structure of society and his opinion for a new system characterized by the coexistence of a multiplicity of states, each sovereign within its territory, equal to one another, and free fr om any external earthly authority.  [3]  This statement is fundamentally flawed, although perhaps in theory, each state was equal they were absolutely not equal. It would be foolish to treat all states following the Peace of Westphalia as equally sovereign. For example he German states gained the right to ally themselves with states outside of the Holy Roman Empire, but the Swiss and the Dutch gained de facto sovereignty. Gross strengthens his argument when he acknowledges precedents set by previous treaties; however his constant romanticization of the Peace of Westphalia harms his argument, as it seems he focuses on his nostalgic viewpoint of the Peace of Westphalia.  [4]  Because no formal declaration of sovereignty existed at the time of the Peace of Westphalia, the parties involved found it individually beneficial to advance their national strategic interests, by enhancing state power. For example, Frances cardinal Richelieu was a brilliant realist strategist. Even thoug h the Austria and Spain were Catholic powers, he believed that Frances national interest could be advanced by opposing these two powers. France even continued to fight Spain while seeking a separate peace with Austria. Moreover, Grosss argument contains a glaring post hoc ergo. Gross states that we should search not so much in the text of the treaties themselves as in their implications, in the broad conceptions on which they rest and the developments to which they provided impetus.  [5]  The fallacy is that Gross claims that because the Peace of Westphalia was before our modern conception of sovereignty, it does not necessarily follow that the Peace of Westphalia alone created our modern conception of sovereignty. There were many more factors at play. Grosss argument is too straightforward as it assumes that all actors following the war were fundamentally equal. In Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth, Andreas Osiander contends that The Peace of Westphalia is a product of nineteenth and twentieth century fixation on the concept of sovereignty. I conclude by discussing how what I call the ideology of sovereignty has hampered the development of IR theory  [6]  According to Osiander the (Thirty Years) war continued because the Swedish and French crowns wanted to enhance their positions in Europe.  [7]  He comes to a conclusion that if the war war not fought to ward off a threat to the independence of other European actors posed by the Hasburg dynasty, then the tradition of the 1648 peace cannot be right either  [8]  Nineteenth and twentieth century historians readily espoused the view somehow that the Danes, Dutch, French, and Swedes were really defending themselves while also selflessly helping others to ward off oppression  [9]  He claims this is why the Peace of Westphalia is often seen as an anti-he gemonial order.  [10]  He directly accuses Leo Gross as spreading this false view. Osiander claims that many subsequent literature on this view, assume Grosss views to be self evident and implied in the treaty. Osiner strengthens his argument when he quotes another scholar who agree with him, Stephen Krassner. Osiander claims that history has viewed the Hasburgs as the villains of the Thirty Years War, and that the original crisis did not break out because the Hasburgs were powerful, but because they were weak.  [11]  Andreas Osiander views the Peace of Westphalia through the viewpoint of a postmodernist. He is challenging our previous knowledge of the Peace of Westphalia, and underlying assumptions held by previous scholars. He is purposely reversing traditional notions of historical interpretations such as the belief of the Hasburg dynasty as the villains of the Thirty Years War. Osiander is correct to warn there may be a harm of placing our values, our beliefs, onto histo rical events. Osianders argument is important as it forces us to re-examine commonly held beliefs about the Peace of Westphalia and its significance. Moreover he claims that Sovereignty as currently understood does not go back to the seventeenth century; that even then and nevertheless, relations among autonomous actors were perfectly possible without waiting for the concept to be invented; that the degree of autonomy of the actors might very.  [12]  He strengthens his argument when he acknowledges that the relationships between the actors involved in the Peace of Westphalia were very complex. In The Peace of Westphalia of 1648 and the Origins of Sovereignty, Derek Croxton doubts as whole, that sovereignty was a main principle of the Peace of Westphalia. Croxtons main argument is that de facto sovereign states existed at a time when few statesmen had anything like the modern conception of sovereign equality as the founding notion of the international system.  [13]  Croxton acknowledges that the main difficulty of the origins of sovereignty lies not in rulers which claims themselves to be sovereign but other leaders who acknowledge that sovereignty.  [14]  He accurately points out that papal authority was already in decline, the Peace of Westphalia just quickened the pace of the decline.  [15]  Croxton states that many scholars claim that sovereignty was dispersed to kings and princes in the Holy Roman Empire following its defeat in the Thirty Years war. However, he bluntly and correctly notes that the Holy Roman Empire lasted for another 158 years  [16]  an d that although the estates were given new rights, including the right to make alliances with outside powers and a territorial right of dominions, the rights demonstrate the limits to their sovereignty rather than its triumph superiority within their own.  [17]  Moreover, Croxton claims that The idea of sovereignty was not new in the 1640s; the question was whether sovereignty should be multipolar.  [18]  This view correctly challenges the assumption that the Peace of Westphalia was a groundbreaking event, even though it did make changes to the international system of politics. Throughout the readings, it is apparent that the relationship between the European states was very complicated, intricate, and included interrelationships based upon numerous factors. These factors could include a balance of religious, imperial, interstate and intrastate relationships. The Peace of Westphalia promoted the division of power, but ironically it also created a new balance of power among the European states. The The Peace of Westphalia promoted more moderation on behalf of all states, as whenever a power tried to dominate Europe (i.e. Napoleonic France or Hitlers Germany), there emerged a coalition of opposing forces to restore the balance of power. The balance of power did not avoid crisis, but it did create an equilibrium in which no one state had the ability to completely dominate the others.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Twenty-One

â€Å"What's taking so long?† Bonnie asked, bouncing on the bal s of her feet. â€Å"Stop being so hyper,† Meredith said absently, craning her neck to see over the crowd outside McAl ister. There was some kind of bottleneck by the entrance to the dorm that was slowing everyone down. She shivered in her thin top; it was starting to get cold at night. â€Å"Security's at the door,† Bonnie said as they got closer to the entrance. â€Å"Are they carding people to get in?† Her voice was shril with outrage. â€Å"They're just checking that you have a student ID,† someone in the crowd told her, â€Å"to make sure you're not a crazed kil er from off campus.† â€Å"Yeah,† his friend said. â€Å"Only on-campus kil ers al owed.† A couple of people laughed nervously. Bonnie fel silent, biting her lip, and Meredith shivered again, this time for reasons that had nothing to do with the cold. When they final y got to the front of the line, the security guards glanced quickly at their IDs and waved them through. Inside, it was crowded and music was pumping, but no one real y seemed to be in a partying mood. People stood in smal groups, talking in undertones and glancing around nervously. The presence of the security guards had reminded everyone of the danger lurking unseen on campus. Anyone could be responsible, even someone in the room at that very moment. As she thought about that, Meredith's view of the room shifted, the other students around her changing from innocent to sinister. That curly-headed frat boy in the corner – was he eyeing his pretty companion with something more than simple lust? The faces of strangers twisted viciously, and Meredith took a deep breath, calming herself until everyone looked normal again. Samantha was coming toward her, a red plastic cup in her hand. â€Å"Here,† she said, handing Meredith a soda. â€Å"Everyone's on edge tonight, it's creepy. We'd better stay alert and not drink,† she said, already on the same wavelength as Meredith. Bonnie squeezed Meredith's arm in fareWelland took off into the crowd to look for Zander. Meredith sipped her drink and warily eyed the strangers surrounding her. Despite the general malaise hanging over the party, some people were so wrapped up in each other that they were managing to have a good time anyway. She watched a couple kiss, as ful y focused on each other as if there was no one else in the world who mattered. They weren't worrying about the attacks and disappearances on campus, and Meredith found herself feeling a sharp pang of envy. She missed Alaric, missed him with a bone-deep longing that stayed with her, even when she wasn't consciously thinking about him. â€Å"The kil er could be right here at this party,† Samantha said unhappily. â€Å"Shouldn't we be able to sense something? How can we protect anyone if we don't know who we're up against?† â€Å"I know,† said Meredith. The crowd parted, and she saw a face she hadn't expected: Stefan, leaning against the far wal . His eyes lit up when he saw her, and he glanced past her with a hopeful half smile already forming on his lips. Poor guy. No matter what Meredith thought about Elena's decision to take a break – and, for the record, Meredith thought that Elena was doing the right thing; her entanglement with both Salvatore brothers meant that they had al been heading for trouble – she couldn't help pitying him. Stefan had the look of someone who was experiencing the same sharp pang of loneliness and desire as Meredith did when she thought of Alaric. It must be worse for him, because Elena was so close and because she chose to separate herself from him against his wishes. â€Å"Excuse me for a second,† she said to Samantha, and went to Stefan. He greeted her politely and asked about her classes and her hunter training, although she could tel that he was burning to talk about Elena. He had such good manners, always. â€Å"She's not here yet, but she's definitely coming,† she told him, interrupting one of his pleasantries. â€Å"She had something to do first.† His face bloomed into a smile of grateful relief, and then he frowned. â€Å"Elena's coming here alone?† he asked. â€Å"After al the attacks?† â€Å"No,† Meredith reassured him. She hadn't thought of this, and she didn't think she should tel him Elena was with Damon. â€Å"She's with other people,† she settled for saying and was glad that her answer seemed to satisfy him. Meredith sipped her drink and hoped grimly that Elena had the sense not to bring Damon to the party. Matt spotted Chloe from across the room. Tonight was the night, he decided. Enough playing around, enough exchanging glances and gentle, platonic hugs and hand squeezes. He wanted to know if she felt the same way he did, if she felt like maybe there was something between them worth exploring. She was talking to someone, a guy he recognized from Vitale, and her curly brown hair shone softly in the light from overhead. There was so much life in Chloe: the way she laughed, the way she listened to what the guy was saying, attentive and involved, her face focused. Matt wanted to kiss her, more than anything. So he started working his way across the room toward her, nodding at people he knew as he passed them. He didn't want to look too uncool and eager, not like he was making a beeline for her, but he didn't want to stop and lose her in the crowd, either. Matt. Matt jerked as if he'd been stung as the silent greeting hit him. Twisting around to see where it was coming from, he found Stefan standing right behind him and frowned irritably at him. He hated when Stefan got into his head like that. â€Å"You could have just said hi,† he told Stefan, as mildly as he could. â€Å"You know, out loud.† Stefan ducked his head apologetical y, his cheeks flushing. â€Å"I'm sorry,† he said. â€Å"That was rude of me, but I just wanted to get your attention. It's so loud in here.† He gestured around, and Matt wondered, as he sometimes had before, how the life of a modern teenager seemed to the vampire. Stefan had experienced more than Matt probably ever would, but the loud rock music and the press of bodies al around him seemed to make him uncomfortable, showing the cracks in his disguise as someone young. He tried hard, for Elena's sake, Matt knew. â€Å"I'm waiting for Elena,† Stefan said. â€Å"Have you seen her?† The lines of his face were anxious, and, just like that, Matt's picture of Stefan as someone too old, too out of place here, snapped. Stefan looked achingly young, lonely and worried. â€Å"Yeah,† Matt said. â€Å"I just saw her at the library. She said she was coming here later.† He bit his tongue to keep from adding that he'd seen her there with Damon, of al people. Matt wasn't quite sure what was going on between Elena and the brothers, but he figured Stefan didn't need to know that Elena and Damon were together. â€Å"I'm supposed to be staying away from her,† Stefan confided sadly. â€Å"She feels like she's coming between Damon and me, and she wants some time for us al to work things out before the two of us can be together again.† He glanced up at Matt, almost beseechingly. â€Å"But I thought since there are so many people here, it isn't like we'd be alone.† Matt took a swal ow of his beer, his mind working furiously. Now he knew he'd been right not to mention that Damon and Elena had been together. What game was Elena playing now? It was a shock, too, to realize how far out of the loop he'd gotten. When did al this happen? Since Christopher's death, he'd been avoiding his friends, spending so much time focused on the Vitale Society that he missed this big development in their lives. What else was he missing? Stefan was stil looking at him as if he was seeking some kind of approval, and Matt rubbed the back of his neck thoughtful y, then offered, â€Å"You should talk to her. Let her know how unhappy you are without her. Love is worth taking the chance.† As Stefan nodded, considering, Matt's eyes sought out Chloe in the crowd again. The guy she'd been talking to was gone, and she was alone for the moment, biting her lip as she looked around the room. Matt was about to excuse himself and head toward her when another voice spoke in his ear. â€Å"Hi, Matt, how's it going?† Ethan came up beside him, his golden brown eyes focused on Matt's. Matt felt himself straightening up and pul ing back his shoulders, trying to look loyal and honorable, a promising candidate, everything the Vitale wanted him to be. Matt saw this reaction to Ethan in the other pledges as Well: whatever Ethan wanted them to be or do, they wanted, too. Some people were just natural leaders, he guessed. They chatted for a minute, not about the Vitale Society, of course, not in front of Stefan, but simple friendly stuff about footbal and classes and the music that was playing, and then Ethan turned the warmth of his smile on Stefan. â€Å"Oh, uh, Ethan Crane, Stefan Salvatore,† Matt introduced them, adding, â€Å"Stefan and I went to high school together.† Stefan and Ethan started making conversation, and Matt looked for Chloe again. She wasn't in the last place he had seen her, and he started to panic, until he found her again in the crowd, moving to the music. â€Å"I can't help noticing just a slight accent, Stefan,† Ethan was saying. â€Å"Are you from Italy original y?† Stefan smiled shyly. â€Å"Most people don't hear it anymore,† he said. â€Å"My brother and I, we left Italy a long time ago.† â€Å"Oh, does your brother go here, too?† Ethan asked, and Matt decided the two of them seemed happy enough together and that it was okay for him to leave now. â€Å"I'l catch up with you guys later,† he said. Taking another swal ow of beer, Matt strode through the crowd, straight toward Chloe. Her eyes were shining, her dimples were showing, and he knew the time was right. Like he had told Stefan, love was worth taking the chance.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Eulogy †Hamlet Essay

Old friend, the glimmer of light you shone upon us is gone, as we lay, cloaked in darkness now, devoid of your warmth. Your friends, your associates, your country, your passing has us confined to mourning, you left us far too soon. You are now free. Free of your burdens my friend. With your mother and father in heaven your sole will rest for all eternity, while hear on earth, storm clouds have gathered. Your presence is sorely missed. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, was a man whose life touched many others. Perhaps the poet and Earl of Oxford, Edward De Vere, put it best when he said love, loyalty and kindness were the very essence of Hamlet. Love, loyalty and kindness. His friends and family, his beloved country, his people – all who knew the man and experienced his aura had but the deepest respect for him. Hamlet’s loyalty and love of his country was evident in all that he did. His military prowess and fluency with the sword always astonished me and his beautiful style amazed all those who had the opportunity to see him dual. His final dual against the late Laertes, perhaps best portrayed Hamlet’s elegant swordsmanship, a victory without losing a single point. A cheap shot from behind was the only way to bring Hamlet down it would seem. Hamlet’s wonderful ability to dual reflected his patriotism, as he mastered the art should he one day need to fight for his country. Perhaps the best indication of Hamlet’s love of his country shone bright at one of the darkest points of his life. When Hamlet learned of his father’s death he was overcome by grief, even more so when he first learned that he was murdered by the late King Claudius. Despite this, Hamlet overcame his emotion and intense desire for revenge , waiting until evidence of the murder could be procured. Despite such tragic circumstances, Hamlet delayed plans for revenge in order to avoid any further disruptions to the natural order, as such disruptions would bear down upon his country. Now that we have lost him, Denmark will have to endure times of unrest. His love of his country was only matched by his love of his family and friends. When Hamlet’s father passed away his love was such, that he spent weeks in inconsolable mourning. His love was such, that he could forgive his mother, the late Queen Gertrude, despite the incredible tension between them  and his belief that she had betrayed his father. His love was such, that his greatest regret was not revealing it to his darling, the late Ophelia, whom he adored with all his heart. I had the honour of experiencing his love as his friend for many years. During our time at school in Wittenburg, Hamlet’s companionship made it one of the most enjoyable periods of my life. It was during periods of great turmoil and anguish, however, when I was able to be there for Hamlet, that he truly showed his love for me as a brother. This kindness that Hamlet constantly showered on me was not just my unique privilege, but that of all people who met him. He had a definite interest in people and believed that all people were good people. This was why he had such difficulty in believing that his uncle Claudius could have murdered his father. His deep attraction to Ophelia, who was a symbol of beauty and innocence, showed his love of that which was good in the world. His readiness and want, to mix with all people, no matter whether they were nobles, players or commoners, he enjoyed the company of them all. Love, loyalty and kindness. Hamlet, you will forever remain in our hearts. We shall never forget you. You are free now prince. You are free.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Influence of the Cold War and the Space Race essays

The Influence of the Cold War and the Space Race essays The Influence of the Cold War and the Space Race On the Evolution of Todays Technology A few hundred key inventions have marked mankinds progress from the Stone Age to the Space Age. What were these inventions? Who made them possible? Where would the world be today if the space race would of not been part of our historical progress? Some people believe that mankind would have been better off left alone. This paper will demonstrate that the space race during the cold war has influenced the course of success of a new era of technology in many aspects improving the material prosperity of mankind. Since the early 1900, economic growth and strength of nations have been directly related to the ability of its people to make discoveries and their ability to transform these discoveries into useful products. A large portion of these discoveries where made during the space race of the cold war and became attributable to technological advancement. From the Abacus, the simplest form of calculating to the role of todays computer, from the early telegraph to todays satellite communi cations, from the simplest kite to todays Jet Engine Airplanes, from the first liquid-fuelled rocket to todays Space Shuttle, and much more to come, inventors, scientist, engineers, military forces and governments have all been responsible for those new discoveries made by mankind. Perhaps the most misleading catch-phrase learned in childhood is that Necessity is the mother of invention creating social compulsions no one knows how to control. (The Inventions, pg.8) In the 1980s, people were embroiled in many problems related to the evolution of technology, from those created by the microchip to those unleashed by the H-bomb. In contrast, invention springs from a divine discontent with things the way they are and a conviction that man can do better. It is a conviction mankind should do their best to c...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A History of Bow and Arrow Technology

A History of Bow and Arrow Technology Bow and arrow hunting (or archery) is a technology first developed by early modern humans in Africa, perhaps as long as 71,000 years ago. Archaeological evidence shows that the technology was certainly used by humans during the Howiesons Poort phase of Middle Stone Age Africa, between 37,000 and 65,000 years ago; recent evidence at South Africas Pinnacle Point cave tentatively pushes the initial use back to 71,000 years ago. However, there is no evidence that the bow and arrow technology was used by people who migrated out of Africa until the Late Upper Paleolithic or Terminal Pleistocene, at most 15,000-20,000 years ago. The oldest surviving organic elements of bows and arrows only date to the Early Holocene of about 11,000 years ago. Africa: Middle Stone Age, 71,000 years ago.Europe and Western Asia: Late Upper Paleolithic, although there are no UP rock art paintings of archers and the oldest arrow shafts date to the Early Holocene, 10,500 BP; the earliest bows in Europe are from the bog site of Stellmor in Germany, where 11,000 years ago someone lost a pine arrow shaft with nocks in the end.Japan / Northeast Asia: Terminal Pleistocene.North / South America: Terminal Pleistocene. Making a Bow and Arrow Set Based on modern-day San Bushmen bow-and-arrow manufacture, existing bows and arrows curated in South African museums as well as archaeological evidence for Sibudu Cave, Klasies River Cave, and Umhlatuzana Rockshelter in South Africa, Lombard and Haidle (2012) operationalized the basic process of making a bow and arrows. To make a bow and a set of arrows, the archer needs stone tools (scrapers, axes, woodworking adzes, hammerstones, tools for straightening and smoothing wooden shafts, flint for making fire), a container (ostrich eggshell in South Africa) for carrying water, ochre mixed with resin, pitch, or tree gum for adhesives, fire for blending and setting the adhesives, tree saplings, hardwood and reeds for the bow stave and arrow shafts, and animal sinew and plant fiber for binding material. The technology for making a bow stave is close to that of making a wooden spear (first made by Homo heidelbergensis more than 300,000 years ago); but the differences are that instead of straightening a wooden lance, the archer needs to bend the bow stave, string the bow, and treat the stave with adhesives and fat to prevent splitting and cracking. How Does It Compare to Other Hunting Technologies? From a modern standpoint, the bow and arrow technology  is definitely a leap forward from lance and atlatl (spear thrower) technology. Lance technology involves a long spear which is used to thrust at prey. An atlatl is a separate piece of bone, wood or ivory, that acts as a lever to increase the power and speed of a throw: arguably, a leather strap attached to the end of a lance spear might be a technology between the two. But bow and arrow technology has a number of technological advantages over lances and atlatls. Arrows are longer-range weapons, and the archer needs less space. To fire off an atlatl successfully, the hunter needs to stand in big open spaces and be highly visible to his/her prey; arrow hunters can hide behind bushes and shoot from a kneeling position. Atlatls and spears are limited in their repeatability: a hunter can carry one spear and maybe as many as three darts for an atlatl, but a quiver of arrows can include a dozen or more shots. To Adopt or Not to Adopt Archaeological and ethnographic evidence suggests that these technologies were rarely mutually exclusive- groups combined spears and atlatls and bows and arrows with nets, harpoons, deadfall traps, mass-kill kites, and buffalo jumps, and many other strategies as well. People vary their hunting strategies based on the prey being sought, whether it is big and dangerous or wily and elusive or marine, terrestrial or airborne in nature. The adoption of new technologies can profoundly affect the way a society is constructed or behaves. Perhaps the most important difference is that lance and atlatl hunting are group events, collaborative processes that are successful only if they include a number of family and clan members. In contrast, bow and arrow hunting can be achieved with just one or two individuals. Groups hunt for the group; individuals for the individual families. That is a profound social change, affecting almost every aspect of life including who you marry, how big is your group, and how status is conveyed. One issue that might also have affected the adoption of the technology may be that bow and arrow hunting simply has a longer training period than atlatl hunting. Brigid Grund (2017) examined records from modern competitions for atlatl (Atlatl Association International Standard Accuracy Contest) and archery (Society for Creative Anachronism InterKingdom Archery Competition). She discovered an individuals atlatl scores increase steadily, showing improvement in skill within the first few years. Bow hunters, however, do not begin to approach maximum skill until the fourth or fifth year of competition. The Great Technology Shift There is much to be understood in the processes of how technology changed and indeed which technology came first. The earliest atlatl we have dates to the Upper Paleolithic, only 20,000 years ago: the South African evidence is quite clear that bow and arrow hunting is much older still. But archaeological evidence being what it is, we still dont really know the complete answer about the dates of hunting technologies and we may never have a better definition of when the inventions occurred than at least as early as. People adapt to technologies for reasons other than just because something is new or shiny. Every new technology is characterized by its own costs and benefits for the task at hand. Archaeologist Michael B. Schiffer referred to this as application space: that the level of adoption of a new technology depends on the number and variety of tasks that it could be used on, and which it is best suited to. Old technologies are rarely completely obsoleted, and the transition period can be very long indeed. Sources Angelbeck B, and Cameron I. 2014. The Faustian bargain of technological change: Evaluating the socioeconomic effects of the bow and arrow transition in the Coast Salish past. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 36:93-109.Bradfield J. 2012. Macrofractures on bone-tipped arrows: analysis of hunter-gatherer arrows in the Fourie collection from Namibia. Antiquity 86(334):1179-1191. Brown KS, Marean CW, Jacobs Z, Schoville BJ, Oestmo S, Fisher EC, Bernatchez J, Karkanas P, and Matthews T. 2012. An early and enduring advanced technology originating 71,000 years ago in South Africa. Nature 491(7425):590-593.Callanan M. 2013. Melting snow patches reveal Neolithic archery. Antiquity 87(337):728-745.Coolidge FL, Haidle MN, Lombard M, and Wynn T. 2016. Bridging theory and bow hunting: human cognitive evolution and archaeology. Antiquity 90(349):219-228.Erlandson J, Watts J, and Jew N. 2014. Darts, Arrows, and Archaeologists: Distinguishing Dart and Arrow Points in the Archaeological Record. American Antiquity 79(1):162-169. Grund BS. 2017. Behavioral Ecology, Technology, and the Organization of Labor: How a Shift from Spear Thrower to Self Bow Exacerbates Social Disparities. American Anthropologist 119(1):104-119.Kennett DJ, Lambert PM, Johnson JR, and Culleton BJ. 2013. Sociopolitical Effects of Bow and Arrow Technology in Prehistoric Coastal California. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 22(3):124-132.Lombard M, and Haidle MN. 2012. Thinking a Bow-and-arrow Set: Cognitive Implications of Middle Stone Age Bow and Stone-tipped Arrow Technology. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 22(02):237-264.Lombard M, and Phillipson L. 2010. Indications of bow and stone-tipped arrow use 64,000 years ago in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Antiquity 84(325):635–648.Whittaker JC. 2016. Levers, Not Springs: How a Spearthrower Works and Why It Matters. In: Iovita R, and Sano K, editors. Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Stone Age Weaponry. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. p 65-74.