Monday, September 30, 2019

Literary Analysis of the Great Gatsby Essay

F. Scott Fitzgerald demonstrates the thematic concern of carelessness in his fictional novel, The Great Gatsby, by using characters such as Jordan, Myrtle, and Daisy. Carelessness is exemplified many times throughout the book; such as on page 26. The narrator says, â€Å"She nodded and moved away from him just as George returned.† This statement describes Myrtle caressing her secret lover, Tom, just before her husband re-enters the room. She is careless as to hide her affection. Another example can be found on page 58, in a conversation between Nick and Jordan in the car. Nick: â€Å"Suppose you met somebody just as careless as yourself.† Jordan: â€Å"I hope I never will.† In this scene, Jordan is driving recklessly, as usual. Nick is confronting her about being careless for the first time. This is not the last time the author shows the thematic concern though: â€Å"Daisy sat back upon the couch. The nurse took a step forward and held out her hand.† During this part of the novel (page 23), Daisy pays no attention to her child. She leaves the nurse to take care of and raise her daughter; hence the term ‘careless’. As proven by the excerpts above, Fitzgerald clearly is attempting to put a subtle emphasis on this trait of life. By creating a chaotic atmosphere in the book, carelessness is obvioiusly going to play a big part in the plot to reach the climax. With quotes like the examples given, Fitzergerald accomplishes his goal of displaying carelessness throughout The Great Gatsby.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Comparison of the Social Sciences

MORELAND: HUMAN BEHAVIOR PESPECTIVES COMPARISON PAPER AND PRESENTATION 1 HUMAN BEHAVIOR PESPECTIVES COMPARISON PAPER ON DIVERSITY PRESENTATION JANICE MORELAND SSC101 HUMAN BEHAVIOR PERSPECTIVE SAINT LEO UNIVERSITY INSTRUCTOR: ALOMA MENDOZA JUNE 4, 2012 1 Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn. com/abstract=2132524 MORELAND: HUMAN BEHAVIOR PESPECTIVES COMPARISON PAPER AND PRESENTATION 2 ABSTRACT This paper is a critical comparison between the human behavior disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and sociology. This assessment is an observation of a social, political and cultural conflict that can be solved with compromise.The issue will analyze behavior using the social science perspective of anthropology, psychology, and sociology as a multimedia presentation. It emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and reflects the values of Respect and Community for people of other cultures. Keywords: altruism, diversity, self-actualization, community, philosophy, living, community, happiness, wellbeing, respect. 2 Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn. com/abstract=2132524 MORELAND: HUMAN BEHAVIOR PESPECTIVES COMPARISON PAPER AND PRESENTATION 3 Anthropology Who Am I Cultural DiversityPsychology Why Am I Different Diversity = Differences Sociology What Influences You and Me and How Can We Survive Together with our Differences Compromise = Allowing me to be Different without you giving up your integrity THE ROLE OF ANTHROPOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY First, the study of anthropology profiles human behavior and cultural diversity based upon ethnicity, race, gender and national origin. This anthropological study of human behavior tells us the mores, work ethics, taboos, social constructs, social institutions, religion, family structure, hierarchy of social structures (popular and subcultures) and needs.Secondly, the study of anthropology equates to a psychological profile of a particular culture, ethnic group, race, or gender and their belief systems, lear ning, motivations, and perceptions. Therefore, the psychological profile of a particular region, culture, race or ethnic group tells us what sociology or social influences and biological influences have on the behavior of that particular group that motivates, enhances, destroys or influences change in that on a particular culture. 3 MORELAND: HUMAN BEHAVIOR PESPECTIVES COMPARISON PAPER AND PRESENTATION ***Clip Art by Microsoft word*** In 1980, a lawsuit was filed: Keebler Co. v. Rovira Biscuit Corp. , 624 F2d 366 (1980). This lawsuit was a dispute about who owns the title to the word â€Å"export sodas† to identify a generic term for â€Å"soda crackers†. Expert Sodas was a generic term that meant the same as Soda Crackers and Keebler wanted to hold exclusive rights to it. Well Rovira Biscuit Corp had been using the name and made a knockoff package to look like Keebler and Keebler didn’t like it.Therefore, Keebler took an aggressive action by demanding that it h old title to the name. Well, the courts didn’t see it quite that way and looked for middle ground where all might not be totally happy, but not completely dissatisfied; the court allowed Keebler to keep the name based upon state specific areas and Rovira to use the other term in Puerto Rico where everyone knew what both names meant. Therefore, both got what they wanted and were able to operate without hostility or interference and everyone knew what both words meant. Justia, 1980) The moral to this story is that if you want to prevent stagnation then compromise is the answer, it’s the way America maintains domestic tranquility. What is based upon religion is that 4 MORELAND: HUMAN BEHAVIOR PESPECTIVES COMPARISON PAPER AND PRESENTATION 5 and what is considered a secular idea with the same meaning can have a different name with the same rights. There are some paradigm shifts that can destroy or enhance. The question is anyone willing to compromise to get results?In concl usion, the study of anthropology which gives all of the facts of a culture based upon culture, region, race, gender and ethnicity. Psychology says that you can use the information from the study of anthropology model a psychological profile or the mindset of a particular culture, race, region or ethnic group to determine what they will or will not do. Sociology says that based upon the study of anthropology and psychology, political leaders, social institutions, businesses, and others can determine what social constructs or social institutions to use as a device for change. MORELAND: HUMAN BEHAVIOR PESPECTIVES COMPARISON PAPER AND PRESENTATION 6 REFERENCES: Bing. (2012) A view from the right. (picture) Retrieved June 3, 2012 from http://aviewfromtheright. com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/diverse-people. jpg Justia. (1980). Keebler Co. v. Rovira Biscuit Corp. , 624 F2d 366 (1980). Retrieved June 3, 2012 from http://law. justia. com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/624/366/312997/). ) Retr 6

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Artificial System Of Sand Is Also Called The Mechanism Sand Essay Example for Free

Artificial System Of Sand Is Also Called The Mechanism Sand Essay The Anatolian Peninsula, Also Called Asia Minor, Is Bounded By The Black Sea To The North, The Mediterranean Sea†¦ Anatolian peninsula, also called Asia Minor, is bounded by the Black Sea to the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, the Aegean Sea to the west, and the Sea of†¦ Premium Literature Of Region 7 Buyser-Aquino -Our Pride translated by Juliet B. Samonte -Letter to Pedro, U.S. Citezen, Also Called Pete by Rene Estella Amper -The Clay Pipe by Marcel M†¦ Premium Genres Of Literature or something and is not about that particular person or thing. * Letter to Pedro, US Citizen, Also Called Pete by Rene Amper viii. Narrative†¦ Premium An Analysis Of Letter Of Credit Operation In Nepal is an import LC while for the advising bank it is an export LC payment by means of letter of credit involves action between two banks, one in the importer’s country†¦ Premium Debate Argumentation and Debate Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making TWELFTH EDITION AUSTIN J. FREELEY Late, John Carroll University DAVID L†¦ Premium It ( International Technology) to monitor all your monthly financial statements, and call the appropriate company or bank immediately to report issues. Also, review your credit report each year†¦ Premium Wwasfasf Business Driven Information Systems Paige Baltzan Daniels College of Business, University of Denver Amy Phillips Daniels College of Business, University of†¦ Premium Codendma Countries of the world Population gures are based on 2002 estimates. Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia†¦ Premium English Novelists rich and famous. Pamela is written in a form of letters (epistolary novel) and it is also called Virtue Rewarded.Clarissa Harlow†¦ Premium Faizi invested, lent, or borrowed. 8the excess of a companys assets over its liabilities. 3 a capital letter. 2adj. 1 (of an offence or charge) liable to the death penalty†¦ Premium Environmental Converrastion summary particularly if you are sending your CV to recruitment agencies where a letter may become detached. You can also call this a career aim, profile or personal†¦ Premium Ptlls Assignments generation of: batch mailings using a form letter template and an address database (also called mail merging); indices of keywords and their page†¦ Premium The Concept Of Law recognition is more like a social practice than it is like a black letter rule of any sort. He also calls this fundamental rule. To follow and engage in the social†¦ Premium Random Spreadsheet Software data is organized in rows and columns, which collectively are called a worksheet. Database Software allows you to create and manage a database†¦ Artificial System Of Sand Is Also Called The Mechanism Sand. (2016, Apr 08). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discusion 4 707 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discusion 4 707 - Assignment Example She would otherwise not be depressed. Veronica also appeared direct on her negative opinion towards the review and her testimony to the physician and Mart’s testimony shows this. Mart report her position on his future in the organization while Veronica reported that Mart’s performance was substandard and that he was likely to lose his job within that year. Her attitude was therefore likely to discourage Mart, who already had personal problems, than motivate. Even though Mart thought about improvement initiatives, Veronica had not noticed any improvement and this suggest that the review had negative effects. Conflicts are common in nursing organizations and may have adverse effects on performance. In my conversations, I may try to incorporate conflict resolution strategies, through a win-win approach, in order to ensure positive outcomes such as developing self-esteem in the other party (Brinkert, 2010). I may also incorporate qualitative research in my conversations, through exploring a person’s experiences, in order to understand factors to a controversy for developing a solution to a problem instead of victimizing the party (The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 2011). In the conversations with the physicians, for example, it emerges that the employee has personal problems and that he is willing to learn and improve. The problems may be undermining his potentials and a qualitative approach to evaluation would identify this and help in solving the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

English paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English paper - Essay Example As such, technical elements of representation, unique and groundbreaking philosophical approaches, historical relevance, and many other aspects of Jansco’s approach will be leveraged. it is therefore the hope of this particular author that such a level of analysis will be able to engage the reader with a more full and complete understanding of the manner through which this particular filmmaker provided cinemagoers with a unique view of the world and an interpretive approach that has continued to impress film critics and common viewers alike for decades after its initial release in his native Hungary. Firstly, before delving into any of the mechanics or actual philosophical approaches that Miklos Jansco makes within the film, it would be an astounding oversight to assume that the unit of focus for the film, namely the apparatchiks of the Habsburg Empire and the imprisoned revolutionaries, were not somehow a type of comparison and contrast between the communist government of Hungary and the depression that was always a very real and present aspect of life at the time in which the film itself was made. Although it cannot be definitively stated that the premise and motivation that is reflected throughout the film is somehow allegorical of Hungary’s sociopolitical status and form of government, stark and pervasive levels of contrast exists throughout the film that impress upon the viewer the means of similarity and power of contrast in comparison that exists between the two. Furthermore, due to the fact that the communist government Hungary, and the way, and indeed are after w as repressed does not allow for open dissension, utilizing a somewhat allegorical tale of repression under a â€Å"capitalist regime† was an effective guise of quiet yet inviting criticism that could not have been represented in a more open manner. Another obvious undertone that is represented

Law of Rape- Problem question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Law of Rape- Problem question - Essay Example 1). The important factors to look for in Alice’s case are signs of both obvious and discreet objections to Ben’s sexual advances. There are no obvious verbal or nonverbal cues from Alice before or during sexual intercourse with Ben. She did not tell him â€Å"no,† and he did not threaten her in any way. Alice was not intoxicated, and there were no indications that she was drugged either. The keyword in every rape situation or incident is consent. The law is very clear on accounts of non-consensual rape, but if consent is initially given, is it still considered rape? Should it still be tried in court? CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) applies the word â€Å"effective† to consent. They explain, â€Å"The law does not allow a person’s consent to sexual activity to have effect in the following situations: where the person giving consent did not understand what was happening and so could not give informed consent, and where the person giving consent was u nder the relevant age of consent† (Sexual Offences- Rape, 2010). These two forms of consent are opposites of one another due to the fact that the letter would not hold up in court but the initial one would because of the lack of understanding. Alice is presumably of age. The issue that comes to light is whether or not Alice was understanding of her situation. Now, she is not mentally handicapped or incoherent by drugs or alcohol, but she was misled by Ben into believing engaging in sexual intercourse with him would in turn give her love, companionship and financial stability. The question remains about whether or not Ben is guilty of rape under the present law. In a court of law, it is unlikely that Alice would have a solid case against Ben because consent was given and there is not a clear establishment of understanding in regards to how â€Å"understanding† is defined in law. Although, that does not mean Ben is innocent, the fact remains that Alice was not affected by outside substances or health, which would be concrete evidence to support Ben’s side of the case. Looking at the accused offender, Ben, his bodily actions fail to reveal any harmful intent. Physically, Ben did not coerce Alice by means of force of threat. The disputable wrongdoing he committed was verbal manipulation. The court could argue that Alice consented to sexual intercourse with Ben based on her personal expectations of him. She was willing because he met her requirements for a mate, and at any time she could have resisted his advances. Alice could have been eager to receive a lover and that overrode her ability to spot the red flag Ben presented when he promised marriage to her so soon after they met. Some may even go so far to say that Alice wanted a wealthy companion so much she willingly fell for Ben’s deception. The idea of willingness is another dubious term that arises in court in reference to rape cases. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines willingne ss as â€Å"cheerful readiness to do something† (2011). Alice could be seen as happily engaging in sexual intercourse based on the cheerful prospect of marriage and love. If that is the case, Ben would have a stronger case in his defense against her in court. Too much evidence points to Alice consenting to him, especially because consent was given prior to, and during the actual act. No signs point to Alice

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

IB Biology Food Energy Content Experiment Essay

IB Biology Food Energy Content Experiment - Essay Example 263). The nutritive value of food is derived from the ability of a food to supply energy to the organism (McDonald et al. 263). To calculate the quantity of chemical energy present in food, it is necessary to convert it into heat energy and calculate the amount of heat it produces (McDonald et al. 264). This conversion is conducted by oxidizing the food by burning it; the amount of heat that is created from the complete oxidation of the unit weight of food is identified as the gross energy (McDonald et al. 264). The central determinant of the gross energy content of a food is its degree of oxidation as conveyed in the ratio of carbon plus hydrogen to oxygen (McDonald et al. 264). Carbohydrates contain approximately the same gross energy content of 17.5 MJ/kg DM while triglyceride fats contain lower amounts of oxygen and have a higher energy content of approximately 39 MJ/kg DM (McDonald et al. 264). Proteins have a higher level of gross energy values than carbohydrates due to the fact that they contain the oxidizeable element nitrogen (McDonald et al. 264). The present study was conducted in order to determine the energy content of four different samples of food that includes a cracker, a Mars chocolate bar, bread, and a 'Flips' chip. The researcher hypothesized that the mass of food will have no effect upon its energy content. In addition to this, it is hypothesized that the food with the highest energy content is the 'Flips' chip followed by the bread, cracker, and Mars chocolate sample. The researcher determined the energy content of the food by calculating the amount of Joules per mass in grams of each sample. Method: The researcher chose four different food samples to test for energy content. The quantities of food included a 2-gram sample of cracker, a 5.6-gram sample of Mars chocolate, a 10.4-gram sample of bread, and a 0.8-gram sample of a 'Flips' chip. There were three variables in this experiment. The first variable was the variety of food type, the second variable was the temperature of the water, and the third variable was the difference of mass of each sample of food. All other factors of the experiment were be consistent including the distance of the bunson burner from the test tube, the volume of water in each test, and the environment in which the experiment was conducted. The researcher used a beaker to measure 25cm^3 of water into each test tube. Five tests of each food were conducted in order to determine a mean value of each sample. The mass of each food sample was determined as well as the temperature of the water in each test tube before heating. Each food sample was attached to a pin and burned with a bunson burner. When the food sample burned, it was placed under the test tube until the flame burned out. During this time, the water in the test tube was stirred in order to evenly distribute heat transfer from the flame. After the flame burned out, the Celsius temperature of the water in the test tube was measured. The mass in grams of the food sample was then measured. The following formula was used in order to calculate the amount of energy each food sample contained in Joules: 25g * temperature rise of water (C) * 4.2 (J/g/C)/ mass of food (g)= Energy (J/g) This process was repeated for each food sample Results: Food Mass (g) Volume of water (cm3) Temperature after heating (oC) Temperature before heating (oC) Rise in water Temperature (oC) Energy content of food (J/g) Cracker 2 25 34 20 14 735 Mars

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Writting exercises Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writting exercises - Research Paper Example However, at times they will feel so inadequate, vulnerable and insecure. On the other hand, embodiment on the side of males asserts that males tend to develop physical strength and to enhance their masculinity. In addition, embodiment states that the consciousness of males or females is likely to be partly shaped by their body. Bodily knowledge involves an individual’s knowledge of the potential of their body and its capability. Therefore, gender embodiment tends to change most of the men’s studies that have been put forward. This is because; most of these studies assert that; masculinity is mainly meant for the men and that it is a factor that differentiates them from women. However, according to embodiment of gender, each person can know their body and understand its functioning and thus, be able to work as it agrees. For instance, the materialist female’s theory states that; every individual’s body has the potential for collective empowerment and change (Theberge, 499). This implies that; masculinity in men’s studies is not a characteristic that can be used to distinguish men from women (Howson, 37). Gender embodiment also changes men’s studies since; it asserts that females can also engage in activities which have been set aside as belonging to men only. While masculinity studies assert that it is only men who can participate in certain sports such as hockey, embodiment states that females can also participate since in such sports since; all they need is to consciously understand their body and what it is capable of doing. Gender embodiment states that a person does not have to define his or her nature according to what masculinity theories state. This is because; our bodies are subject to change and adaptability. Therefore, all we need it is to train our bodies and they will learn and adapt. In addition, the social distinction of a

Monday, September 23, 2019

I'va attached the file Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

I'va attached the file - Essay Example In Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia and Singapore, the process of democratisation has been studied through the muddled waters the civil society has waded to participate in national socioeconomic development, as shall be seen in the discourse that ensues forthwith. Thesis statement There is a clear and distinct relationship between the presence and vibrancy of the civil society and socioeconomic stability in any state, as can be seen in the ASEAN countries. Many political scientists contend that many have come to falsely believe that socioeconomic growth and stability can be realised through the attainment of strong authoritarian systems, due to the strong state apparatuses that these authoritarian systems possess. Countries such as Singapore and Malaysia are cited to underscore and validate this notion. However, a critical look at the development in the ASEAN countries indicates that authoritarian regimes inherently do not co-occur with socioeconomic development. ... The proximity of South Korea and Taiwan to Malaysia and Singapore could in fact have helped inject democratic elements such as political pluralism in Malaysia and Singapore. Chief among these democratic elements include the accommodation and acknowledgement of the civil society in politics. The very autocratic environment in which political plurality is absent is on the contrary, the very drawback that staves off stable democratic transitions and allows dictators to frustrate the actualisation of reforms and democratisation. Defined as the realm of activities and institutions that exist outside the government's direct control of the government, the civil society has mobilized the society on matters that are directly related to socioeconomic development such as corruption, governance and transparency, in ASEAN countries (Hewison, 137). The standpoint above about the civil society is well exemplified by the manner in which the civil society in Malaysia has concerted its effort to fight politically instigated economic corruption. On 20 March 2013, a group of civil society organisations asked the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to expedite investigations on a dossier that had exposed Tan Sri A. T. Mahmud, the Sarawak Chief Minister and his family as participants in an unlawful and corrupt land deal. Apart from the fact that the land deal was bound to cost the government its source of revenue; thousands of the indigenous people living on that land were to be displaced. Similarly, beside the call by firebrand civil society Aliran to have full investigations carried out over the matter, frantic calls were also successfully made by Haris Ibrahim and his colleges in the ABU movement, to have

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Constitution Cafe Essay Example for Free

Constitution Cafe Essay The Constitution Cafe written by Christopher Phillips is mainly about the viewpoints of students around the country and what could be different about the Constitution. While the majority of the students from the meetings feel like there should be a few things added to the articles of the Constitution, because things are different today than when it was first written in 1787. The book informs the readers on the basics of our rights and understanding more about the Constitution itself. There are many issues discussed such as immigration, justice for all, rights, money matters but I’ll only be going over a few of these issues. One argument Phillips discusses is the number of refugees who immigrate to the United States. There are a few students in the meeting that admit to be refugees, and are trying to support their families who are back in Mexico. They argue how it’s not right for Mexico president and leaders who are able to fly over into other countries in their private jets, but immigrants like Ricardo would end up getting killed for trying to find work in the U.  S. â€Å"We never had rights in Mexico, though our homeland’s constitution says we all have equal rights,† says Oscar (p. 112). Although they don’t have any rights in the U. S. , they still find a way to work harder than most citizens and will do anything to provide the best life for their families. I strongly agree with the Constitution Cafe Article the students wrote in which they want the Constitution to change, because most refugees who come to the U. S. want to have rights and live life without worrying about getting deported back to Mexico. Many Americans say immigrants shouldn’t be allowed if they weren’t born in the U. S. and call them names such as ‘wetbacks’ but some take that as a compliment since their backs are wet, because they work the hardest. Another argument the author addresses is with a few junior high school students who agree that every U. S. citizen when they turn the age eighteen should receive an equal lump sum payment of at least $50,000. 00. The students say you should only be able to keep the money if you’re doing good and spending it on well needed things. Sure, a few people will take advantage of their big payday and do nothing good with their lives if they don’t have to. But I’m betting most will make the most of this opportunity† (p87). We all know once you turn eighteen then you could be on your own and spend the money on unnecessary things. This is why I don’t agree with the students, and some points I can relate to like for instance some parents aren’t able to provide much so the money could help the family. I also see it as the population would sky rocket because everyone would have kids for the money once they turn eighteen. Life isn’t that easy just to have a huge payment waiting for you. It’s not fair to the ones who are over the age of eighteen and had to work hard for all that they have and didn’t just have $50,000 handed to them. A question I have for the students would be, â€Å"where the money would be coming from? † This is a very good argument, because any parent wants a good future for their child and especially if the money goes to college tuitions. Finally, the last argument that caught my attention is scout’s honor that the president should have to live by before becoming president of the U.  S. They argue about how easy it is to be president when all they ask for is you have to be thirty five years old and have resided in the U. S. at least fourteen years. A group of boy scouts say the president didn’t have to be a boy scout when he was younger but should promise to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Our next president could have been in a gang or committed some type of crime and they would still win the president election. The citizens want someone who will be role model to all ages and prove by his/her actions, not just words. â€Å"This article may be about the ideal qualities we want in a president, but most of all, if you read between the lines, it’s really about the ideal qualities we want in ourselves† (p105). Arturo statement is true because we all want to be perfect but we all mistakes and so will the president, but at least there’s one person who will have all the qualities that we need to run the U. S.  This one argument I strongly agree with from the beginning all the way to the end with the written Constitution Cafe Article. A president should give their full duty to our country and of course believe in God. Christopher Phillips message would have to be getting his readers to understand what our Constitution is all about and there could be changes to it every day in life by anyone but it has to get approved of course. Thomas Jefferson believed that Americans should rewrite the Constitution every twenty years to meet our current needs in the generation we live in today. This is why Phillips has traveled the country asking Americans if and how they would rewrite our Constitution if given the chance. His main goal is to make the U. S. a better place and keep us all updated with the Constitution itself and hope from reading the book that we all learned something new about all the different arguments. From reading Constitution Cafe, I’ve learned so much more about the Constitution and the changes that have been made over years. I can definitely say now I know a lot about Thomas Jefferson than I did before, and all that he has done for the U.  S. From the many arguments in the book, I talked about a few and summarized what it was about. We should understand the basics of our rights, and if there’s something we want to make a change to in the Constitution we need to get together and write an article. All of the U. S. citizens will have different opinions on immigrants, rights, president qualities, money matters, and many more topics that relate to the Constitution. I can’t wait to read the part two of Constitution Cafe in the next twenty years, and to see what will change for the future generations.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Alexander II Domestic Policies

Alexander II Domestic Policies Alexander II of Russia was in many ways one the most important tsar in the History of the Russian Empire. He took over the throne from his Father, Nicholas I, in 1955. When he first came into power his first task was to end the Crimean war in which his father had been involved. After the Crimean war, many other countries saw Russia as weak. The army was outdated and despite its magnitude, not strong enough. People also saw Russia as underdeveloped and behind because of the weakness of its industry. Alexander wanted to change this. He not only wanted to show the rest of the world what Russia could achieve, but he also wanted to show Russia what it could achieve. Encouraged by public opinion he began a period of radical reforms, including trying to make Russia less dependant on a landed aristocracy controlling the poor. He also wanted to develop the natural resources of Russia reform the government to make it less like an autocracy. Until his assassination in 1881, how far did Alexande r II succeed in changing his domestic policy? Alexander initiated substantial reforms in the government, the judiciary and the military. But before he started these reforms, his first radical act was in 1861 when he proclaimed the emancipation of around 20 million privately held serfs. Serfdom was how the Upper classes and the Nobles controlled the peasants and the lower classes. In 1959, there were 23 million serfs in Russia. And the total population of Russia was 67.1 Million. The serfs lived under harsh conditions that were often worse than the conditions Peasants lived in during the Middle Ages. Alexander decided to abolish serfdom from above rather than wait for it to be abolished from below by revolution. The emancipation was effected by local commissions, which were dominated by landlords, who gave land and limited freedom to serfs. The former serfs remained stayed in the village commune, but they were required to make redemption payments to the government over a period of almost 50 years. The government compensated forme r owners of serfs by issuing them bonds. The regime had envisioned that the 50,000 landlords who possessed estates of more than 110 hectares would thrive without serfs and would continue to provide loyal political and administrative leadership in the countryside. The government also had expected that peasants would produce sufficient crops for their own consumption and for export sales, thereby helping to finance most of the governments expenses, imports, and foreign debt. However, Both of these assumptions were unrealistic. Emancipation left both former serf and their former owners unsatisfied. The new peasants soon fell behind in their payments to the government because the land they had received was poor and because Russian agricultural methods were inadequate. The former owners often had to sell their lands to remain solvent because most of them could neither farm nor manage estates without their former serfs. In addition, the value of their government bonds fell as the peasants failed to make their redemption payments. Reforms of local government closely followed emancipation. In 1864 most local governments in the European part of Russia were organized into provincial and district zemstva which were made up of representatives of all classes and were responsible for local schools, public health, roads, prisons, food supply, and other concerns. In 1870 elected city councils were formed. Dominated by property owners and constrained by provincial governors and the police, the zemstva and the city councils raised taxes to support their activities. In 1864 the regime implemented judicial reforms. In major towns, Western-style courts with juries were established. In general, the judicial system functioned effectively, but the government lacked the finances and cultural influence to extend the court system to the villages, where traditional peasant justice continued to operate with minimal interference from provincial officials. In addition, the regime instructed judges to decide each case on its merits and not to use precedents, which would have enabled them to construct a body of law independent of state authority. The regime also proposed to reform the military. One of the main reasons for the emancipation of the serfs was to facilitate the transition from a large standing army to a reserve army by instituting territorial levies and mobilization in times of need. Before emancipation, serfs could not receive military training and then return to their owners. However, there was no military reform until the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) demonstrated the necessity of building a modern army. The levy system introduced in 1874 gave the army a role in teaching many peasants to read and in pioneering medical education for women. But the army remained backward despite these military reforms. Officers often preferred bayonets to bullets, expressing worry that long-range sights on rifles would induce cowardice. In spite of some notable achievements, Russia did not keep pace with Western technological developments in the construction of rifles, machine guns, artillery, ships, and naval ordnance. Russia al so failed to use naval modernisation as a means of developing its industrial base in the 1860s. Although Alexander II was in many ways the first tsar to attempt change the Russian political and social system and modernise it, he did not succeed as well as he set out to. His main focus of he reforms was the emancipation of the slaves. However, in many ways this did not succeed as well as his other reforms. Alexander wanted to improve living conditions for the serfs and at the same time keep the landlords happy. However, he did neither of these things well. His reforms were also not supported by a lot of people. And especially the Nobles believed that the new laws were ruining the country. Despite Alexander trying to revolutionise the Autocratic system, a radical revolutionary group assassinated him in March 1881. Although Alexander II set out with high goals, which he in some ways for filled, in the end he failed.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Loneliness in William Faulkners A Rose For Emily and Anton Chekhovs Misery :: A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner

Loneliness in William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily and Anton Chekhov's Misery Although the authors, setting, and time period of each story is unique, the character of Miss Emily in "A Rose For Emily" by William Faulkner and Iona in "Misery" by Anton Chekhov share much in common.   Iona and Emily spent their entire lives searching for fulfillment. At the end of their lives they are still lonely souls - never achieving fulfillment. It is so terrible with "A Rose For Emily," the horrible feelings come up immediately when the story ends with two dead bodies in the old and dirty house. One is Homer Barron, Emily's lover. The other is Emily herself. What a pity for a woman like Emily. No, Emily is not really a woman. She is just a child (or a daughter). Since being born, her life was framed strictly by her selfish father." Miss Emily, a slender figure in white in the background, her father a large silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the back-flung front door." Miss Emily could not find her own real life. And then her father died. Everyone in town was very pleased that Emily might have a chance to be happy from then on. But very shortly after the shock of her father's death, Emily had another shock when her sweetheart left her alone and went away. Nobody was expecting that. Poor Emily! She was just a little girl having no experience over thirty years of age. Homer, the young man that everyone believed would marry her, was just a liar, as well. And as a result, Emily killed Homer and lay beside his dead body for years. At the age of forty, Emily was still a child -- an old child with loneliness and unfulfilled soul. William Faulkner introduces the story with the gathering of the whole town at Emily's death. The author marks a big curious question for all readers. What happened and how? Then he goes back to the past of Miss Emily, leading us to travel around the closed time circle of her life: present back to past and past to present. This is an unusual order. The normal time order consists the progression of the human being from birth through youth, to age and final death. The confusion that Faulkner has given produces a confusion in Emily's life.

The Charge of the Light Brigade and Dulce et Decorum Est Essays

The Charge of the Light Brigade and Dulce et Decorum Est Alfred Tennyson and Wilfred Owen present different ideas about War in their poems, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est.’ Write about these poems and their effect on you. The first poem, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ by Alfred Tennyson was based on a newspaper article he read in the Times Newspaper on November 14th, 1854. The article was about the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War. It described how the soldiers were wounded and killed because one man in their cavalry had made a mistake. It outlined how the plain was strewn with their bodies’ and ‘steeds rode rider less across the plain.’ This article was the inspiration for his poem. The second poem ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ was more vividly written, because its poem, Wilfred Owen, was an actual soldier in the first World War, which lasted from 1914-1918. He was too young to become a soldier, so he lied about his age and went away to fight. He was under the impression that War was dignified and sweet because of all the propaganda that was put about to encourage young men to join the army. He then realised that War wasn’t as glorified as he had thought and wrote poems to deter other young men, who, like himself, thought it was brave and courageous to die for their country. The poem ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade,’ tells the story of how one man in their cavalry, The Commander, made a huge mistake by charging them towards the Russian Army. This is depicted when the poet says: ‘Into the valley of death.’ This implies that the army on the other side of the valley were so great; the cavalry didn’t have any hope of beating them. Ironically, they won the battle. In ... ...nditions of War were and the terrible ways that the soldiers lost their lives. My favourite poem out of the two was ‘Dulce et Decorum Est,’ it clearly depicts what happened during World War I and Owen then says what he feels. At the start of the poem, I was shocked by how bad the conditions of War actually were. The vivid descriptions show how strongly Owen felt about discouraging other young men not to fall for the same propaganda that he did. It made me realise how lucky I am not to be living in those terrible conditions that he had to endure. I think that the poem does fulfil its purpose of discouraging men from joining the army because it is so graphic and vivid. It explains the true atrocities that War brings and how terribly they can affect lives, even after the War has ended. Owen clearly doesn’t want the young men to experience what he has.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jane Eyre :: essays research papers

â€Å"The passions may rage furiously, like true heathens, as they are; and the desires may imagine all sorts of vain things: but judgment shall have the last word in every argument, and the casting vote in every decision.†1 Such powerful words were found in the famous romance novels of Charlotte Bronte. Through her novels Jane Eyre and The Professor Bronte’s life experiences were reflected by her main characters as they sought independence, conceived images as symbols of important events in their lives, and they exhibited commitment to their goals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Like Charlotte Bronte both William Crimsworth and Jane Eyre encountered hardships early in their lives therefore they sought independence. Crimsworth’s need to leave his brother Edward and Hunsden reflected the independence â€Å"[sought] by Charlotte in order to pursue her career as a governess.†2 Since Bronte’s mother died when Charlotte was very young her father allowed their aunt to educate and raise the children until they were old enough to seek a career. Their aunt was a stern woman and â€Å"was rather content receiving obedience than affection†3 which is similar to the character of Aunt Reed in Jane Eyre. Although Hunsden did not hold any blood relation to Crimsworth the relationship between the men was cold which forced Crimsworth to find separation form ridicule and harsh criticism as did Bronte from her aunt. The novel Jane Eyre further illustrated Bronte’s desires of seeking autonomy as the central character, Jane, r epresented the romantic relationship Bronte had experienced with her professor at the young age of 18. The storyline between Rochester and Eyre held true to the emotions of Charlotte Bronte because she felt the frustrations, helplessness, and happiness in a romance. â€Å"Isolation allow[ed]the heroine’s self-development, but it impede[ed] her romantic yearning to be thoroughly lost in love.†4 Yet, due to the hardships she faced in her romance Bronte still saw the need for separation from her beloved as did Eyre from Rochester and Francis from Crimsworth. Although it was hard for the author to leave her happiness, her frustrations were expressed in Jane Eyre:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I grieve to leave Thornfield . . . I love it, because I have lived   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  in it a full and delightful life. I have not been trampled on, I   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  have not been petrified . . . [However] I see the necessity of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  departure; and it is like looking at death.†5 Albeit Jane and William faced the difficulty of pursuing independence from harsh family and romantic situations, most important to both characters was to find equality among their social statures.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lesson Plan in I Am a Filipino Essay

This lesson allows you to begin your journey into understanding yourself as a Filipino which will hopefully lead you to mastering yourself. You will know about the desirable traits of a true Filipino. It will help you answer questions about your role and duties as a citizen of this country. You must aim to: 1. show respect and appreciation for the national symbols of the Philippines; 2. discuss desirable Filipino traits and values; 3. use four words adjectives in describing yourself as a Filipino; 4. use information presented in a reading or viewing selection to infer, to evaluate, and to express critical ideas; and 5. respond to ideas, issues, and concerns presented in a reading or viewing selection in creative forms; II. Subject Matter Topic : I am a Filipino by Carlos P. Romulo Reference : English for Communication Arts and Skill pp. 181-185 Materials : bell, pictures, cartolina, power point presentation, ,laptop and other improvised materials. III. Procedure Teacher’s Activity A. Routines 1. Opening Prayer 2. Classroom Management 3. Checking of Attendance B. Priming/Motivation What is it? Now, class let’s have a guessing game. I will show you blurred pictures and try to guess what is portrayed in the given pictures. I will be giving you three clues to easily guess those pictures. I will group you into two groups. If you know the answer, just press the bell. For every question there are five members who will represent your group. So all of you will have the chance to answer. The winning group will receive a prize later, after the class. So now, APOLLO are you ready? (Visual presentations are provided. )Clues: It helps the people in carrying heavy things. According to a fable, its skin switched with a cow. It has horns. What is it? Clues: It can be used as necklace. We usually give it to our Saints. It smells good. What is it? Clues: It serves as our viand. Its name is a compound word. It has many bones. What is it? Clues: It tastes sour sometimes sweet. It can be used in making candies. It is rich in vitamin C. What is it? Clues: It is used as material in making furnitures. It has a seed that has thorns. It is the strongest tree. What is it? What did you notice with those images? Is there a resemblance among them? Yes, very good. All of them are our national symbols. I’m glad that you are still aware of our national symbols. b. UNLOCKING OF DIFFICULTIES As we read the selection, we may encounter different words that will hinder us to understand the text, so in order us to find no difficulty in understanding let us be familiar with these words. Directions: Identify the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. Analyze the sentence in order to get the real meaning of it. Your Initial Task (Visual aids are provided. )___1. The Filipinos are inheritors of the glorious past. ___2. Our rivers and lakes are teeming with fish. ___3. Early Filipinos are considered rich with their appurtenances in the different parts of their body. ___4. The purple invitation beckoned them to come in rich and happy land. ___5. The frail craft rocked as he clambered. Before we go on discovering what molded us as Filipinos, let’s identify the characteristics that we inherit from our ancestors. | Students’ Activity Yes. (Students form their group. ) Carabao (Students guess the picture. ) Sampaguita (Students guess the picture. ) Milkfish (Students guess the picture. ) Mango/ mangoes (Students guess the picture. ) Narra tree (Students guess the picture. ) Those are the Philippines’ national symbols. a. signaled b. heir c. weak d. accessories e. full of f. strong Answers: 1. heir 2. full of 3. accessories 4. signaled 5. weak| Task 2. How I View Myself As a Filipino On a half-sheet of paper, complete the graphic organizer below by writing at least four traits or physical appearances which you believe you have as a Filipino. I am a Filipino C. LESSON PROPER (The teacher gives the annotated material to the students. ) But before you read the selection, I want to ask you a question; do you feel proud about being a Filipino? Now let’s discover if your opinion will change after reading this selection. Class, please read silently the reading material. (After reading the selection. ) Who am I? is a question that every thoughtful person asks himself or herself. And there was a man who answered this question in the name of every Filipino. Do you know this person? Yes, very good! ( Visual presentations are provided. ) Anyone, please read. So, let’s move on and dig deeper with this selection. In paragraph 1, the author refers to a two-fold responsibility of a Filipino, what is his responsibility to the past and his task in relation to the future? What do you think is our responsibility to the past as a Filipino? How about our task to the future? In paragraph 2, what qualities of our ancestors did we inherit? Yes, we inherited some of their physical appearances. Aside from their physical appearances. We also inherited their sense of hope by not easily giving up with the challenges we are facing. In paragraph 3 and 4 we get a picture of the land we inherited. Will you please describe this land in two adjectives? But, where is this land that the author is referring to, the land that we inherited? That’s true, we all know that the Philippines is rich in natural resources so we must conserve and protect those resources. In paragraph 5 and 6, he mentioned of another great inheritance. What is it? And the seed that we are referring to is the courage of our heroes in facing challenges, their love for our country, bravery to attain our freedom and receive what is rightfully ours. Therefore, what is the main message of this selection? And if needed, we must also fight and protect our country from the conquerors. D. Valuing Now I will ask you same question, did you feel proud about being a Filipino after reading the selection? Why? IV. Evaluation On a half sheet of bond paper, I want you to draw an image that symbolizes you as a Filipino. CLOSURE Synthesis What are the things that you can promise that you will do as a proud Filipino? Insights Now that you are aware of your inheritance, what are the ways you can contribute to protect your glorious inheritance? How? V. HOMEWORK (On a short bond paper. ) We all know that we achieved our freedom from the colonizers because our heroes defended our country. Have a picture of the hero you adored the most and his/her contribution to our country. | hospitableI am a Filipino Filipino conservative optimistic cooperative Yes / No. He is Carlos P. Romulo, the author of the selection I am a Filipino. He is a writer, lecturer, statesman, diplomat and a journalist. He was elected as president of United Nations General Assembly, the only Filipino and the first Asian to hold that prestigious position. His task is to meet his responsibility to the past and the task of performing his obligation to the future. (Students’ answers may vary.) To fight for our freedom. To protect what they inherited us. (Students’ answers may vary. ) Our task to the future is to continue pursuing our rights as a Filipino and fight for it. (Students’ answers may vary. ) We inherited their brown skin. (Students’ answers may vary. ) Their bravery in fighting from the invaders. (Students’ answers may vary. ) Rich and happy land. (Students’ answers may vary. ) It is the Philippines. (Students’ answers may vary. ) Immortal seed as mark of personhood and symbol of dignity as a human being. (Students’ answers may vary.) As a Filipino, we must not forget what our heroes did for us, for our country. We must be proud of them and continue remembering them in our hearts. (Students’ answers may vary. ) Yes, because the Filipinos especially our heroes defended our country to achieve our freedom. (Students draw an image of something. ) I promise that I will give respect to our national heroes, symbols, and do good deeds. (Students’ answers may vary. ) One of the glorious inheritances from our ancestors is our dignity. I will try my very best to do good things in accordance with what is right. (Students’ answers may vary. ) |

Monday, September 16, 2019

Pacific Northwest History Essay

This paper will present, and ultimately prove that the Pacific Northwest of the United States has undergone economic, racial, environmental, and political changes due to events such as World War II, the emigration of people from the Midwestern U. S. , etc. The Pacific Northwest of the United States has for generations been a land that provided the substances that the rest of the country needed in order to survive and thrive. From the times of the earliest explorers to the region, throughout the 1800s, the economy of this region relied on the production of raw materials and natural products, such as lumber, produce, fresh fish, and the like, leading experts on the area to refer to the Northwest as â€Å"the hinterland† of the U. S. (Schwantes). This economic model changed drastically with the outbreak of World War II, which led to the Northwest becoming a center of aircraft production, shipbuilding, and other industries related to the war effort, but different from the traditional products that came from the region. Forces at work in the Region to Cause or Fuel a Changing Economy Having the luxury of viewing the history of the Pacific Northwest in retrospect over the past century or so, speaking in general terms, there were several major forces at work which ultimately caused, or fueled a changing economy. While these forces are explained in greater detail in subsequent sections of this paper, they warrant identification and a brief explanation at this point to set the stage for the research that follows. In no particular order, the forces that facilitated the changing economy of the Pacific Northwest are as follows: ENVIRONMENTAL- The eventual industrial development of the Northwest changed the environment, depleting many natural resources, such as the timber, precious metals, and fish that helped the people of the Northwest to provide for them and export these natural products worldwide. However, once these resources were exhausted, the region was forced to turn to manufacturing of durable goods to sustain themselves, such as the many products the region turned out in support of the campaigns of World War II. ETHNIC- Events that transpired during the World War II area changed the racial composition of the Pacific Northwest, with its effects being felt even today. To be more specific, when the United States was forced into World War II as a result of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the fighting was focused mostly on the Pacific Ocean area, which made the Northwest highly important logistically for the American troops, and launched a massive war industry, including aircrafts, ships, and soldier supplies. What this industrialization did for the region was to draw people from the rural areas to live in cities, making the region more urban than rural, and likewise attracting minorities from other parts of the nation, changing the ethnic composition of the region as a whole. Additionally, the movement of Americans from the â€Å"dustbowl† of the Midwest to the lush and fertile lands of the Northwest brought new cultures, traditions and hard working people to the region. POLITICAL- Because of the move of many people from a rural to an urban environment, and the increased presence of minorities and the Americans who came from the Midwest, the attitudes and value systems of the region changed, as reflected in voting patterns and political attitudes which now focused on urban issues such as poverty, crime, and social programs, whereas the previous rural way of life focused more on environmental concerns and the like. ECONOMIC- The proliferation of industry in the Pacific Northwest, beginning in the era of World War II, changed the economy from a natural/agricultural one to a largely industrial one. These changes were not all generated from within; rather, they often took place as a result of forces beyond the Northwest. Those forces are identified and discussed in the next portion of the research.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

John Proctor a tragic hero? Essay

A tragic hero is a character whose flaw or mistake ultimately leads to their downfall. In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, the small town of Salem is immersed in a crisis due to the accusations of witchcraft. One of the accused is John Proctor, a strong and moral farmer. John Proctor meets the definition of a tragic hero because of his fatal flaws, the affair with Abigail and his pride, but redemption at the end of the play saves his morals. S One of John Proctors flaws is his affair with Abigail. The affair with Abigail is his downfall because it provokes the witch trials. Abigail doesn’t want to believe that the affair is over between her and John and tries to kill Elizabeth Proctor by preforming witchcraft with other girls in the town. When Parris discovers them and the town begins to ostracize the girls, they call out the names of others they have supposedly seen with the Devil in order to save their reputations and possibly their lives. Therefore, the affair between John and Abigail is the spark of all the hysteria surrounding the witch trials. The affair also caused Elizabeth Proctor to distrust her husband, John, who for seven months was trying to get into her good graces and is tired of her suspicion. He tells her â€Å"†¦ I have not moved from there to there without I think to please you†¦ I cannot speak but I am doubted, every moment judged for lies†¦ â€Å"(52). This illustrates John’s determination in attempting to redeem himself for his sin. Because John cannot control his desire and resist temptation, his life is being destroyed by the jealousy and need for revenge of Abigail, indicating the beginning of his downfall and road to becoming a tragic hero. W John Proctors major flaw was his pride. John’s honor and good name is what kept him from confessing to adultery, which would have most likely, halted the witch trials. Elizabeth asked him to go into the court and tell them that Abigail is fraud, but he refused. He said, â€Å"I know I cannot keep it. I say I will think on it! â€Å"(51). Nonetheless, when Elizabeth is arrested, John has to choose between his pride and his wife. He tries to fix it by bringing Mary Warren into the court to confess to lies and pretense. This fails when Mary Warren turns on him and he has to admit to being an adulterer, reserving his dignity in order to rescue his wife. Unfortunately, he too is arrested after Elizabeth is questioned about his confession by Danforth. She denies his unfaithfulness in an attempt to protect John’s name, causing his arrest for perjury and witchcraft. This proves that John is trying to do good, yet his misfortunes keep coming, which is another quality that makes John Proctor the tragic hero of the play. T As the play comes to a conclusion, Proctor for a second time has to make a decision concerning his pride. The court gives him with an ultimatum with which he can plead guilty and live or be hanged with the others who didn’t confess. After speaking with Elizabeth, John decides that he wants to live and surrenders to a confession. After he signs the confession, he tears it up after learning that Danforth means to hang his confession on the church doors. As Reverend Parris and Hale are about to object, John pronounces â€Å"†¦ for now I do think I see some shred of goodness in John Proctor†¦ â€Å"(133), referring to his honesty. He would rather die for the greater good, then ruin his name and the names of the other prisoners. Elizabeth doesn’t try to stop him either knowing that he needed to do this, tearfully saying to Hale â€Å"He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him! â€Å"(134). Proctor preserves his pride and dignity, dying as a man with flaws yet a good man, becoming the tragic hero of The Crucible. As the play develops we see that John Proctor is the tragic hero of The Crucible. His flaws destroy him but at the end of the play he preserves his pride and dies a good man. Arthur Miller uses John Proctor to show us how someone can overcome mistakes in life and safeguard ones dignity.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Night Mother by Kurt Vonnegut

Mother Night What intrigued me the most when reading Mother Night, by Kurt Vonnegut, were the quotes. He says things in a way that really make you step back and think. You could almost tell this book??? ‚a„? s story by discussing some of the quotes. In Mother Night, apolitical expatriate American playwright Howard W. Campbell, Jr. refashions himself as a Nazi propagandist in order to pass coded messages on to the U. S. generals and preserve his marriage to a German woman??? ‚aâ‚ ¬? their "nation of two," as he calls it. But in serving multiple masters, Campbell ends up ruining his life and becoming an unwitting inspiration to bigots. quot;We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. " Vonnegut introduces this as the moral of his book. "There are plenty of good reasons for fighting, but no good reason ever to hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty Himself hates with you, too. " It's never been more true: Left or right, Christian or Muslim, those convinced they're doing violence in service of a higher power and against an irretrievably inhuman enemy are the most dangerous creatures of all. But is Howard really such a bad man?All throughout reading the book, I would ask myself that question. No he doesn??? ‚a„? t seem to show much emotion, but doesn??? ‚a„? t that in a way seem understandable when you think about all he??? ‚a„? s done and seen? If he were to show emotion, he would go crazy. I know I would. Though he does seem to have a conscience, somehow, somewhere, deep down inside he is trapped. Trapped inside of the mess he??? ‚a„? s gotten himself into. I think he knows to that there is no way out, so he remains as this man he has pretended to be for so many years.Howard writes his story from a jail cell in old Jerusalem in 1961, while awaiting a fair trial for his war crimes by the republic of Israel. He is has a d ifferent guard for different parts of the day and night. One of them is Mengel. You are the only man I ever heard of,??? ‚N? Mengel says to me this morning, ??? ‚Nswho has a bad conscience about what he did in the war. Everybody else, no matter what he did, is sure a good man could not have acted in any other way.??? ‚N? ??? ‚NsWhat makes you think I have a bad conscience???? ‚N? I said. ??? ‚NsThe way you sleep, the way you dream,??? ‚N? e said. Howard tells Mengel about New York. ??? ‚Ns ??? ‚NsNew York must be Heaven,??? ‚N? said Mengel. ??? ‚NsIt might well be for you??? ‚N? , I said. ??? ‚NsIt was Hell for me,- or not Hell, something worse then Hell.??? ‚N? ??? ‚NsWhat could be worse then Hell???? ‚N? he said. ??? ‚NsPurgatory,??? ‚N? I said. ??? ‚Ns It??? ‚a„? s interesting that he says that, because that proves right there that Howard Campbell is very aware of the crimes he??? ‚a„? s committed, the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. He knows that he is there in that cell because he is paying the price.He must suffer for all that he has done. ??? ‚NsI was deposited on to the streets of New York, restored to the mainstream of life. I took several steps down the sidewalk when something happened. It was not guilt that froze me; I had taught myself never to feel guilt. It wasn't the fear of death; I had taught myself to think of death as a friend. It was not the thought of being unloved that froze me; I had taught myself to do without love. What froze me was the fact that I had absolutely no reason to move in any direction. What had made me move through so many dead and pointless years was curiosity.Now even that flickered out.??? ‚N? What a lonely life that must be, to feel you have nothing to live for. To know that all that has kept you going in the past was curiosity. Helga is dead, (or so he assumes) Resi is dead, the man he called his best friend had intentions of betraying him for so long, and now he is gone. People hate him, want to kill him, others think he is dead and are glad, and then there are those that admire him for all the terrible things he??? ‚a„? s done. Though he can??? ‚a„? t even seem to feel proud, because unlike so many others who committed such crimes as his, he is not a sociopath.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case study 4 -BUDGETING STATEMENTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case study 4 -BUDGETING STATEMENTS - Essay Example Hence for 4000 patients visited during the month, the number of hours expected to be spent by the nurses is (4000 * 0.5) 2000 hours. But the actual time spent by the nurses on the patients is 2080 hours. This indicates that an additional 80 hours, i.e, (80 * 12)  £ 960 was spent on the patients. It is essential to investigate the reasons for this variance as the effect of this variance is adverse. As this measure is directly related to the efficiency of the nurses working at the hospital, one of the reasons for this variance might be that some of the nurses might be inefficient (Drury, 2005). The other possible reason could be that, some of the patients might have required additional care and attention which could have resulted in additional hours spent by the nurses. Appropriate action can be taken to improve the efficiency of the nurses can control this variance to a great extent (Blocker, 1951). The cost incurred in terms of the payment made to the nurses amounts to  £ 33,180. However the estimated pay based on the average pay per hour ( £ 12) is computed as (2080 * 12)  £ 24,960. This additional  £ 8,220 also has an adverse effect on the budget. Hence it is essential to understand the reasons for this variance in order to adjust the budgeting accordingly for the future periods. It is known that the pay for the nurses vary from  £ 7 to  £ 28, whereas the average is  £ 12. In the budget prepared, this average was only taken into account. However, the reason for the variance might be that more number of nurses with payment more than  £ 12 were on duty during the month. This variance can be controlled by noting the nurses who will be on duty for the following month and estimating the pay based on their pay scales, instead of using the average pay value. The quantity of supplies and variable heads are associated with the nursing hours as per the statistical studies. According to the standard, an average of  £ 10 worth of supplies and variable overheads are

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 16

Research Paper Example .it was established that international students are not receiving adequate support from the institution with regard to several issues such as physical and electronic barriers to accessing support services. This report explores the level of satisfaction and experiences of international students at QUTIC, with regards to insurance and banking support services offered at the campus. It is important that the management of QUT International College have this information so that they can better support international students concerning their financial issues. The data is obtained through 20 questionnaires, including 11 closed and one open question. The major findings are that students require more support from the institution as far as financial issues are concerned. Recommendations have also been suggested on how to overcome the barriers, including initiating financial assistance talks and making support services more accessible for international students. Students were asked to choose between four banking and insurance services that they would prefer to have as a mobile application if QUT were to develop one. As evident from the chart above, 8 out of 20 respondents would prefer to have a mobile application that enabled them to make claims on Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).â€Æ' 4 It can be concluded that making claims on the health cover is a difficult experience hence international students would appreciate having it on their mobile phones to make such transactions easier. Making the claims is a common practice since it is mandatory to have OSHC (Department of Immigration and Border Protection 2014, para 1). Students would prefer the convenience of making the transaction through their mobile phones as compared to the already established procedures. 4 Figure 2: Extent to which international students would want establishment of a finance assistance talk†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 QUT

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

International Security in an Era of Globalization Essay

International Security in an Era of Globalization - Essay Example A critique of women’s engagement in international security has often put international security as a man’s domain. Laura Sjoberg in her book, Gender and International Security, published in 2010 looks at international security from the perspective of gender and demonstrates the critical role played by them in the global crisis pertaining to security (p. 2). An important consideration presented in the book, relating to war and military, explains that in democratic governments, the citizens have the power to control the military. It goes on to explain how civilians may not claim innocence at times of war because deliberately avoiding or ignoring facts do not make them innocent (Sjoberg 2010, p. 17). And this goes for all civilians and non-combatants including women. Democracy implies power to the people therefore while war times require certain operational secrecy, it is unhealthy to keep the citizens uninformed about important developments, an act which goes against the purpose of democracy. In most occasions, the military kills because they are present for the security of the common masses. Sjoberg proposes the idea of civilian army which is represented by the civilian population including women and other eligible candidates however she also points out how many eligible candidates find a way to get away from giving service. The most ov er-represented female population is the African American one which comprises about forty percent of the US Army’s enlisted women. Wars have indeed been an important security issue for the past few decades and terrorism has emerged as a political catchphrase used to justify preemption (Sjoberg 2010, p. 20). In order to understand terrorism, it is important to consider that it is not a new phenomenon and is common in various countries including Ireland, England, Philippines, and so on. Moreover, the random killing of civilians in wars is no more horrendous an act than terrorism. In fact, both may involve the killing of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How does stress affect the characters' s in The Descendants by Kaui Essay

How does stress affect the characters' s in The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings in a few ways - Essay Example Causes of stress are not universal to everyone. What stresses one may not stress another (Kopolow 17). Therefore, stress can be defined as responding to body demands that are not specific. The basic way to respond to stress involves three stages, which includes sensitization, resistance, and lastly exhaustion. To apply this it takes self effort to manage stress. This can be done through physical practices to ease your nerves and release pressure through exercise like running. It can also be done by sharing with friends, understanding your limits, taking good care of yourself, setting aside time just to have fun as it is important as doing work, participating in various activities to avoid boredom, assigning tasks to avoid being overworked, accepting correction, and sometimes crying if it is necessary to release your stress (Hemmings 45). The effect of stress have been demonstrated in the novel The Descendants through the various characters in the book. This is clear in the main chara cter of the book, Matt, who is majorly faced by family stress. From the book, it is evident that stress has had adverse effects to most of characters including Matt himself, however, in the end it turns out to transform Matt into a likable character (Kopolow 17). The Descendants is a book that talks of a story in the palace. Matt King a land owner in Hawaii from the royalty of Hawaii. He faces stress from the accident of her wife in a boat race and later on he realizes that her wife, Joanie, has been having extramarital affairs with Brian in the process of providing a chance for friends to bid Joanie goodbye. Joanie had been responsible of the kids and after her demise, Matt is faced with the challenge of handling his children, Alex and Scottie, as a single father. The two daughters are sturbon in their own way, one is a drug addict and the other a sturbon girl that displays unpleasant messages to her friends. Despite all this causes of stress to Matt, he still manages to be dillige nt with his business and career, as well as managing and rebuilding his family. The story starts with stressing events that touch most of the characters. However, towards the end, the story manages to have a happy ending as we see the family of Matt uniting together especially after the death of Joanie, the wife to Matt and the mother to Alex and Scottie. Kaui Hemmings begins the book by introducing Matt king who narrates the entire story. He is in a hospital where his wife, Joanie, lies in a coma. She is described to be once enthusiastic, and ecstasy-seeking is in a coma at the hospital after an accident in a boat race accident. This is one of the causes of stress to Matt as it gives him worry about the health of his wife (Hemmings 45). Matt is also faced from other stresses arising from his family. Another cause of stress to Matt is his discovering that his wife had extra-marital affairs outside their wedlock. He learns that his wife was not faithful to their marriage. This makes him seek to find out the details of the mysterious lover of his wife. He seeks a solution to this family stress by sharing it with his friends as he look for the man he believes his wife loved. He does this to give the lover to his wife a chance to bid farewell to Joanie because Matt believes she will die soon. Matt is also faced with another family stress of dealing with his daughters after Joanie is dead. He poses, â€Å"Once I think I know the pattern with these girls -- fun, intimacy, fight,

Monday, September 9, 2019

Business law and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business law and ethics - Essay Example Within such a framework, it is the understanding of the law that these stakeholders may have a less biased and more realistic interpretation for the means whereby a given firm or business can seek to maximize their own profits. Comparatively, within the United States, the manager or management of the firm has a high degree of latitude with regards to the actions and decisions that he/she can take to protect against a potential hostile takeover of his/her firm. As a means of explaining these key differentials to a greater and more complete degree, the following analysis will attempt to compare and contrast the means whereby managers within the United Kingdom and the United States are constrained by the rule of law to exhibit only certain levels of behavior in the event of a potential hostile takeover of their firm or business entity. Within the US system, the managers of the respective firm are allowed and encouraged to actively engage with regards to seeking to delineate the key bene fits and drawbacks that a potential takeover may have upon the viability of the company. By comparison, UK law specifically refuses the right of the manager to engage in such decision making strategy; rather, it places the onus of such a choice squarely upon the shoulders of the shareholders. Yet, this should not be understood to mean that takeovers in the United States are somehow shareholder â€Å"unfriendly†. ... option allows for a manager to engage in an active defense of the company’s stock if a potential takeover is denoted by the acquisition of 10-15% of a company’s stock by a hostile firm/individual. By comparison, managers within the United Kingdom are not allowed to take any â€Å"frustrating action†. This is due to the fact that the United Kingdom delineates a much more powerful focus upon the needs and rights of the respective shareholders as opposed to the United States approach which places most of the power and decision making ability upon the manager. As such, any â€Å"poison pill† option is implicitly forbidden under UK law. In short, â€Å"frustrating options†, defined as a means by which a manager of a firm can seek to disrupt the rate and extent to which a potential takeover might take place. However, what should be understood is that the strict laws that govern the level to which a firm in the United Kingdom can respond to a takeover only apply once the potential takeover is the horizon. As such, it is well within the law for the firm or entity to seek to entrench itself in a rather unassailable position prior to any of this taking place; thereby making its position much stronger and less likely to result in a predatory takeover of any sort whatsoever. Q2) Although ethics is broadly understood, the fact of the matter is that there are five traditional approaches to this topic which must be engaged with and understood in order for the student or the analyst to approach the topic with a firm level of understanding. As such, the following brief analysis will discuss each of these five traditional theories of ethics and define why each of these is important to understand and appreciate from the business perspective. Due to the fact that different points of

New York Times Newspaper Paywall Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 33

New York Times Newspaper Paywall - Case Study Example New York Times used a device-specific and metered system that allowed the readers to access up to 20 articles a month for free, but readers would be charged to access more articles except for the front page that was free all the times for all the users. The number of free articles was made to ensure active readers remain engaged and promote the social buzz generated by the articles. The strategy entailed differentiated pricing strategy that entailed three tiers depending on the device used by the reader to access the content and introductory offers and discounts for the customers. The digital pricing was cheaper than print home delivery, but the price was higher than that charged by other newspaper companies’ digital content. The distinctive pricing is essential in order to cater for the unique needs and amount of content accessed by the user (Kumar, Anand, Gupta and Oberholzer-Gee 7). The ‘leaky wall’ design accommodated users from social networks and search engi nes. Readers from Google search were restricted to five-articles per day limit over and above the 20 monthly free articles (Kumar, Anand, Gupta and Oberholzer-Gee 6). In addition, readers who came in from social media sites like Twitter and Facebook faced no links if the articles were linked directly from those social media sites. The paywall is a complement of the print newspaper since it provides the additional revenue stream and enhances the audience. Some readers will prefer the print newspapers especially advertisement companies. The newspaper industry is in trouble due to decline in the overall circulation and decline I the traditional sources of revenues such as subscription, classified advertising, and retail. Accordingly, the nature of the industry makes it difficult to reduce editorial staff, production and distribution costs since they are fixed.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Norway Builds the World's Most Humane Prison Assignment

Norway Builds the World's Most Humane Prison - Assignment Example This institution’s peculiarity is that it provides numerous conveniences for convicts and even their families. Halden Fengsel’s governor claims that the prison’s main goal is to help the inmates to change for the better, so the main focus lies on respect towards human rights. Such a lenience of Norwegian penalty system is quite effective. The country’s recidivism rate is much less than elsewhere. Much attention is paid to design of the prison. The usage of materials, building layout, interior and even cell lighting are carefully planned in order to avoid the feeling of incarceration. To crown it all, the prisoners and guard stuff have very close relationship which helps to eschew social distance and dominance of the latter. To sum up, in the article by William Lee Adams a new type of prison is described. This is an innovative penalty institution, where the rights of prisoners are respected and not infringed upon. Warm relationship and deference serve here as the most powerful force of rehabilitation and convicts’ reintegration into new

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Tiffany com Essay Example for Free

Tiffany com Essay In what way(s) is Tiffany exposed to exchange-rate risk subsequent to itsnew distribution agreement with Mitsukoshi? How serious are these risks?Answer: About 15% of (1992) sales of $492mln or ~ $75mln will now be earned inYen, but will have to be reported in $. At a Net Income (1992) of $25mln, the risks caused by this exposure are significant. Data from exhibit 6 shows that ina 6-month period (Apr-Sep) exchange rates fluctuated as much as 10%. (from 133.30  ¥/$ to 120.07  ¥/$). A 10% downward fluctuation like this would translate into a third of a drop in net results ($25mln -/- $75mln x 10%) to . 67mln, assuming everything else stays the same (e.g. all costs incurred in $, prices to consumersremain unchanged).1.In what ways is Tiffany exposed to exchange-rate risk subsequent to its new distribution agreement with Mitsikoshi? How serious are these risks?Tiffany is exposed to foreign exchange risk by selling directly to the Japanesemarket. When they sold wholesale to Mitsukoshi, Mitsukoshi bore all the foreign exchange risk. Under this new agreement Tiffany is now exposed to the volatile fluctuations in the yen-dollar exchange rate. Since Tiffany is making profits in yen they have to convert the yen to dollars to take back to their home country. Since the yen is thought to be overvalued in comparison to the dollar, the future exchange rate can decrease Tiffanys profits. Also, the extreme volatility in the exchange rate creates significant uncertainty in what the future exchange rate and profits will be if left unhedged. The most important foreignexchange risk facing Tiffany is2. Should Tiffany actively manage its yen-dollar exchange-rate risk? Why or why not?Answer: Tiffany should actively manage its  ¥/$ exchange rate risk for the following reasons:1. The possible impact on its result as described in the answer to question 1is significant;2. There are strong indicators (on a PPP-basis the Yen is highly overvalued) that a correction will occur, which might mean even larger exchange-rate fluctuations than have occurred in the past.The way Tiffany manages its  ¥/$ exchange-rate risk is of course a function of how exchange-rate development scenario  s relate to the cost involved in [the instruments used in] managing this

Friday, September 6, 2019

Whoever Controls the Media Essay Example for Free

Whoever Controls the Media Essay In some countries, the media is controlled exclusively by large companies; in others it is the government that has this control. Often, in a war situation, one of the first casualties is the media, which is seized by one group or another. This gives some support to the idea that the media is a source of power and control. Whoever controls the media also has ultimate control over what is published or broadcasted and what is omitted. They can also add a certain prejudice or bias to their coverage of certain news stories depending on their own feelings about the matter. This is not a new problem, although the issue is perhaps more pressing now that the Internet and pay-TV have enabled these messages to be disseminated even further. However, we should remember that readers have their own ideas and opinions. You can control what is printed but you cannot control the opinions of your readers. I think the only positive here is that, nowadays, people seem to be much more cynical about what they read in the press or hear on television. In particular, when it comes to the tabloid press, people know that they have to take what they read with a grain of salt. In other words, they read knowing they may be being lied to. Perhaps it is of even greater concern that we have become so accepting of this form of censorship. The only thing that can be done to alter this situation is for the government to regulate the industry so that there is no longer a monopoly on media ownership. This also means that they have to allow and support a totally free press, even if this mean the government may be criticized or ridiculed within its pages.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Influence on a River Rates of Discharge

Influence on a River Rates of Discharge Introduction The analysis of river ‘flow regimes’ has evolved into a fundamental aspect of the Geographical discipline. The contemporary geographer is aware of how a complex system of factors can influence a river’s rate of discharge. Factors Influencing Flow Regimes The six constituents of the hydrological cycle effect river flow regime. These are precipitation, infiltration, evaporation, transpiration, surface run-off and ground water flow.[1] Veissman and Lewis have noted the complexity of this cycle by stating: ‘paths taken by precipitated droplets of water are many and varied before the sea is reached.’[2] Precipitation levels vary in accordance with a variety of factors; such as latitude, altitude, vegetation cover and micro-climatic particularities. However, precipitation is relatively uncomplicated to measure and thus grants the most data.[3] Ingle Smith and Stopp have highlighted that a river’s discharge is ‘related to precipitation but complex.’[4] Indeed, there is always a ‘time lag’ from the commencement of heavy periods of rainfall to a marked increase in river discharge.[5] The duration of time lag will depend upon the infiltration capacity of the soil in the river’s catchment area, as well as local topography and the presence of vegetation. Rivers obtain the majority of their water supply via the process of ‘through flow.’[6] Through flow occurs when water held within the soil gradually travels to the river channel and explains why, even during dry periods, ‘few rivers or streams cease to flow.’[7] Vegetation plays a vital role in the character of river regimes. Surrounding plants and trees intercept precipitation and influence the amount of water which will ultimately pass to the water way.[9] Rain water may land on foliage or dead organic matter and evaporate, or be absorbed by roots in the soil. These processes constitute the phenomenon known as ‘evapotranspiration.’[10] Forests have a balancing effect on the hydrological cycle and restrict a superfluous quantity of water entering the river channel during periods of heavy rainfall.[11] In colder climes, such as the Tiaga region, the shade from trees can prevent rapid snow melt causing flash floods.[12] Deforestation has had a marked influence on the nature of river regime characteristics. Comparison of Discharge Values The correlation of the mean monthly discharge values of specific river regimes, in different locations, imparts much fascinating information. The discharge value of a river is measured in cubic metres per second (mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³/sec).[13] The River Suir of the Republic of Ireland and the River Thames of Great Britain both exhibit very similar flow regimes of a uni-modal nature. The two rivers are situated in the north western European temperate zone and flow levels peak in January and ebb in July in tandem with the wet and dry seasons. On an annual basis the Suir has a mean monthly flow rate of 54.250 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³/sec and the Thames has a rate of 61.583 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³/sec. The greatest deviation from mean rate occurs in January. During this month the Thames exhibits a discharge rate of 110mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec whilst the Suir’s rate is 92mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec. The month of July provides the lowest discharge rate for both water ways: 2.98% of total annual discharge passes through the Thames, whilst it is 4.45% for the Suir. The Mediterranean zone offers a distinct form of river regime flow pattern. The Vinalopo River, which is situated in South East Spain near the town of Alicante, illustrates this actuality. Unlike the rivers of northern temperate regions, the Vinalopo’s range of discharge is more extreme, ranging from an average level of only 25mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec in September to a substantial 410mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec in January. This represents a range of 385mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec. Indeed, the greatest deviations from the monthly mean value of 197.417mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec take place in the winter, during January (410 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec) and February (380 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec), and in late summer, in August (30 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec) and September (25 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec). The mighty Yenisey River of Russia runs from the town of Kyzl in Southern Siberia and traverses theWest Siberian lowlands before entering the Kara Sea 388km away to the north.[14] Mean monthly discharge is 17,916.667 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec, and peak discharge of 76,000 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec occurs in June, which constitutes 35.35% of total annual discharge in one month.. From November to April average discharge is only 4,750 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec and this six month period provides only 13.25% of total annual flow. Discharge rate increases abruptly in spring, peaks in June, and ebbs dramatically from July (28,000 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec) to October (15,000 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec). Thus, the Yenisey displays an entirely different regime to that of the Thames, the Suir and the Vinalopo. Base flow occurs during April and peak flow during June, and represents an astonishing range of 72,000mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec throughout the year. South East Asia is home to the Brahamaputra River which flows from high in the Himalayan Mountains before meeting the Ganges River in the delta of southern Bangladesh.[15] Like the Yenisey River, the Brahmaputra also crosses an array of climatic regions. A peak discharge rate of 43,120 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec occurs in August and constitutes 18.64% of total annual discharge. This represents the largest deviation from a mean monthly discharge of 19,277.50 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec. Base flow is recorded at a rate of 4,190 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec in February and represents a flow range of 38,930 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec. The Bramhaputra is comparable to the Yennisey as flow trend ebbs in winter and increases in spring and summer. However, flow peaks later in the year and the period of November to April constitutes 17.58 % of total annual discharge, which is slightly higher than that of the Yenisey. The range of discharge rate of this water way is also not as extreme as that of the Yenisey River a nd is more dissipated throughout the months of May to October. The Congo (Zaire) River is the fifth largest river in the world and is situated in central Africa.[16] The river flows through zones of tropical rainforest and savannah. The flow regime of the river is bi-modal due to its situation in the tropics. Discharge peaks at 73,600 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec in December which constitutes 15.73% of total annual discharge. The secondary May peak of 62,100 represents 13.27% of yearly discharge. July witnesses a base flow level of 21,600 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec. Thus, the range of flow discharge is 52,000mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³/sec. Discharge follows an entirely different pattern to the aforementioned water ways. The volume increases and decreases twice on an annual basis. It rises from March to May and from July to December, respectively, and ebbs during the interim periods. Climatic and Regional Influences Each of the six river regimes exhibit these particular annual flow patterns due to the specific climatic and environmental factors which prevail within their catchment areas. The Thames and Suir regimes are situated in the temperate forest biome which experiences ‘warm moist summers and mild winters.’[17] Precipitation occurs throughout the year and peaks during the winter.[18] This is why both rivers experience the highest levels of discharge in January. Evapotranspiration peaks during the summer, but the heavy peaty soils continue to provide supplies of stored water to the rivers via the process of through flow.[19] The Alicante Mountains north and west of the town of Alicante rise to a height of almost 1600 metres and influence the flow regime of the Vinalopo River. Precipitation levels increase with altitude and, during the autumn and winter rains, the river discharge rate rises as water enters the main channel via mountain tributaries. Evapotranspiration rates far outbalance rainfall in the hot months of July and August when temperatures around the town of Elche can reach as high as 26à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ °C. Thus, discharge is severely reduced to only 2.33% of total annual discharge in August and September. Indeed, during this period of base flow the river benefits little from through flow as moisture in the arid Mediterranean soil is quickly evaporated upwards. The local demands of the population and vegetation also decreases the water table in the lower lying regions of the Vinalopo catchment. For example, the large incidence of palm trees surrounding the town of Elche naturally reduces the water budget in the region during the dry Mediterranean summer. The flow regime of the Yenisey river is influenced by the continental climate of the Asiatic land mass, which experiences great extremes of temperature.[20] As temperatures gradually rise in the spring time, after the bitterly cold winter, snow melt in the mountains, and ablation of glaciers, causes a surge in discharge. The water from the melting precipitation and ice cannot be absorbed by the permafrost, which underlies the soil, and thus runs off directly to the river and its tributaries.[21] Permafrost will also melt as temperatures rise providing an additional source of water via through flow. The discharge rate of the Brahmaputra River also increases in March and April due to Himalayan snow melt entering the river regime.[22] The monsoon rains commence in April and continue until October. During this period up to 200cm of precipitation can fall and the Brahmaputra is ‘swollen by June or July.’[23] Such a high influx of water explains why discharge increases rapidly. Non-equatorial tropical river systems experience higher rates of precipitation during the summer months and a considerable reduction in winter.[24] Indeed, only 9.54% of total annual discharge flows through the Brahmaputra from December to March. The flow regime of the Congo River is unique amongst the six river regimes as it is of a bi-modal nature, ebbing and flowing twice annually. Precipitation levels are bi-modal[25] and peak at the time of the equinoxes in March and April.[26] This is due to the tropical equatorial location of the river, and discharge rate exhibits a marked increase after these months. Indeed, rainfall is continuous throughout the year and the annual level in Kasangani, Democratic Republic of Congo, is approximately 170cm. This factor highlights why the monthly discharge rate never drops below 4.7% of the total annual volume. Temperature remains practically constant at 25à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ °C along the route of the Congo throughout the year due to the absence of seasonality in this biome.[27] Conclusion The discharge levels of the Suir, Thames and Vinalopo rivers all correspond with increased levels of precipitation in the winter and reduced precipitation in the summer. The range of discharge in the Thames and Suir is much less than that of the Vinalopo. This is due to the fact that they are situated in a temperate climate and do not experience the extremes of high temperature, altitude and rainfall which exist in the Mediterranean environment. Increased autumn and winter precipitation rates on the Alicante mountains, and the dry hot summers, are responsible for a flow discharge rate which ranges from 410mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec in January to only 25mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec in August. Mountain ranges also influence the discharge rates of the Brahmaputra and Yennisey Rivers profoundly. Snow melt and glacial ablation at high altitudes cause a surge in discharge during the spring months in both rivers. However, discharge reduces to 6,000 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec on the Yennisey by November and this is due to the onset of the severely cold continental winter. Precipitation in the Siberian mountains is now frozen, and overland and through flow to the river channel is severely reduced. The monsoon climate of south east Asia ensures that the discharge of the Brahmaputra remains high for a longer period of time. In November average discharge is still 11,735 mà ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ /sec; almost double that of the Yennisey. Thus, total annual flow is dissipated over a longer time period than the more extreme ‘freeze/thaw’ trend of the Yennisey regime. The Congo has a very different annual discharge trend to the other rivers due to its situation in equatorial Africa. The bi-modal rain season ensures that discharge rises and falls twice on an annual basis. The Congo has the highest total annual discharge of all the rivers. It is almost double that of the Brahmaputra and this is testimony to the incessant precipitation of the equatorial tropics. Bibliography CHARLESWORTH, J. K. Historical Geology of Ireland, Oliver and Boyd, 1963 Pages: 439, 439 DEWDNEY, J. C. A Geography of the Soviet Union, Pergamon Press, Third Edition, 1979 Pages: 5, 7, 13, 18, 20, 29, 31 FACAROS, D. PAULS, M. Spain, Cadogan Books Ltd, Second Edition, 1989 Pages: 18, 160 FORBARTH, P. The River Congo, Seeker and Warburg, 1978 Pages: 4, 5 GANDERTON, P. Mastering Geography, MacMillan, 2000 Pages: 311, 313, 315, 317 GOUDIE, A. THOMAS, D. S. G. The Dictionary of Physical Geography, Blackwell, Third Edition, 2000 Pages: 209, 405 HOLDEN, J. An Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment, Pearson Education Ltd, 2005 Pages: 37, 39, 178, 179, 183, 185, 186, 189, 193, 194, 196, 301, 309, 312, 328, 470, 471, 476, 531 INGLE SMITH, D. STOPP, P. The River Basin, An Introduction to the Study of Hydrology, Cambridge University Press, 1978 Pages: 15, 19 VEISSMAN, W. LEWIS, G. L. Introduction to Hydrology, Pearson Education Inc, Fifth Edition, 2003 Pages: 2, 3, 9, 10, 27 NICHOLSON, R. Nicholson’s Guide to the Thames, From Source to Sea, Robert Nicholson Publications Ltd, Second Edition, 1974 Pages: 4, 5, 6 WEIGHTMAN, B. A. Dragons and Tigers, A Geography of South, East and South East Asia, John Wiley and Sons, 2006 Pages: 191, 193, 194, 195 WHITE, R. Africa Geographical Studies, Heinemann, 1984 Pages: 44, 45, 46, 167, 169, 170, 171, 286, 396 National Geographic Atlas of the World, National Geographic Society, Sixth Edition, 1995 Pages: 74, 83, 94 1 Footnotes [1] W Viessman, G L Lewis, Introduction to Hydrology, Pearson, 2003) 2 [2] W Viessman, G L Lewis) 3 [3] D Ingle Smith, P Stopp, The River Basin, An introduction to the Study of Hydrology, Cambridge, 1978) 15 [4] D Ingle Smith, P Stopp) 15 [5] D Ingle Smith, P Stopp) 15 [6] J Holden, An Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment, Pearson, 2005) 312 [7] D Ingle Smith, P Stopp) 15 [9] D Ingle Smith, P Stopp) 9 [10] J Holden) 39 [11] D S G Thomas, A Goudie, The Dictionary of Physical Geography, Blackwell, 2000) 209 [12] D S G Thomas, A Goudie) 209 [13] W Viessman, G L Lewis) 9 [14] National Geographic Atlas of the World, National Geographic Society, 1995) 74 [15] National Geographic Atlas of the World) 83 [16] National Geographic Atlas of the World) 94 [17] P Ganderton, Mastering Geography, MacMillan, 2000) 314 [18] J Holden) 328 [19] J Holden) 328 [20] J C Dewdney, A Geography of the Soviet Union, Pergamon, 1979) 7 [21] P Ganderton) 311 [22] B A Weightman, Dragons and Tigers, A Geography of South, East and South East Asia, Wiley, 2006) 195 [23] B A Weightman) 195 [24] J Holden) 328 [25] J Holden) 328 [26] R White, Africa Geographical Studies, Heinemann, 1984) 169 [27] R White) 167