Friday, December 27, 2019

Tax Policy New Jersey And Alabama - 1502 Words

Ranfy Leonardo Dr. Kersey Pols 2212 14 November 2014 Tax policy in New Jersey and Alabama Taxes have always been a contentious issue of debate in the United States; furthermore it is exacerbated by the specific philosophy of individuals, states, and regions. Too be clearer, nobody enjoys paying taxes, however it is the cost we pay for having civilization. Nevertheless, selfishness creeps in to many individuals who feel no particular benefit. Taxes have a real way of polarizing many people from different socio-economic backgrounds, because a tax is inexorably linked to a person’s belief-system. For instance, in the context of social welfare policy liberals are inclined to feel that the tax-burden should be heaped on individuals who have benefited the most from â€Å"the system†. On the other hand, we have conservatives who feel they did not receive any support, and all that is necessary is hard work and perseverance to succeed. I am not suggesting either one is correct; it is only a simple illustration to show the relation between pocketbook and personal belief. I hope studying the tax structures of New Jersey and Alabama will give me insight they both reconcile their political beliefs with their individual tax structures. New Jersey like many other states relies on a tax system to provide many different services to its citizens including schools, roads, public health, and safety. Correspondingly, it has to raise the money required toShow MoreRelatedStudent Rights Under The Law1375 Words   |  6 Pagesare viewed differently under the law. In 1995 New Jersey v. T.L.O, two high school students were found smoking in the bathroom at school. One girl admitted to smoking but the other one denied it. The student who denied smoking and her purse was inspected by the principal and evidence was found that the student was also selling marijuana. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Defending Animals Who Can Not Speak For Themselves

Md. Milad Hussain Dr. Trey Jansen English 1302 May, 3 2016 Defending Animals Who Cannot Speak for Themselves The last decade, this world has been seen increasing the interest of human attitudes to abuse animals. Animal abuse defined as the failure to provide food, clean water, shelter, sanitation and medication. The peoples are abusing animals directly or indirectly who may be ignorant, poor, or other unknown circumstances. However, animals should not be abused as far as I am concerned. But every single day animals are abusing all over the world. Can you close your eyes and imagine that you were beaten and living like a prison by someone. Some Animals are treated exactly like this in this world. Animals cannot speak like humans, but they have emotion and sound which express their feeling to others. Sometimes people hurting them without knowing that whatever they are doing to an animal it is causing animal pain. Besides, some people who already abused themselves, they think this is only one way to treat an animal. It is called human intentional infliction. â€Å"Animal abuse is the ill-tre atment of an animal despite of the perpetrator’s intent, inspiration, or mind order† (Lisa 24). Animal abuse can be caused of serious pain, suffer, and horrible death. Some people like to kill animals for amusement, food, medicine, and other products The argument is as far as I am concerned, animals should be used for the benefit of human likeShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Anatomy of a Dolphin836 Words   |  4 PagesDolphins, cousins to whales, member of the family Delphinidae, and an animal that captures the heart of anyone who sees one. This powerhouse of a marine mammal can swim at speeds of up to thirty-five miles per hour and renowned for the fact that they can jump out of the water, a feat meant to both conserve energy and to get places quicker. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Performance Management Australian Organizations

Question: Discuss about thePerformance Managementfor Australian Organizations. Answer: Introduction In the competitive society of the modern world, the idea of balancing work and life is taken in to consideration by many people. The Australian organizations are looking for ways and means to make the lives of their employees well balanced in terms of work and their family. Employment traditionally was the means of supporting the private life financially. The work and life balance helps the employers of an organization to have a competitive advantage over others for creating a relationship between the home and work of the employee. It directly results in the creation of lower stress rate in the working environment and enjoyment in home. It improves the performance of the employees in the work place and builds a positive image of the organization in the eyes of the public (Jones, Burke and Westman 2013). Logical Argument According to Fenech (2014), the balance between work and life is very important for a health living. To reach the top of the corporate ladder, employees often sacrifice the quality time of the family and is focused on work too much which creates a negative impact on the life of the employee in the family. In the modern competitive world however, individuals have to improve their professional career, which will help them to support the family financially. The use of apps in the daily lives of the people such as Cloud Computing has helped to turn a new page in balancing the work and life. It is believed by some people that the nature of work is facing a rapid change and it makes us proud to play a part in the changing era. According to Iwata (2016), the beginning of the 20th century saw the introduction of typewriters in the world which revolutionary idea at that period. It changed the whole perspective of writing from manual to electronic mode. This caused the organization to take an extra burden on their shoulders, as they had to train and educate their employees and in procuring the typewriters for the major work force. The invention of computer had lead to a major change across the globe and was incorporated in the organizations to reduce the pressure relating to work. It also paved the way to reduce the errors that were previously committed and provided efficient work in a less span of time. According to Kundnani and Mehta (2016), the concept regarding family has undergone a huge change recently such as same-sex relationships, parents who are single, parents who are divorced and many varieties of communities living in the society. The semantically shift from work-family to work-life is the only recognition that is linked with the dependent children. The other activities like sports, studies, health, fitness, and hobbies all needs to be balanced with the work. The organization concentrates mainly on men and women who are married or living with a partner and with children when the policies regarding work are made. According to Lewis et al. (2016), Cloud computing is an app which changes the perspective of the work. Almost all the companies in the world have adopted this technology and its implementation in the working organizations has bought significant changes in the culture of work. A process enhances the experience of the job by establishing a link between the local server and the remote server. It simply means that employees anywhere within or outside the office premises can handle the projects. It helps in building a relationship between the local and remote servers with that of the employee. The technology of cloud computing has taken the nature of the work to such an extent that employees have the freedom in working. They can work from home or from any other place with the help that Cloud computing can give. The added pressure of going to the office can be significantly reduced to a minimum. The advancements in technology have in face proved to be a threat to the security relating to job and the confidential data of the company. It has helped in widening the scope of the nature of the work and is easily accessible by hackers. They can easily get hold of the confidential materials of the company by simply cracking the codes of the company (Toosi, Calheiros and Buyya 2014). Theory In the field of human resource management, performance management acts as a concept. Goal setting theory is a part of performance management that plays an imperative role to motivate workers for superior performance. On the other hand, expectancy theory is based on the theory that individuals regulate their behavior in the organization based on predictable satisfaction of esteemed goals set by them. According to Rittinghouse and Ransome (2016), the nature of the work in relation to the employees has influenced heavily the work nature in the human resource management sector. The implementation of the technological changes has helped in many ways to make the operations of the employees to be handled in an easy manner but has also added many burdens on the shoulders of the human resource management. The changed work nature all over the world has lead to the possibility of acquiring new talents so that the company can keep up the pace related to the changing environment. There are many options for the employers to allow the employees to maintain a proper work and life balance. It improves the chance of retaining its employees in relation to the goals that needs to be met. It helps to improve the health conditions of the employees and reduces the absenteeism level in the employees, which helps to increase the productivity levels of the company and for the employees as well. The employers can allow its people to work from home at least a day in a week or some days in a month. It can even allow the person to attend the meetings with the help of technology rather than being physically present in the organization. The number of hours required to work can be restricted which allows the employees to peacefully enjoy their after work hours (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). This approach has been taken by some organization wherein the mail servers stops working after a particular number of working hours for the employees. The company needs to promote the image of work and life balance and not boast about it so that the employees will be encouraged and accept the culture of working in that environment. The focus of the organization needs to be on the outcome of the work and not on the number of hours worked because the productivity of the employees cannot be measured in the number of hours worked. Some work can be done before the scheduled time, so it does not makes sense of staying put in the office after completing the work (Snell, Morris and Bohlander 2015). According to Stawarz et al. (2013), the responsibilities for maintaining a balance in work can be done with the different kinds of employing strategies like full time, part time and freelancer by staying within the ethical guidelines of the company. The employees need to be educated regarding the ethical rules and regulations of the company. The roles and responsibilities of various employees comes under the responsibility of the human resource management. According to Cannizzo and Osbaldiston (2016), the management faces many challenges to maintain the different culture of work force. The fact that it has added more responsibilities to a bunch of new opportunities in the human resource management sector has been all because of the technology that is being updated in the modern world. The human resource management can indulge themselves in activities like evaluating the employment methods, which helps them in analyzing the performances of the workers. This directly encourages the employees in achieving their targets. However, there are limitations to this approach as many human resources body have a lackadaisical attitude, which results in complete uselessness of the responsibilities assigned to them, which hinders the evaluation process (Gill and Donaghue 2016). Apps such as TimeTune for Android users and ATracker for the iOS users keep a check on the routines and can carefully plan out the action for the working days. It will help the employees to chalk out the work by shifting towards a more realistic working ratio. Smart phones have the access to Wi-Fi from practically any place and anywhere, but can create problem in the personal life if not managed properly (Allen et al. 2014). The BreakFree app is a tool, which helps in controlling the digital life by identifying the closeness with the phone of the employee. It helps in understanding the apps that are used too frequently. It helps to keep a check on the work life of the employees when they are enjoying with their family on weekends or after work hours. The app called Pacifica aims to manage the stress of the employees that is related to the work. It helps to monitor the mood, helps in meditating and relaxing of the body and keeps a track on the health of the employee. It helps to manage the stress and handle the tense situations in a more proper way (Lyness and Judiesch 2014). Apps also help in maintaining connections with the friends of the individuals who are working in an organization. The app called Connect helps the employees to be in touch with the contacts that they have in their phone, email addresses and in the social media platforms. It helps the individuals to manage their relationships with their friends as well apart from their family (Harr et al. 2014). One of the biggest barriers is to be focused at work with all the tensions the employees have to go through after work. It maybe that the employee might be running late for office, so by mistake keeps the fan on and leaves for work. On reaching the meeting room, he remembers the problem that he encountered at home and cannot concentrate on the topic in the meeting. This hampers the relationship in the work culture as well as the homely environment (Deery and Jago 2015). Cozi, an app that keeps all the necessary information in one place because it includes the calendars, journals and the recipe managers which help the employees to maintain a safety at both the places. Time planning is also an important part in the life of the employees so that they do not miss out the finer things in life. The Weekly Planner app in Android and the Week Plan app in iOS help to ensure that individuals have time to do what they want apart from their busy work schedule and are effective in taking care of the household chores (Todd and Binns 2013). Conclusion and Recommendation The recommendations for an effective work life balance aims at providing equilibrium between work and life for the employees. The support from the management is very important in providing the policies regarding the balance between the work and life. The surveys of the employees at a regular basis help in understanding the needs of the workers so that designing the policies can be easy. The employees need to be assisted with understanding the work and giving it the priority during the working hours so that the employees do not create the notion of taking everything as equal importance with work. The managers and the supervisors need to undergo regular training so that they can understand the level of overwork in their staffs. Allowing work from home and granting sick leave without the certificate of the doctor needs to be kept in mind so that the employees can have the trust on its organization. The need of the apps needs to be discussed with the employees so that they are not overwo rked with the pressure they have in the organization and not become bored with the quality of work. It helps the organization to reduce the absenteeism level in its working culture by improving the morale of the employees and retaining the organizational knowledge of the staffs during the harsh economic conditions of the company. In the global scenario of the present world, the aim of the companies is to reduce their costs and to achieve that the professional human resource management team has to understand the work and life balance method very critically and find out the programs that will make the work and life very easy. The expectation level of the employees is high concerning the work flexibility in the modern society. Hence, some organizations think that the balance between work and life is of strategic importance. An organization with the support from the co-workers and the management will help the company to excel as it will have a flexible type of working option. To succeed, the organizations need to adapt the policy of give and take wherein the employer and the employees needs to be flexible a little so that small amounts of compromises can help in achieving the perfect personal and work lives. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Thoughts On Earth Essay Example For Students

Thoughts On Earth Essay This world has no place for genius. Artistry, love, beauty, creativity is warpedand mangled like raw steel into financial gain and social profiteering. Whathappened to the traveling gypsies, the gleemen and the circus? A generation oflost souls is found in this mess of suits and ties and pumps marching head onlike lemmings over the cliff to an end that is all too predictable. Education,Job, Marriage, Children, Retirement in Florida, and Death in a Mahogany Coffin 6Feet Under with the Other Poor Souls trapped there with you. No, no, no. No sir,thats not me. Me and Jimire going up somewhere else, somewhere that thefairy tales come true and dreams are waking memories. Nah, I dont want autopia, thats an illusion, man. I want magic. Thethird-star-on-the-right-andstraight-on-until-morning *censored* that yourmother packed into your head at night to shut you up and make you sleep. Youdidnt know it then but its only when you do sleep that you ever find thisplace. A few pockets of leftover ma gic from a time past and present in aparallel future all hidden in deep glorious caves of wonder guarded by flamingred swords and fake walls and Mr. SandMans sleepy, dusty, night beams. We will write a custom essay on Thoughts On Earth specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Creativity is just memories of a time, a place, a generation that wasnt lostin the briar patch of reality, a muck of modernity that we find ourselves innow. I guess Im just waiting for that next life to take me back, pull me freeof this tar pit hell hole where a smile is a sneer and a friend is a foe. I pitythose who dont realize the beauty of a soul smile, a child in her own world. In the sand box: they are they only ones who know how to get back to that place,but no one believes them. Even I have trouble now. I get glimpses into the lifeI want to lead because its right but a craving deep inside tells me thattheres more and Im just not looking hard enough, taping the wrong vein;startling myself awake from the wrong dream. I want to break out. I feel likeIm just sitting out on life, just watching the silly people go by, on theirsilly missions. But I cant tell if Im just being lazy and waiting forsomething to happen or if Im dreaming a nightmare-ish existence in a Hellcalled Earth and when I do finally wake up again Ill be back where I belong. Click you heels three times, Dorothy and say, Theres no place likehome, cause theres no place like home, cause theres no place likehome. Ill meet you there, I guess, cause Im not sure what time mytrains coming in. And maybe, just maybe my place is real; but maybe its onethats just a little bit higher than your own.