Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (ACEC), Canada Research Paper

Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (ACEC), Canada - Research Paper Example The sequential approach of ADDIE is also followed by the instructional design document. In first place the ACEC audience will be analyzed for future training needs, the success of the instructional design depends heavily on the accuracy of the needs analysis. This will provide the basis for the design selection which includes the course format and any sub-phases The second phase begins with instructional needs identified in the analysis part and the design of the instructional design is discussed by the designer. Instructional strategy, course format, and the medium of instruction will also be finalized at this stage. Finally the course will be developed to achieve the desired instructional goals for ACEC, Canada. The instructional plan will ensure the induction of relevant material will keep the course outline as short as possible. Keeping the interest of the audience alive is an important requirement in development phase. The implementation of the instructional design will finalize the plan rollout timings, logistic and availability of resources deemed necessary for the completion of the course. This includes administrative support and availability of training staff to conduct the course. In final phase of the ADDIE model the evaluation of the overall instructional design will be assessed in terms of trainee’s capacity building and company’s objective realization. The quality of evaluation lies in its objectivity and the strength it introduces in the instructional design. ... Training of newly inducted engineers Analysis of training facilities presently available Coaching facilities for affiliated Companies Instructional facilities for Advance Technologies Lack of Academic Staff Qualitative and Quantitative Needs Required Training facilities (Quantitative) Facilities for Advance Technologies (Qualitative) Needs identified for ACEC All new engineers are required to have comprehensive training before they can be actually deployed at a real life project (Felt Need) Training for advance technologies is mandatory for the Core Professional Engineers at ACEC (Anticipated Need) Association has to plan training for affiliated companies time and again and permanent training need exists under this category (Felt Need) Lack of academic staff (Felt Need) Trainers training (Comparative Need) Selected Need Training of newly inducted engineers Instructional facilities for Advance Technologies Training of Newly Inducted Engineers Need analysis of the ACEC has established a â€Å"Felt Need† of providing training to newly inducted engineers in ACEC. The engineers current performance and excellence is satisfactory however it does not match the mission statement for the ACEC, therefore suggests a gap between the existing and desired level of excellence. The need was established after a qualitative interview session conducted with engineers of various domains and was responded by 95% engineers in favor of initial training. Instructional Goal Polishing critical skills in fresh engineering graduates thus enabling them to produce quality engineering models. Performance-Based Objectives A – audience – Fresh Engineering Graduates B – behavior – Skill enhancement C – conditions – ACEC’ Excellence D – Getting quality engineering Models Instructional

Monday, October 28, 2019

Parallels similarities between the experiences of womenmen in Gileadean and US society Essay Example for Free

Parallels similarities between the experiences of womenmen in Gileadean and US society Essay I would like to concur with Atwood that the Gilead society only exist in the land of Gilead alone, and such attributes are not witnessed in the basic American societies even though this concurrence is limited. I will begin by citing Atwood opinion. Firstly, the Gilead society transferred women wealth to their husbands or relatives. Thus, a woman was seen as a property and could not be allowed to own property since she was a property. This is not the case with contemporary US society where women can make significant macroeconomic decisions American women are leaders of large businesses, control large investments and even assume elective posts. I will, therefore, compare the identity issue to makes sure that you understand the differences between American societies and Gilead societies. Unlike in the American society, in the Gileadian society women were highly segregated from one another. For a woman to befriend a fellow woman that relationship was to be made public. As such, their husbands took women as properties. Thus, they expected women to consult them on what choices they would want to make in life. According to Atwood, Gileadian woman would wear uniforms coded to their functions. However, American women have independent decisions. They choose who and who not to relate with. Besides, Audience, Atwood believes that Gilead women were infertile, and they would help their husbands during insemination commonly known as ceremony. The women were only in charge of the household discipline, however, their freedoms since way the feel week they were left to die with no care at all. As well, the women were expected to provide subsequent child catering; as quoted; They would tell Bible stories for children and sing hymns. One of the women was called Serena Joy†¦..was expected to laugh and cry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦in order to teach the children (16) Rather complex, the women of Gilead, who are seen handling complex administrative jobs, for instance, becoming police officers, are still considered properties of men they are working with. As such, the women become rigid, middle-aged who have internalized patriarchal values. In fact, Gilead women are dogmatized to live in a society that does not seem to care about their objectives. Similarly, women of Gilead operate re-education centers; however, they are not mandated to carry out critical decisions concerning education. However, this is not the case their American counterparts. American counterparts contribute positively towards the development of the society. Their decisions are independent. Similarly, the creation and destruction of property rights fundamentally presents legal challenges affecting the women of Gilead. Men, control the Gilead government. Gilead state captures wayward and loose women who can bear birth to the incoming generations; however, they fail to recognize the power and legitimacy of the new regime. Thus, their property is their self and freedoms and as illustrated earlier, the access to money. As a result, women become the property of their husbands if they have one or the state that has their discretion can dispatch them wherever they see them. In this case, males are in power to claim property rights in women who have been foiled. However, in America, women are not treated as fugitives in fact, they present an equal 50/50 power distribution and resources are shared evenly. Ironically, the Gilead regime pretends to respect the feminist philosophy in its treatment of women and the paints a picture of an utopian future that female society turnaround to become the sorority and prevent from being hurt. However, the patriarchy principles in Gilead embrace the paradox of protection in the imprisonment, where women face significant prejudices in the type of decisions that they make. This is not the case with the present American society. Joining Atwood, I prefer Aunt Lydia reflection on what freedom-to-freedom means. Ironically, the commander justifies the Gilead by claiming that women are relevant if they fulfill their biological duties. Literary the commander had married so many women, and had one ceremonial as Atwood is quoted saying At one, level was an almost a caricature of the banality of kitchen talk that could be a scene from a Pinter commender†¦But in the terror-filled austerity of the commander house, it is seductively comforting†¦.note the word seduction. (10) Such a doctrine is rapid, and it indicates how women are considered as a property of the Gilead men communities. American women consider giving birth as a service to the society and not necessary as a reward for a better life. Besides, American women consider giving birth as a way of giving back to the society positively. Equally, audience please be advised that the fascist Republic of Gilead, which differs the contemporary United States society assigns every woman to different classes of women: without their will to protest. The classes are as a follows: wives, belong to the married men who have a superior military rank. These women, despite their will, are treated fairly better than other counterparts are in the society. Secondly, the Gilead society assigns a second class of women, handmaid, econowives or Martha the role of reproduction and matrimony. These women, despite their will, are engaged into hard jobs serving the rich in one way, or another. The group is forcefully married to a lower rank military regime that does not have enough status to obtain a handmaid or aunts function. Even though ironically, Handmaids surrogate for the infertile heterosexuals, as well as, serving as women housekeepers and cooking nannies. To achieve that, the Gilead initiates a dogmatizing religious program, one tha t ordains the reproduction where multiple doctrines are enacted to affirm the system of social rituals. Members, such as absurd society does not exist in America. On the contrary, in America, women are empowered to make decisions concerning the sexuality. As quoted saying †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦The flesh arranges itself differently. I am a cloud congealed around a central object, the shape of a pear†¦ (Chapter 13, 43) However, the social complexity of the US, American women control their sexuality and as well, control how they would prefer bringing forth their off springs. Similarly, since Gilead is actively involved in patriarch driven conflicts, most members are either infertile or sterile, it is arguable that men through the subsequent political battles have made their property. As such, subsequent political battles have increased toxic wastes and nuclear fallout, where toxic waste colonies are increased. To hide the truth behind such rituals, the Gilead societies have invoked a biblical ritual called â€Å"The Ceremony. However, arrogantly, how they conduct their sexual activities is unbecoming. The command penetrates the handmaid exposed sex in an attempt to impregnate a woman. The commander is quoted to have said I’m not talking about sex; he says. That was part of it; the sex was too easy. . . You know what they were complaining about the most (Chapter, 32) This is unbecoming since the woman has been lured to sex. Any sound child born by the handmaid is handled over to the wife of the commander as if the child belonged to the commander’s wife. Such a social setting is very wanting and prompts the question on the role of women in the society. To answer that, American women make independent decisions on how when and where, they want to give birth. American women also make the choice to have sex, when, where and with whom. Nonetheless, despite the complex differences between the Gilead society and the American society, we still notice some similarities. While it is evident that the Gilead society obligates women roles as predominantly domestic, the US society seems to emulate that by assigning women the task of raising children while men are technically exempted from that. Additionally, members you will agree with me that the congress, which happens to be active Christian right is looking for traditional family values. Even though we acknowledge that radical pieces of the Gilead system have not found a way into the American system, it is notable that domestic institutions have secret doctrine women in the Gilead society. A common doctrine is the domestic chore, where the common American woman is made to believe that in order to make a perfect partner, one has to wash the dirt, prepare food, and even entertain a commander called the husband. Men experiences, therefore, are not radical, or in any case equal as those affecting women. It is also disheartening to note that efforts by feminine movements are currently being considered outdated or extremists and are not attracting subsequent influence as they were expected two decades. Efforts to benefit and strengthen the woman counterpart peel away the layers the practice once again set to maintain the domin ant-subordinate relationship. Reference Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaids Tale. London: Vintage Classic, 2010. Print. Source document

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How Volunteer Work Has Changed My Life Essay -- Community Service, Ser

"He who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own." - Confucius   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Christmas in October Program is an annual event I participated in that helps someone who is less fortunate by fixing up their home. It is a two-day event where exterior and interior work is done on a home. The program requires a company to sponsor the project, and volunteers to do the actual work. It is called Christmas in October because it takes place in October, but feels like Christmas because of its memorable effect. Participating in the Christmas in October Program was the most meaningful work I've done because of its lasting effect on me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Christmas in October was very meaningful to me because it changed my feelings about volunteering. Before I participated in the program, I didn...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Explore the significance of the character Mercutio in the play Romeo and Juliet

Although Shakespeare's play ‘Romeo and Juliet' does not focus on Mercutio, he is one of the most unique characters of the play. He manages to manipulate other characters of the play through his imaginative and powerful language. He usually takes the lead in conversations and his friends generally go by what he says. Mercutio is neither Capulet nor Montague but his strong bond with Romeo associates him with the Montagues. In the play, Mercutio tends to stand out compared to the other characters; this is mainly because of his energetic and outrageous personality. His comical character lightens the mood of the tragic love story and helps to increase the sympathy of the audience when he later dies. Mercutio is a catalyst, meaning that he has the ability to change what people think or do. An example of this is in Act 1 Scene 4, where Romeo is sad and doesn't want to go to the Capulet's ball but Mercutio lightens the mood with puns and word play; â€Å"You are a lover; borrow Cupid's wings† An Elizabethan audience would have found this funny because cupid was and still is very well known as being the god of love. Mercutio is comedian, always making jokes at every chance he gets. He lives life on the edge and is always looking for something new and exiting to do. This could also make him an antagonist and troublemaker, especially when the Capulet's are involved. His inevitable death and the death of several others are caused by Mercutio living life on the edge. Read this – Puns in the Importance Mercutio puts on a front which tells the audience that he does not respect women, such as the way he often uses animal features to describe women, â€Å"spiders†¦gallops†¦pig's tail† perhaps suggesting that women are less superior to men. However, when you look closer into his language you can see that his feelings go deeper, for example, in Act 1 Scene 4, Mercutio speaks about women being like Queen Mab; â€Å"Her wagon-spokes made of long spiders' legs, The cover of the wings of grasshoppers† During the queen Mab speech in particular, he uses sibilance, sibilance it the repetition of the ‘S' sound which makes this speech sound soft and I think that it shows his true passion for women. In contrast, when he is talking to Romeo and giving him advice, he says to Romeo; â€Å"Be rough with love; Prick love for pricking, And you beat love down.† This could show that he may have had a past relationship that may not have turned out so well. He may also be telling this to Romeo because he doesn't want the same thing to happen to him. In Act 1 Scene 4, Mercutio's imagination runs wild as he is describing women as Queen Mab. This will begin to show the audience Mercutio's true feelings for women. He uses passionate language such as; â€Å"Tickling a parson's nose as a' lies asleep, Then dreams, he of another benefice† On the other hand, Romeo has a different view to that of Mercutio's towards women. Romeo, who is quite naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve towards love, shows the audience how much he loves everyone and everything. He is always talking about how fabulous love is and that it is the only thing that matters in the world. â€Å"O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art As glorious to this night, being o'er my head† This can show that Romeo may not have been in a real relationship, but only fantasising about it. Mercutio and Romeo have a strong friendship; they are both extremely loyal to each other and tend to help each other out; â€Å"Nay, gentle Romeo, we must have you dance.† They both have a strong influence on each other, which from Mercutio's side tends to be positive but can sometimes turn out negative but this does not happen all the time. In the death scene of Mercutio he blames Romeo for his death even though Romeo was only tried to stop it. In Act 2, Scene 1, after the ball Mercutio and Benvolio are looking for Romeo; they still believe that he is in love with Rosaline. Mercutio then begins to shout out for Romeo, by way of chanting a spell; â€Å"Nay, I'll conjure too. Romeo! Humours! Madman! Passion! Lover! Appear thou in the likeness of a sigh† The shortness of his sentences and the use of exclamation marks emphasises his humour in his speech, suggesting a light hearted tone, this would have created a more amusing scene for an Elizabethan audience. During this scene the actor playing Mercutio would probably be dancing around with imaginary props, pretending to brew up a potion. He then continues to talk about Rosaline; he speaks about her in a manor that is rude and obnoxious, he mocks Romeo as he believes he is superficial and that he is only in love with Rosaline's beauty; â€Å"By her high forehead and her scarlet lip, By her fine foot, straight leg and quivering thigh† Here Mercutio is saying that Rosaline is a prostitute and Benvolio believes that this would anger Romeo. Mercutio replies; â€Å"This cannot anger him ‘twould anger him To raise a spirit in his mistress' circle† In this sentence Mercutio begins to use sexual references; he says it would only anger Romeo if someone else was to sleep with Rosaline. During this scene Mercutio is loud and energetic. A modern audience would think this funny and witty but an Elizabethan audience may have been more shocked at what he was saying. During Act 2 Scene 4, Mercutio and the Nurse meet. In much the same way as with Rosaline, Mercutio is again vulgar about the nurse; â€Å"Good Peter, to hide her face; for her fan's the fairer face.† The repetition of the letter ‘F' emphasizes a harsh tone and suggests to the audience a feeling of disgust towards the nurse. Mercutio is saying that the nurse is unattractive, but she does not let this pass as she is aggressive and says; â€Å"Out upon you! What a man are you!† This shows the Nurses mutual disliking for Mercutio as well. In Act 2, Scene 4, Mercutio compliments Tybalt's skills as a fighter; he calls him â€Å"Prince of Cats†. This is because Mercutio thinks that Tybalt is quick on his feet and a fast swordsman, Tybalt wins all of his duels, Mercutio says that he has â€Å"nine lives† for this reason. â€Å"Don't think he's just the Prince of Cats! Oh no – he's way more than that.† Although Mercutio is saying how much of a good swordsman Tybalt is, he still ends up fighting him and ironically Mercutio loses, he does this because he is a show off and he thinks he is best. When Mercutio challenges Tybalt to a duel, Tybalt asks â€Å"What wouldst thou have with me?† Mercutio replies; â€Å"Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives† This shows that Mercutio is still using references to Tybalt being â€Å"the Prince of Cats†. Also even when he has been stabbed by Tybalt, Mercutio says that the wound is only; â€Å"A scratch, a scratch† In Act 3, Scene 1, where Mercutio is nearing his death, he suddenly becomes a lot more serious, but because of his ego he still manages to make witty remarks and keeping the comedy going; â€Å"Ask for me to-morrow, and you shall find me a grave man.† I believe that because of Mercutio's personality, and always making things worse, he brought upon his own death even though in his mind he would have thought it was a good thing to do. Shakespeare probably killed Mercutio off here because it builds up a climax and creates a dramatic effect. In my opinion Mercutio has brought his death on himself by his antagonistic personality, and always provoking others. He finally meets his match, Tybalt. Although, I don't think the play would be what it is without Mercutio, as a comic character is needed, for example; to help lighten moods of scenes when needed. Without Mercutio in the play, Romeo and other characters would have died a lot sooner, suggesting to the audience that Mercutio is a hero in some way. On the other hand, everyone may have survived as it was generally Mercutio that pushed things on, often making things worse.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Deoxyribonucleic Acid Used as Evidence in Solving Criminal Cold Cases Perry Hawn

Deoxyribonucleic Acid Used as Evidence in Solving Criminal Cold Cases Imagine it is a beautiful spring morning and you are walking along when suddenly a man wearing a ski mask and gloves jumps out from behind the bushes and your life is forever changed after this man drags you by your hair, behind the bushes, and proceeds to violently assault you. By some miracle you survive the attack and call the police. However, because this man was wearing a mask and gloves the police have no way of immediately identifying the perpetrator. You are taken to the nearest hospital where they take swabs from your vaginal area in hopes to collect enough Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) to create a sample that can be added to the â€Å"Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)† (May & McIntyre, 2002, p. v). A few years have passed and you hear a knock on your front door. It is a police detective who has come to your home to tell you that an arrest has been made in your case based on a DNA match made from a mouth swab taken from a man who was arrested a few days earlier for robbery. The purpose of this paper is to provide an argument in favor of the June ninth United States Supreme Court decision where five of the nine justices sitting agreed that taking DNA samples collected from those who are suspected of having committed a crime does not violate the fourth amendment of the constitution protecting Americans against unreasonable searches and seizures (Kirkland, 2013). The decision opened the door for police and other authorized law enforcement agencies to collect D. N. A. samples from suspects at the time of arrest so that the suspects D. N. A. can be used to possibly solve cold cases (St. Martin, 2013). Additionally, this paper will argue that using D. N. A. as evidence has multiple benefits like it is infallible because each person’s D. N. A. is unique with the exception of identical births(May & McIntyre, 2002). Further, DNA evidence has been used to solve crimes such as rape, robbery, and homicides. Additionally, D. N. A. offers law enforcement agenc ies new ways of looking at old crimes through the use of advanced technology, international and national databases (Hampikian, 2013). Deoxyribonucleic Acid Deoxyribonucleic Acid more commonly known as DNA is the building block of all living beings. In humans DNA is inherited from your ancestors and determines your hair color, eye color, height, bone structure, blood type and other personal attributes (Van der Sijde, 2013). DNA can be collected from any biological sample like bodily fluids and tissues (What, n. d. ). With the exception of identical births like twins each person’s DNA is as unique as his or her fingerprint (May & McIntyre, 2002). Infallible Evidence D. N. A. rovides foolproof evidence for several reasons including the one made by May and McIntyre cited above referencing the fact that each DNA sample is unique to its owner (except for identical births). Other arguments in favor of D. N. A. being sound evidence include the fact that new ways of collecting, storing, and analyzing D. N. A. have increased the lifespan of the collected samples making those samples viable â€Å"†¦years, even de cades, after it is collected† (May & McIntyre, 2002, p. 3). Furthermore reliable DNA samples can be taken from any type of biological sample including deceased victims (What, n. . ). Uses of D. N. A. Evidence D. N. A. evidence can be used to solve a multitude of crimes, incarcerate the guilty, and free the innocent. In one such case the perpetrator of an aged woman’s rape and attempted murder in North Carolina was arrested because of the criminals D. N. A. having been collected from multiple victims at differing crime scenes. Ten years later a D. N. A. match was found after the criminal had been arrested for an unrelated crime, as a result of D. N. A. evidence. This criminal nicknamed â€Å"the Night Stalker† (May & McIntyre, 2002, p. ) is currently on death row after being â€Å"†¦indicted for three counts of first degree murder, three counts of first degree rape, three counts of first degree burglary, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury, first degree arson and burning of personal property† (State, 2003, pp. 2-3). New Way to Solve Old Crimes Use of advanced technologies that allow smaller samples of DNA to be collected for analyzing has made use of DNA to solve crimes more palatable. You can read also King v Cogdon What once to take a sample â€Å"†¦the size of a nickel†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Temple-Raston, 2008, p. 1) now only needs to be â€Å"†¦the size of a pinprick†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Temple-Raston, 2008, p. 1) offers a new way of looking at long-standing criminal investigations. Use of robotics to handle DNA samples allows for more rapid processing of samples creates a more favorable environment for solving cold cases (Temple-Raston, 2008). Further, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is responsible for the creation of CODIS which is â€Å"†¦a roster of prior criminals into a national data database†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Temple-Raston, 2008, p. ) CODIS links the DNA of prior offenders on a local, state, national and in some cases international level available to law enforcement to help unravel unsolved cases (Combined, n. d. ). Right to Privacy Opponents argue that the taking of DNA from alleged suspects at the time of arrest violates his or her intrinsic right to privacy or that the police will use the ruling to arrest anyone for minor infractions of the law just to get a DNA sample for a possible match (Flock, 2013). In the dissenting opinion Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia wrote â€Å"†¦Make no mistake about it: because of today's decision, your DNA can be taken and entered into a national database if you are ever arrested, rightly or wrongly, and for whatever reason†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Flock, 2013, p. 1). However, Maryland District Attorney, Douglas F. Gansler, disagrees pointing out that law enforcement cannot arrest someone without probable cause and further states â€Å"if police are genuinely interested in someone's DNA, they could just go pick up their Diet Coke can at the McDonald's† (Flock, 2013, p. 1). Moreover, the majority of justices on the Supreme Court ruled that D. N. A. sample collection via mouth swab does not violate the fourth amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures (St. Martin, 2013). Innocent Until Proven Guilty Let’s face it folks who are going through the court system are there because the evidence pointed to him or her as a probable suspect. In actuality, because you can’t argue with D. N. A. , D. N. A. swabbing has done more to convict those who are actually guilty of committing crimes. Additionally, according to numbers gathered by the innocence project D. N. A. wabbing conducted after conviction has freed over 300 inmates who have been wrongly convicted by the court system under due process (DNA, 2013). Storage and Collection Methods Opponents of D. N. A. collection would argue that the storage and collection methods of D. N. A. are outdated and unreliable. However, proper training and new technology allow for D. N. A. to be collected and stored without danger of contamination. Training forensics experts to wear and change his or her gloves after touching each item prevents contamination. Additionally, storage of DNA samples in a cool, dry environment is another technique used to preserve D. N. A. samples. Other methods used to prevent the samples from becoming contaminated include use of separate storage envelopes for each sampling (What, 2013). Also, with the use of cutting edge technology like barcoding DNA samples (Hampikian, 2013) the storage and collection methods used for crime scene DNA are constantly improving and becoming more secure. Conclusion â€Å"Technology is neutral: It convicts and finds innocents. We must make it a regularized part of the system, giving defendant ’s access to DNA testing and evidence whenever it might be relevant† (Spitzer, 2013, n. ). Law enforcement needs a way to protect society from the criminal element who are becoming smarter and advancing their aptitudes for breaking the law through the use of technology. The Supreme Court’s ruling which allows for the swabbing of those arrested will help in solving crimes and exonerating the innocent. New and innovative technologies are making the collection and storage of DNA nearly fail proof. The modernization of the ways in which DNA is used in the criminal justice system is an ever evolving process that seems to be leading us to a more fair and just society.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Eve of St. Agnes Essay Example

The Eve of St. Agnes Essay Example The Eve of St. Agnes Paper The Eve of St. Agnes Paper Stanza XIX shows the voyeurism of Porphyro into to Madelines room; which was to lead him, in close secrecy, even to Madelines chamber, and there hide him in a closet By the reader being old that he has to hide it fuels the awareness of nervousness we are feeling for Porphyro and his safety. The fact that Angela tells him to be patient in stanza XX enables us to again intuit his growing excitement. Restlessness and thrill are two emotions that are reflected from Keats addressing the concealed Porphyro alerting him to the arrival of Madeline Now prepare, young Porphyro, for gazing on that bed; she comes, she comes gain, like ring-dove frayd and fled. Up to this point the reader has been made to feel all those emotions associated with tension; anticipation, restlessness, eagerness, danger, and anxiety, yet it is added to further in stanza XXIII with the added emotion of distress. Angela has arrived back she panted no uttered syllable, or, woe betide! Her heart paining as though a tongueless nightingale should swell in her throat in vain, and die, heat-stifled The next scene is that of seduction. Porphyro describes Madeline like a mermaid. These were creatures linked to temptation and enticement, and link the poem back to the earlier atmosphere of passion and ardour. We are being shown an ever growing picture of just how deep his love runs for Madeline. Combine this with the danger and eagerness and you can gain a real impression of the tension that Keats has created. Suspense is relived as Porphyro watches Madeline while she is in her dream-like state. In an attempt to wake her he takes her lute and plays an ancient ditty close to her ear. She then opens her eyes whilst remaining half awake and half asleep. A melancholy tone is taken as at which fair Madeline began to weep and moan forth whilst Porphyro watches fearing to move or speak. The following two stanzas are sumptuous with descriptions of desire O leave me not in this eternal woe, for if thou diest, my Love, I know not where to go. And the sapphire heavens deep repose; into her dream he melted, as the rose blendeth its odour with the violet. as they consummate their relationship. Suddenly the atmosphere changes to that of deception and urgency in stanza XXXVIII No dream, alas! Alas! And woe is mine! Cruel! What traitor could thee bring hither? You could almost imagine their hearts quickening with anticipation. Again urgency is sustained through the use of short spilt sentences, for example Arise-arise! My Madeline! Sweet dreamer! Lovely bride! He has become frantic and frenzied in his speech. The reader soon begins to realise that if their love is to be authenticated, they must leave the protection of Madelines warm and dreamy room and go out to face the growing storm. When the lovers finally make their escape, there is again a suggestion of haste and urgency. They glide like phantoms, into the wide hall By using the metaphor of the movement of a phantom it helps the reader establish just how quick yet cautious they had to be in their escape, thus aiding the sensation of tension. In stanza XLI Keats says how the wakeful bloodhound rose These are dogs that are associated with hunting, and in the context of the poem we can relate this to Porphyro. We can feel his apprehending danger. The last stanza is very significant in helping form my opinion on the statement in the question. Porphyro and Madeline have finally made it out of the house yet we are left with a slight sense of danger. This is resulting from the use of negative wording, such as warrior, witch, demon, coffin, nightmared and ashes. Depending on your interpretation of the text, you could form the view that this ending does live up to the immense tension that is built up throughout the poem. We know that they managed to get away from the house, yet all the negative connotations almost crate a sense of doom: you are left wanting to know what happens to the lovers. If you look at the ending in a different way then I think it is possible to believe that it is not a very dramatic departure from them; there is no celebration from them or any real indication of what happens to them. Some resolution is given by Angela and the Beadsman, but it is not to the level that you would expect.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Euthanasia; the right way out essays

Euthanasia; the right way out essays When Michael was thirteen, his grandmother was diagnosed with a disease called Alzheimers. This disease made her mind unable to function normally, which caused her to lose her ability to think clearly and remember things. Soon after she was diagnosed, she moved into a nursing home. Every Sunday after church, Michael and his family would go to the nursing home to visit her. Week by week, his grandmother seemed less aware of what was going on. It seemed as though she did not even notice that they were there to visit her. Michael soon became discouraged. Why do we have to visit her every week? By the next day she will probably have forgotten that we were even there. Michael began to think more and more about his grandmother. If she doesnt know what is going on anyway, wouldnt she just be happier in heaven? Isnt there some sort of way to get her to heaven sooner? Michaels mother explained to him that sending grandma to heaven now may be the easiest thing to do, but as Christi ans, it is wrong. Euthanasia is one of the most controversial and emotions issues of today. It triggers extreme emotion because it involves ending human life (Bloyd 15). Some people believe that the most suitable way to make the painful sight of the elderly in misery disappear is to end life. Although elderly people can go through tremendous suffering as a result of a diseases, euthanasia is never an acceptable option. Euthanasia is what some people call mercy killing. It is defined as, the deliberate, painless killing of persons who suffer from a painful and incurable disease or condition, or who are aged and helpless (Cayne 327). Its purpose is to prevent or to end the suffering that takes place. The word euthanasia is an English-language version of a Greek phrase eu thonatos (Gay 17). Eu actually means good or happy, while thontos means &qu...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Quotes from Grace Hopper, Computer Programming Pioneer

Quotes from Grace Hopper, Computer Programming Pioneer Rear Admiral Grace Hopper helped to develop an early computer, invented the compiler making possible higher level computer languages, and helped to define the design of the programming language COBOL. First a member of the WAVES and the US Naval Reserve, Grace Hopper retired from the Navy several times before returning and gaining the rank of Rear Admiral. Selected Grace Hopper Quotations I’ve always objected to doing anything over again if I had already done it once.   From then on, when anything went wrong with a computer, we said it had bugs in it. If its a good idea, go ahead and do it. Its much easier to apologize than it is to get permission. It is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. The most dangerous phrase in the language is, Weve always done it this way. Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, Weve always done it this way. I try to fight that. Thats why I have a clock on my wall that runs counter-clockwise. A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are for. Sail out to sea and do new things. You dont manage people, you manage things. You lead people. Leadership is a two-way street, loyalty up and loyalty down. Respect for ones superiors; care for ones crew. One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions. Some day, on the corporate balance sheet, there will be an entry which reads, Information; for in most cases, the information is more valuable than the hardware which processes it. Were flooding people with information. We need to feed it through a processor. A human must turn information into intelligence or knowledge. Weve tended to forget that no computer will ever ask a new question. There sat that beautiful big machine whose sole job was to copy things and do addition. Why not make the computer do it? That’s why I sat down and wrote the first compiler. It was very stupid. What I did was watch myself put together a program and make the computer do what I did.   To me programming is more than an important practical art. It is also a gigantic undertaking in the foundations of knowledge. They told me computers could only do arithmetic. In pioneer days they used oxen for heavy pulling, and when one ox couldnt budge a log, they didnt try to grow a larger ox. We shouldnt be trying for bigger computers, but for more systems of computers. Life was simple before World War II. After that, we had systems. We went overboard on management and forgot about leadership. It might help if we ran the MBAs out of Washington. At any given moment, there is always a line representing what your boss will believe. If you step over it, you will not get your budget. Go as close to that line as you can. I seem to do a lot of retiring. I handed my passport to the immigration officer, and he looked at it and looked at me and said, What are you? Quote About Hopper It was warm in the summer of 1945; the windows were always open and the screens were not very good. One day the Mark II stopped when a relay failed. They finally found the cause of the failure: inside one of the relays, beaten to death by the contacts, was a moth. The operator carefully fished it out with tweezers, taped it in the logbook, and wrote under it first actual bug found.† –Kathleen Broome Williams

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Economics - Essay Example The author argues that global success of various products and brands despite the vast cultural differences among the countries are the proof that the markets are getting more integrated. It mainly speaks about the need of having the products exposed to global markets. Richard E. Caves, 1980. Industrial Organization, Corporate Strategy and Structure. Journal of Economic Literature, 18(1), pp. 64-92. The above resource is a great contributor to the area of strategic management. The study mainly focused on the impact of a strategic choice on company’s behaviour and performance on the markets. Toder, Eric J., Cardell, Nicholas Scott., Burton, Ellen, 1978. Trade Policy and the U.S. Automobile Industry. United States: Praeger. The above book focuses mainly on the importance of scale of operations. It makes a comparison between U.S. and Japanese automobile industry. It clearly describes how in the 1970’s U.S. automobile industry suffered due to low scale of operation. Chapter 17 Brian, Arthur, 1996. Increasing Returns and the New World of Business. Harvard Business Review. July/Aug 1996. p. 2-10. This is an article that examines the theories laid out by Alfred Marshall and other fellow economists. This article makes a contrast between the diminishing returns concept passed on by the economists and increasing returns concept of the present century. The author says that the concept of diminishing returns is valid only in a bulk processing economy of Marshall’s age. He says that in today’s world of technology driven business, the concept that will determines success is ‘increasing returns.’ Chapter 18 Yip, George, 2000. Global Strategy in the Twenty-First Century. United States: Prentice Hall. The author stresses on the importance of companies to go global. The chapter begins by saying that in the 1980’s globalizing the business was a matter of debate and discussion. But when it came to 21st century companies restrain from globalizing only if they have valid reason for doing so. The author says that today’s multinational companies can be classified as internationalist, federalist and global maximizer. The main theme of the article is that companies should become as global as possible and at the same time should localise their products to be successful globally. This article is one of the greatest contributions to the field of globalization. Internal strengths of Motorola Brand Image: The first and foremost strength of Motorola is that it is one of the best brands in the world. Motorola is a brand that is being recognized for reputation, quality and innovation. Motorola is one of the largest used gadgets in most developed countries though it is just an establishing brand in developing countries. Pioneer of Technology: The second major strength of Motorola is that it is the pioneer in various technologies in the telecommunication industry. It was Motorola which introduced the world’s first hand held cellular phone. Motorola was the first company to introduce push-to-talk system in a mobile phone. The company’s latest innovation is the digital high definition television. Product range: The next major strength of Motorola is its wide product range. Apart from wireless handsets, Motorola is also a competing player in wireless accessories, digital entertainment application, voice and data communication systems, wireless access systems and enterprise mobility

How much of the United Kingdom's energy needs could be covered by Essay

How much of the United Kingdom's energy needs could be covered by renewable energy sources in 25 years - Essay Example Renewable energy is energy that relies on sources and natural energy flow from the environment, which never run out because of continuous replenishment. UK has the world’s largest resources for renewable energy such as wind, tides, waves, and therefore, it is in a good position when it comes to natural energy resources. Shifting to renewable energy is not only essential for stopping fossil energy imports, but it will also create an avenue for exporting natural based energy to other countries with limited supply of natural energy. In addition, increasing focus on environmentally friendly energy also prompts UK to switch to renewable energy sources. This aims at limiting the effects of climate change, and protecting environment from degradation, thus, preserving it for the generations to come. The success of venturing into renewable energy depends on environmental economic and political factors. Overview of Renewable Energy Sources in the United Kingdom Renewable energy currentl y supplies a significant of part of the UK’s energy demands. ... be because renewable energy sources are expensive, for example, the Energy Minister himself, George Eustice, recently made a comment saying solar and wind power subsidies are too high to benefit consumers (Mason, 2013). This among other challenges is preventing renewable energy sources become the primary source of energy production. Plans are underway to attain a 30 percent target of renewable energy by 2020 in the United Kingdom, which is quite achievable given the advancements in technology and rich sources of renewable energy. Below are the primary sources of renewable energy in the United Kingdom and there sources of application. Wind Power Wind power is energy generated using wind turbines fixed in the windy regions especially the countryside. The amount of wind power therefore depends on the availability of acceptable sites. Currently, winds turbines are set up in several places including Wales, Scotland, Yorkshire, and Cornwall. The primary application of wind power is the gen eration of wind related electricity, in which it currently provides for 20% of electricity requirements in the country. In 2010, there were a number of significant wind related projects in the UK with Sands, Gunfleet, Thanet and Robin Rigg, which are offshore wind farms. As a result, this saw a 1.1 GW power capacity from the new wind, which is a 3% increase compared to 2009 data (Gifford, 2012). Furthermore, offshore installations increased to 230% with 653 MW though with 503W it reduced by 38%. Similarly, 2013 has seen great improvements recording 10GW by mid-2013, and UK being the eighth largest producer of wind power in the world, there is great expectation of growth with respect to its wind power capacity (DUKES, 2013). Furthermore, current estimates stands at 2 GW increase in wind

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nuclear Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nuclear Medicine - Essay Example Preparation of patient mostly is dependent on the type of procedure that will be performed. Allergy must be checked for radioactive tracer material used. Some of the procedures such as a bone scan do not need intensive patient preparation, but some require. A good example is thyroid body scan. When a patient is being prepared for thyroid test he or she should be instructed to speak with the technologist directly before the procedure is undertaken. The patient should be instructed to stop all thyroid medication since they may be falsely detected as a pathology with the machine. Before stopping the medication, they should seek clarification from the doctor. The patients sometimes are instructed to fast for two hours for the effectiveness of the nuclear medicine procedure (Chia-Ho, 2014). Nuclear medicine has many advantages. One is the advantage painless and less not invasive. It can help to diagnose, treat even predict the outcome of a wide range of condition without causing a lot of trauma to the patient. It helps to detect pathology within the body at the early time that in turn can help control the condition ahead of time. Nuclear medicine can also help to check how well the cancers are responding to therapy. Nuclear medicines also have a share of disadvantages and limitation. It involves exposure to ionizing radiation that can cause mutation if they are in huge doses. Some of the radioactive tracer materials injected into bodies have an allergic reaction that can be very detrimental. Hence, it is necessary to test for the presence of allergy with radioactive tracer material before nuclear medicine procedure is commenced. A time sedation may be needed because nuclear medicine procedure a time make patient feels claustrophobic (Mititelu, 2014) Most of the ailments that are diagnosed and treated with nuclear medicine are internal. This ailment will otherwise require a surgical procedure to be done for the diagnosis or therapeutic procedure to be done.

TBH Confectionery Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

TBH Confectionery - Assignment Example It is happens with those companies which are small sized and are faced with more effects of globalization, increased overseas competition, globalized supply chain management, expanding to other markets and focusing more on establishing e-business (Winch and Bianchi, 2006). In THB, the company has failed to managed the information effectively to control and manage its business process. The company is using out-dated technology and is not aware on how to manage and control information streaming. According to Rockart (1979), information management plays a significant role in business or business area; if it would result in satisfaction; it would enhance greater competition in the performance within the organization. Tim holds limited information on what actually a customer wants? To remain in the business and to expand its business overseas, Tim needs to realize the importance of having information related to customer behavior, competition, cultures, societies, and habits of the customer. In other words, it can be said that THB confectionery had limited knowledge about the people worldwide. Also, with the entrance of new market competitor, it was becoming harder for THB to maintain its business operations running smooth due to lack of information and how to maintain an efficient data system. THB realized that the communities are growing over the period of time on the internet and as a result, it would get hard for the THB confectionery to maintain its market position without effectively managing the data. At this point, it became imperative for THB confectionery to expand its operations, make its internet presence more attractive, build its strong customer-base and focus more on the management of information such as what key strategies are being adopted by the competitors, what customers want, how to establish stronger internet presence and to maintain effective data management system with the help of Tims IT

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Create an investment proposal for a business of your choice Assignment

Create an investment proposal for a business of your choice - Assignment Example Owing to the huge amount of the financial resources that will be required to implement the investment successfully, the funds will be sourced from commercial banks due to their ability in lending huge loans. The financial amounts that will be required to undertake a real estate investment has the potential of running into millions due to the cost of the essential requirements that will be needed. However, an investment analysis has been undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed investment. The business proposal evaluation has been undertaken using financial tools to measure the economic value of undertaking the investment. In addition, the investment proposal investigates the optimal financing approach that should be adopted by the investor based on the cost of financing an investment will incur to actualize the operations. Undertaking the financial plan of the investment is essential since it helps in validating the feasibility of the project to the financiers in suppor ting it implementation. Consequently, the investment proposal evaluation has played a critical role in establishing the significance of the investment and the optimal investment direction that should be adopted. In order to undertake the investment, the investor will need financial resources for operation of the investment activities. The amount of financial resource that is estimated to be required in undertaking the investment is  £100,000. Consequently, the financial resources will need to be solicited from the available sources. Sources of finance could be long-term, medium term or short-term depending on the favorable source for the investor. The long-term sources of finance are sources that exceed one year of reimbursement. The components of long-term debts are made up of equity and long-term debts (Ingram & Albright, 2009). Medium

How Fast Food Nation has chancged MY personal eating and shopping Essay

How Fast Food Nation has chancged MY personal eating and shopping habits and WHY - Essay Example After reading Schlosser’s book, I’ve started retrospecting my eating habits, finding that Schlosser’s view of fast food has influenced my eating and purchasing decisions. In particular, I’ve started thinking of the kind of food I eat, the way it is processed, and how much organic food I consume. Like most other Americans, the huge volume of fast food advertising has used to attract me blindly to consume this kind of food. As argued by Schlosser, the harsh competition among fast food companies in the United States pushes them to use advertising heavily in order to attract more and more customers. Although fast food advertising is directed to all kinds of people, kids and adolescents are specially targeted in order to promote this kind of food among them. As kids and adolescents are still inexperienced, they can be easily influenced by what they watch on TV, and thats why fast food advertising attracts more and more young people in the US. Accordingly, like other American adolescents, I have turned into a heavy consumer of fast food since an early age due to the role of advertising. Everywhere in television and print media, we are surrounded by a great number of ads that aim at convincing us to use certain kinds of products and services or eat certain kind of food. In that sense, ads are tools that deepen the spirit of consumerism among Americans, since young age. TV ads, for example, use all modern approaches to push the audience to consume more and more products. In this context, the main role of the American government and Not-for-Profit organizations is to adequately inform people about the possible threat of junk food on health. To prove that TV ads play an important role for popularizing fast food among Americans, Schlosser notes that "the Fast Food chains annually spend about $3 billion on television advertising" (Schlosser, p. 47). However, this figure has

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Create an investment proposal for a business of your choice Assignment

Create an investment proposal for a business of your choice - Assignment Example Owing to the huge amount of the financial resources that will be required to implement the investment successfully, the funds will be sourced from commercial banks due to their ability in lending huge loans. The financial amounts that will be required to undertake a real estate investment has the potential of running into millions due to the cost of the essential requirements that will be needed. However, an investment analysis has been undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed investment. The business proposal evaluation has been undertaken using financial tools to measure the economic value of undertaking the investment. In addition, the investment proposal investigates the optimal financing approach that should be adopted by the investor based on the cost of financing an investment will incur to actualize the operations. Undertaking the financial plan of the investment is essential since it helps in validating the feasibility of the project to the financiers in suppor ting it implementation. Consequently, the investment proposal evaluation has played a critical role in establishing the significance of the investment and the optimal investment direction that should be adopted. In order to undertake the investment, the investor will need financial resources for operation of the investment activities. The amount of financial resource that is estimated to be required in undertaking the investment is  £100,000. Consequently, the financial resources will need to be solicited from the available sources. Sources of finance could be long-term, medium term or short-term depending on the favorable source for the investor. The long-term sources of finance are sources that exceed one year of reimbursement. The components of long-term debts are made up of equity and long-term debts (Ingram & Albright, 2009). Medium

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Argument essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6

Argument - Essay Example Living today is much easier and for sure this will also be different another fifty years to come and life will be better than today. The political world has evolved and the rights of the people today are more protected. Fifty years ago, the citizens did not have enough avenues where they could air their grievances. Today there are civil rights groups that help to protect the lives of the citizens. With the different political parties, there is the party that runs the government and there is the opposition side. The purpose of the opposition is to ensure that the government of the day does not misuse the office it holds. With the civil rights groups and opposition parties, leaders on both sides are more accountable. The courts that were meant to prosecute the leaders for abuse of office rarely did their work. The mighty had power whereas the common man was left watching their tax money go to waste. Today the case is different. Today we have national, regional and international courts like the International Criminal Court to ensure that those in power do not abuse this power. Another fascinating thing is that the voters are more enlightened today than they were fifty years. It is not only the parliament that has a say on the political world. Through referendums, the people can air their views on the direction they would want their nation to follow. Today, the gap between the rich and the poor is not as wide as it was fifty years ago. When the gap between the poor and the rich narrows, then we can say that the economy of the country is doing well. Martin Luther King fifty one years ago gave a moving speech where he saw the lives of all Americans improve to a great extent. Today, the economy of America is doing well, and the country is a global icon in terms of its finances. The country can now give aid to other nations in the world. The household income has improved compared to what many homes used to make on average. Fifty

Monday, October 14, 2019

Graphic Design Essay Example for Free

Graphic Design Essay Everyone knows the feeling of walking around and seeing something on the floor that catches their eye, usually it is nothing but trash with creative designs and coloring, but why are people so curious to see what it is anyway? Because the graphic designers for that company did their job correctly. Graphic design is the art of getting a message out to a targeted audience through various forms of artwork. Everyone worldwide, businesses and the average person use graphic designing skills every day. Every shirt with a design, logo or message was the work of graphic designers. Another example of graphic design is, a social network. Users on can edit profiles such as adding designs, changing color schemes, and several applications such as games, and music applications. That is one way people use graphic design from day to day. Graphic designers are a key component in any business or company worldwide. A company or business can only do so well without advertising and innovation. For example, you would not go into a store and view three different boxes of televisions and all it said on every single one was television on it without any designs or color. Companies hire innovative graphic designers to get a specific message across to an audience. Graphic designers consider cognitive, cultural, physical and social factors in planning and executing designs for the targeted audience. (U.S.) Graphic designers are very valuable to companies and can make or break a company. A products message to the targeted audience might be very weak and vague with poor graphic design. A product can be great with the right color schemes and attractive designs. Graphic designers generate unique images for their company or client which will be seen on their products as a logo, design, or advertisement. They also design company billboards, product labels, with not only by using images, but also using creative writing as well. Designers make the company because they have to make a design or logo that will compete with dozens of competitors selling the same product or service (Stone). The advertising industry benefits the most from graphic designers by making sure the product or service is understandable and clear. Graphic design is nothing new it has been around forever. Historians believe the earliest manuscripts were created anywhere from four hundred A.D. to six hundred A.D. Illuminated manuscripts are manuscripts that has text which is complemented by decorated boarders and images or illustrations. Graphic design is the combination of computer animations and graphics mixed with drawings to create art, logos, advertising (Graphic). Graphic design focuses on visual communication and presentation of products, businesses, website, or projects. Graphic design enhances transfer of knowledge and makes everything a lot easier to comprehend and understand the purpose or message the company or client are trying to convey back to the consumer or audience. It is a form of visual communication through a combination of art and technology (Bean). Graphic design did not become as popular until the twenty-first century where it became digital and where computers became accessible. With the internet becoming such a great tool to communicate with others visually and through writing worldwide, advertising became a lot easier and graphic designers were in demand. Graphic design is one of the most flexible jobs in the market place. Twenty-five hundred jobs are created each year nearly sixty percent are self-employed. There is also a good job outlook through 2014 (Graphic). Every company, business, or general public use some sort of graphic design in their everyday life. As new technology arises the demand for graphic designers is rapidly increasing. Graphic design is expected to grow faster than average jobs, thirteen percent over ten years spanning from 2008 to 2015. This definitely makes competition fierce but also a promising future. According to the Bureau of Labor and statistics, about 261,000 graphic designers were employed in the year 2000 (U.S). By 2008 there were two-hundred and eighty-six thousand graphic designers (College). Graphic designers that want to have the best chance to land a job should have experience in website design and animation. Of twenty-five thousand graphic designers who try to enter the workforce, only sixty percent last the first two years, and only thirty percent remain in the field for five years (Everything). The graphic design job market will keep growing as long as advertising and computers play an important role in everyday life. Graphic design is a trait you must learn and have a talent or desire to be creative. The majorities of graphic designers have a four year degree in art design and have an understanding of the business world and production. Seventy percent of graphic designers go to college. Many artists turn to graphic design during their younger part of their life and then after go back to art. Professional graphic designers must be able to assemble a working portfolio to approach companies (Everything). A graphic design portfolio is a representation of the owner and all their skills in graphic design. This is similar to a rà ©sumà © except this is specifically to see the designers art work. Graphic designers should have a bachelors degree in design and take various liberal arts courses that focus on history, writing, psychology, sociology, foreign language and cultural studies. Graphic designers should also get a good understanding of how marketing, business and production affect their field of work. Designers should have experience using programs such as InDesign, Quark Express, Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Now there are also over one hundred accredited schools with graphic design programs to further your studies. The accredited schools also help designers deal with the lifestyle that comes with being a graphic designer. The salaries of graphic designers differ between small and large businesses.With all the schooling, graphic designers must accomplish their income ranges from twenty-three thousand to one hundred thousand a year, nearly sixty percent of designers are self-employed (College). According to statistics shown by occupational employment statistics, the least salary a graphic designer receives is twenty-four thousand, the average salary is forty-seven thousand and highest salaries top off at one hundred thousand or more (Graphic). With a small business, it makes making money harder because only local customers know of it. By using the designing skills, small businesses are able to expand and use their talents and abilities to advertise on the internet and throughout the street. Salaries all depend on how well the company does. A dedicated and talented designer could make millions and a designer who does not care could make nothing. Graphic designers must be able to work with a variety of media restrictions such as font size, specific colors and designs. Graphic designers are also met with financial restrictions as well (Everything). Graphic designers must be innovative from the start to impress their clients or company that they are doing business for. Graphic designers start off by preparing sketches of what their perspective is of the owners’ message to a targeted audience. Graphic designers use various forms of art designs, fonts, color schemes, and it even comes down to the type of paper they use as the layout. Graphic designers also use the aid of computer software for animation, sound, lighting and three-dimensional designs. Graphic designers also use various graphs in their projects and of course get approval for any information or artwork that isnt theirs. After they have a rough draft of what they think the owner or businesss message is trying convey they submit it to the art or creative director for review. Graphic designers that work for large advertising, publishing, or design firms usually work a regular forty hour week. Graphic designers that are self-employed or work for small firms have an unstable working environment. Self-employed graphic designers adjust their schedules to accommodate their clients’ schedules and deadlines. Graphic designers that get paid by the project are under a lot pressure because they have to try to keep current clients as well as finding new ones to keep a steady flow of income. Graphic designers’ style of art might be wanted one season and the next season no one might want it. Graphic design affects every single person every day. Today we see graphic design out in the world through billboards, clothing, logos, labels, and products (Bean). The take out menus, car covers, programs, and websites are the basic examples of how graphic design affects peoples everyday life. That is what will usually make or break a deal at a store. The way the product is presented, advertised, even if the actual product is not that great the way its presented will determine if a consumer will purchase it or not. Consumers also dress and present themselves in a way that will make them distinct or stand out from others. Everyone uses some sort of art to design a certain style that they like or appreciate. People also dress with caution to give the right message to the targeted audience. For example, wearing a Raiders jersey gives the message that the owner of the jersey likes the Raiders or the players name that is printed on the jersey. Italso gives the message that they like football. By using graphic designing on clothing, it gives people personality and style. Without the different logos or graphics on a clothing, everyone would look boring and the same every day. The variety of all the graphic designers’ talents and ideas make the clothing styles unique. Unique styles are what brings in the consumers with similar interests. Some styles are so unique that they are worth a lot of money and some are just basic styles that are not as expensive. An important aspect to creating clothing is to know what type of consumers the company is trying to reach out too. Making sure that there is a large amount of people or if the design is popular at time is key to making money. In conclusion, graphic designing is important to society because everything made or seen is made from graphic design. It adds personality to products and people. Dedicating your time and talent into projects makes the job of graphic designing worthwhile. Making advertisements for companies is an important job because it helps the company gain business and it reflects the artwork. Advertising has been around for a long time and it keeps improving with the new technology. Graphic designing is used to communicate the message that the producers want to go out. There could be as many designers as there are businesses. Designers seem to have the easy job, but in reality they have pressure and deadlines to meet. Not anyone off the street can make millions, but a dedicated designer that goes through the education requirements will be successful in life. That person will most likely be able to own their own small or large business. Owning a business will have the greatest incoming salary and the best outlook. Graphic designing in the best because it makes everything have a unique part of it. All products are unique with their own logo, label or artwork. The more unique the product is, the more people want to know more about it. Graphic designing creates style which can speak for itself. The better the graphic is, the more popularity it gets. As the main component to a company, graphic designing is the most important role. Without it, the world would be dull and there would be no competition for the best products or the best artwork. Next time a product is looked at, people should comment on the graphic design that mostly persuades them to purchasing the item.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Comparative Advantages Of Presidential And Parliamentary Systems Politics Essay

Comparative Advantages Of Presidential And Parliamentary Systems Politics Essay At the birth of every nation is the key structural question, how best to govern ones people and state. This has predominantly been met with two, very differing and opposing answers that of presidentialism and parliamentarism. The variables that determine this choice are inherently entrenched in the political, social and economic history of the state in question. As such one cannot dismiss one particular system on a political or ethnocentric basis, but evaluate it on its applicability and suitability to the state that it presides in, and the impact the innate strengths and flaws of both systems. However given the huge number of political systems to study and the national variations that occur within each state it would be impossible to present a comprehensive comparison of the systems, as such I will focus on two systems in particular, the United Kingdom and the Unites States of America. These can be regarded as the figureheads of their respective systems and the models upon which most other systems are based. The American constitution was created in 1787 with the radical idea that no single branch of the political structure should have precedence over another. As such the concept of separated power was introduced. This involved a significant departure from the traditional forms of government of the colonial states that had controlled and exploited the New World states such as the US itself. The governments of the industrialised imperialists tended to be dominated by the executive. This is another significant factor which encouraged these ex-colonial states to reject the democratically imperfect parliaments of the European imperialists in search of a fairer, more representative system inspired by the ideas of Aristotle  [1]  . Therefore both the executive and legislative is elected separately and therefore have dual democratic legitimacy. Therefore neither body is accountable to the other such as in the British parliament, so there is no danger of one branch holding more power and dominating the other. This ensures a more balanced government and one that more correctly expounds the political will of the public. The fact that there are bicameral and presidential elections makes the system much more representative and democratic then in the UK where only the legislature is elected. It also makes the political institution more flexible to the changing tide of public opinion. For instance if the British public becomes dissatisfied with its Labour government after its election it may have to wait five years before they can vote against them, whereas in the US elections for at least one aspect of government occur every two years, enabling government to better represent the contemporary political desires of its c itizens. This arouses another key component of the presidential model; it has set term times for its officials. For instance the President is in office for four years and can only be removed by being impeached by the congress, a very rare move. This gives the system a stability and removes the uncertainties of the parliamentary system where the threat of both the vote of confidence and anticipated elections always hang over the government. Anticipated elections though inducing a certain amount of uncertainty into the parliament, they also give the government a much greater flexibility then that of its American counterpart, enabling them to alter the political landscape of the parliament to react to the changing moods and reality of the domestic and international environment. New elections may be called before the obligatory five years for a number of reasons, for instance to strengthen a parties ruling majority, to introduce a new government if one cannot be created or becomes unworkable or t o respond to crises such as a huge scandal in government.  [2]   In terms of elections in the Congress the framers ensured that both houses of the bicameral legislative should be elected, in keeping with the founding democratic principles of the American constitution. This leads to a much fairer and representative governing of the people as all aspects of the legislative and presidency are elected by the people. However the relatively high number of elections may go some way to explaining the extremely low voting turn out of the American people, perhaps somewhat apathetic to elections they dismiss as commonplace and thus irrelevant. These dual Presidential and Congressional elections allow the opportunity for both a legislative and government division. If different parties occupy each house or the congress is united against the opposing administration there can be a divided government. This can lead to a deep division within the presidential system if the two sides disagree, it can be very difficult to enact legislation or concur on appointments to the Supreme Court  [3]  , famously described by Rauch under the term of demosclerosis. However, few examples of a unified government since WWII demonstrate that unification does not guarantee efficient, informed, timely and effective public policy  [4]  , as seen under Jimmy Carters administration and due to the individualist based nature of US politics rather then party orientated. In fact the potential delays associated with dual democratic legitimacy ensures that policies are not rushed and are mutual accepted by both the executive and legislature. The third branch of the presidential system is the Supreme Court, yet Schubert has shown that it is only since 1957 has the supreme court began to exert its power over the congress and president by asserting its constitutional right to veto laws it deems unconstitutional. Previously to this the Supreme Court had only struck down Presidents actions fourteen times, failing to maintain an effective separation of power by undermining the system of balance and checks that the US model is based on.  [5]  A more independent and aggressive judiciary helps to ensure that the constitutional rights of the public are preserved and to limit the powers of the executive and legislative. However there still remains the capacity for a combined, presidential, congressional and federal over turning of the Supreme Court ruling so as to ensure the balance of power remains. Though the British parliament encompasses a number of similarities with the US model such as a bicameral legislative and three branched system, it still remains profoundly different in how these institutions are created and distributed. Most importantly only the legislative is democratically legitimate. This means that the executive originates from and is appointed by the legislative. This has a number of critical implications. Without the potential legitimacy conflicts that may occur in America the government can rule much more efficiently and quickly then the grid locked Presidential model. However the executive is prevented from abusing this power by the fact they have no democratic power base and as such, are accountable to the legislative by a vote of confidence. This allows a flexibility in the parliamentary system that America lacks. If the government suffers from ineptitude, an unworkable hung government or national crisis the government can be expelled and new elections call ed. This has only occurred once in Britain in 1979 when the minority government of Labours Callaghan was removed with a vote of no confidence when the government had become hung and ineffective  [6]  . The UK also has an unelected head of state, albeit a de jure power role. Though this is extremely undemocratic when compared to the US system, monarchists argue that the royal family acts as a symbolic vessel for all the heritage and wisdom of the previous generations and is a fundamental institution of the British consciousness. The same can also be said for the lower house of the UKs bicameral legislative. The house of Lords is another unelected part of the parliament, albeit much less influential then the house of parliament. This gives the parliament a stability, in its continuity that the permanently changing congress lacks, even if this is at the expense of democratic inclusiveness. The house of Lords also acts as the highest judiciary court of the parliamentary system. They can repeal government decisions only by legal precedents as the UK has no constitution. This streamlines the political structure and thus reduces the opportunity for inter-branch conflict which would slow down and inhibit the mechanism of governing as demonstrated by the demosclerosis that occurs in the US. However this is an obvious merging of powers and allows room for the abuse of power and conflict of interests, and as such is a serious flaw in the UK system. The traditional form that parliament or legislature takes is that of a majoriatarian, where there is one dominant party with a majority of seats (51 %plus). With Britains tradition of a ministers loyalty to their party and the whip system, they have very disciplined parties compared to America. This allows the party with an absolute majority to pass their legislative quickly and efficiently. Whereas in the US, despite the importance of party labels, member of Congress are independent players who vote not primarily out of party loyalty but to advance their constituency and career interests  [7]  . This means that the fluidic environment of Congress relies on undisciplined parties in order for it to function in a divided government, the existence of a whip system in such a divided government would produce comprehensive grid lock. This is a final example of the inherent indigenous nature of politics, what works in one state may not work in another. This is evident in the wide spread failure of president democracies such as in South Vietnam. Americas attempts during the Cold War to remake the third world in its image have obviously been an over-riding disaster. Both these systems require a number of prerequisites in the nation they are being implemented in. America requires a lack of ideological rigidity, undisciplined parties and locally-orientated politics  [8]  , whereas Britain needs public deference to its political rulers and an allegiance to authority. So despite each systems blatant imperfections they are ideally suited to the two entirely different nations they exist in.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Nature Imagery and Themes in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚   Charlotte Bronte makes use of nature imagery throughout Jane Eyre, and comments on both the human relationship with the outdoors and human nature.   The Oxford Reference Dictionary defines "nature" as "1. the phenomena of the physical world as a whole . . . 2. a thing's essential qualities; a person's or animal's innate character . . . 4. vital force, functions, or needs."   We will see how "Jane Eyre" comments on all of these.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Several natural themes run through the novel, one of which is the image of a stormy sea.   After Jane saves Rochester's life, she gives us the following metaphor of their relationship: "Till morning dawned I was tossed on a buoyant but unquiet sea . . . I thought sometimes I saw beyond its wild waters a shore . . . now and then a freshening gale, wakened by hope, bore my spirit triumphantly towards the bourne: but . . . a counteracting breeze blew off land, and continually drove me back."   The gale is all the forces that prevent Jane's union with Rochester.   Later, Brontà «, whether it be intentional or not, conjures up the image of a buoyant sea when Rochester says of Jane: "Your habitual expression in those days, Jane, was . . .   not buoyant."   In fact, it is this buoyancy of Jane's relationship with Rochester that keeps Jane afloat at her time of crisis in the heath: "Why do I struggle to retain a valueless life? Because I know, or belie ve, Mr. Rochester is living."      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another recurrent image is Brontà «'s treatment of Birds.   We first witness Jane's fascination when she reads Bewick's History of British Birds as a child.   She reads of "death-white realms" and "'the solitary rocks and promontories'" of sea-fowl.   We quickly see how Jane identifies with the bird.   For her it is a form of escape, the idea of flying above the toils of every day life.   Several times the narrator talks of feeding birds crumbs.   Perhaps Brontà « is telling us that this idea of escape is no more than a fantasy -- one cannot escape when one must return for basic sustenance.   The link between Jane and birds is strengthened by the way Brontà « adumbrates poor nutrition at Lowood through a bird who is described as "a little hungry robin."   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Brontà « brings the buoyant sea theme and the bird theme together in the passage describing the first painting of Jane's that Rochester examines.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Management Requirements for Different Types of Events

There are many different types of events for an event manager to organize! In this unit I will be talking about some of the most popular types of events Including a birthday party and an outdoor festival! I will explain the necessary processes, goods and services that might be required for the specific event. Birthday Party Planning As an event manager you could be asked to plan someone's 1st birthday to any range of adults birthday parties – all birthday parties can be very different due to the age, range, theme and style required by the client! Consultation ProcessJust like any event, start at the beginning with the consultation process of planning a birthday party with the client is crucial to ensure that they receive the event they expect. If the event manager Is planning a child's party consultation will usually be with the parent or guardian but the older the child gets the more likely they are to get involved in this process. If offering a birthday party event managemen t service, the event manager may want to consider applying for a DB'S formerly known as CRY (Criminal Records Bureaus) check, as it would serve as reassurance for the parents and also enhance the event managers status.It Is necessary that when consulting with birthday party clients It Is Important to determine the size of the party and the approximate age range of the guests. If the age range for a children's party were wide then it would affect what type of entertainment is needed and where it is to be held. The event manager will need to establish whether there are any special requirements for any of the guests attending during the consultation process as this could affect what kind of venues are suitable.Some listed buildings may offer a discount if they do not have disabled access but there are disabled guests. Venues Venues for birthday parties vary depending on the age of the guests and the number of guests! There is a wide range of party decorations available, obvious decorat ions include balloons, banners, flowers, etc. A cake is essential for a birthday party! The cake can be home-made by the client themselves if they wish to save money, bought from a supermarket or custom made if the client wants something more special.Organizing a Charity Event Contact the Charity The first part of planning a charity event is contacting the charity, you should get in touch with the charities fundraising team and notify them that you are planning an vent. Setting a Date The chosen date should be as far in advance as possible when organizing a charity event. If the client wishes to have any special guests at the event then it is important that they are contacted before the date is set in case they are not available.Budgeting and Funding Careful budgeting is very important, the event manager should find out as soon as possible what the budget for the event is and because it is a charity event he/she must be very careful an try to make as much money for that charity as p ossible by saving money in specific areas. Venue Once the date and funding has been arranged then a venue can be investigated! Because the event manger would be panning a charity event it may be possible to get the venue for less or even free! Venues have been known to offer the event free of charge if it is a charity one and they sometimes even donate to the cause.There can be a lot of publicity caused by charity events for the venue. Speakers The client may require specific speakers in order to raise the events profile; the event manger should research them and get in touch with speakers as soon as possible. Auctions are a very popular thing to do within a charity event. Auctions work well at all kinds of events and are a great way to raise some money for a charity! Promoting the Charity Event When I held a charity event I promoted it by putting flyers up around my college and using social networking.Planning a Black Tie Event Venue and Decorations Venue options are more limited f or a black tie event than a birthday party. Guests attending a black tie event have usually paid a high entrance fee and they'll expect a venue that matches that price! When I imagine a black tie event I think of glamour and elegance, venues suitable for a black tie event include a stately home, a hotel, museum, etc. Food and Catering With food and catering it is a good idea to use a previous supplier that did a good job.Photographer It is good to have a photographer at the event as it is a very good way of promoting the event manager, especially considering most of the photos will end up on Backbone (depending on the age range of the event) a lot of people will see what the event was like and may wish to go to the next one that event manager/client organizes. Goodie Bags I don't feel goodie bags are necessary for a black tie event; however I have seen some high profile events give out freebies especially if they are sponsored by a company mating to promote a product!Getting the eve nt sponsored would be a great way of saving money and the goodie bags are an exciting end to the night/event. Organizing Festivals/Outdoor Concerts Accessibility Adequate Sanitary Equipment Large-scale events (especially outdoor events) should have a good number of sanitary facilities, like a sink for guests to clean their teeth, a public shower or portals. Adverse Weather Conditions Weather is extremely UN-predictable in England so it is important to be prepared! I recommend carnival style marquees for a festival, I feel they look impressive inside ND out and suit a festival well.I have been to some outdoor concerts where it has rained but there was no cover, the problem with this is that people may wish to use umbrellas and they can obstruct the view of people behind! I'd recommend handing out or selling Macs if it rains or setting up a marquee/some kind of shelter before the event Just in case. Medical Assistance There must be medical assistance available at a festival/outdoor ev ent; this can be provided by volunteer services like SST Johns Ambulance and The Red Cross – They should be told about the event well in advance. Insurance

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Host Chapter 40: Horrified

I slowed when I heard the sound of voices. I was not close enough to the hospital for it to be Doc. Others were on their way back. I pressed myself against the rock wall and crept forward as quietly as I could. My breathing was ragged from running. I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle the sound. â€Å"†¦ why we keep doing this,† someone complained. I wasn't sure whose voice it was. Someone I didn't know well. Maybe Violetta? It held that same depressed tone that I recognized from before. It erased any notion that I'd been imagining things. â€Å"Doc didn't want to. It was Jared's idea this time.† I was sure that it was Geoffrey who spoke now, though his voice was a little changed by the subdued revulsion in it. Geoffrey had been with Trudy on the raid, of course. They did everything together. â€Å"I thought he was the biggest opponent to this business.† That was Travis, I guessed. â€Å"He's more†¦ motivated now,† Geoffrey answered. His voice was quiet, but I could tell he was angry about something. They passed just half a foot from where I cringed into the rocks. I froze, holding my breath. â€Å"I think it's sick,† Violetta muttered. â€Å"Disgusting. It's never going to work.† They walked slowly, their steps weighted with despair. No one answered her. No one spoke again in my hearing. I stayed motionless until their footsteps had faded a little, but I couldn't wait until the sound disappeared completely. Ian might be following me already. I crept forward as quickly as I could and then started jogging again when I decided it was safe. I saw the first faint hints of daylight streaming around the curving tunnel ahead, and I shifted into a quieter lope that still kept me moving swiftly. I knew that once I was around the gradual arc, I would be able to see the doorway into Doc's realm. I followed the bend, and the light grew brighter. I moved cautiously now, putting each foot down with silent care. It was very quiet. For a moment, I wondered if I was wrong and there was no one here at all. Then, as the uneven entrance came into view, throwing a block of white sunlight against the opposite wall, I could hear the sound of quiet sobbing. I tiptoed right to the edge of the gap and paused, listening. The sobbing continued. Another sound, a soft, rhythmic thudding, kept time with it. â€Å"There, there.† It was Jeb's voice, thick with some emotion. â€Å"‘S okay. ‘S okay, Doc. Don't take it so hard.† Hushed footsteps, more than one set, were moving around the room. Fabric rustling. A brushing sound. It reminded me of the sounds of cleaning. There was a smell that didn't belong here. Strange†¦ not quite metallic, but not quite anything else, either. The smell was not familiar-I was sure I had never smelled it before-and yet I had an odd feeling that it should be familiar to me. I was afraid to move around the corner. What's the worst they will do to us? Mel pointed out. Make us leave? You're right. Things had definitely changed if that was the worst I could fear from the humans now. I took a deep breath-noticing again that strange, wrong smell-and eased around the rocky edge into the hospital. No one noticed me. Doc was kneeling on the floor, his face buried in his hands, his shoulders heaving. Jeb leaned over him, patting his back. Jared and Kyle were laying a crude stretcher beside one of the cots in the middle of the room. Jared's face was hard-the mask had come back while he was away. The cots were not empty, as they usually were. Something, hidden under dark green blankets, filled the length of both of them. Long and irregular, with familiar curves and angles†¦ Doc's homemade table was arranged at the head of these cots, in the brightest spot of sunlight. The table glittered with silver-shiny scalpels and an assortment of antiquated medical tools that I couldn't put a name to. Brighter than these were other silver things. Shimmering segments of silver stretched in twisted, tortured pieces across the table†¦ tiny silver strands plucked and naked and scattered†¦ splatters of silver liquid smeared on the table, the blankets, the walls†¦ The quiet in the room was shattered by my scream. The whole room was shattered. It spun and shook to the sound, whirled around me so that I couldn't find the way out. The walls, the silver-stained walls, rose up to block my escape no matter which way I turned. Someone shouted my name, but I couldn't hear whose voice it was. The screaming was too loud. It hurt my head. The stone wall, oozing silver, slammed into me, and I fell to the floor. Heavy hands held me there. â€Å"Doc, help!† â€Å"What's wrong with her?† â€Å"Is it having a fit?† â€Å"What did she see?† â€Å"Nothing-nothing. The bodies were covered!† That was a lie! The bodies were hideously uncovered, strewn in obscene contortions across the glittering table. Mutilated, dismembered, tortured bodies, ripped into grotesque shreds†¦ I had clearly seen the vestigial feelers still attached to the truncated anterior section of a child. Just a child! A baby! A baby thrown haphazardly in maimed pieces across the table smeared with its own blood†¦ My stomach rolled like the walls were rolling, and acid clawed its way up my throat. â€Å"Wanda? Can you hear me?† â€Å"Is she conscious?† â€Å"I think she's going to throw up.† The last voice was right. Hard hands held my head while the acid in my stomach violently overflowed. â€Å"What do we do, Doc?† â€Å"Hold on to her-don't let her hurt herself.† I coughed and squirmed, trying to escape. My throat cleared. â€Å"Let me go!† I was finally able to choke out. The words were garbled. â€Å"Get away from me! Get away; you're monsters! Torturers!† I shrieked wordlessly again, twisting against the restraining arms. â€Å"Calm down, Wanda! Shh! It's okay!† That was Jared's voice. For once, it didn't matter that it was Jared. â€Å"Monster!† I screamed at him. â€Å"She's hysterical,† Doc told him. â€Å"Hold on.† A sharp, stinging blow whipped across my face. There was a gasp, far away from the immediate chaos. â€Å"What are you doing?† Ian roared. â€Å"It's having a seizure or something, Ian. Doc's trying to bring it around.† My ears were ringing, but not from the slap. It was the smell-the smell of the silver blood dripping down the walls-the smell of the blood of souls. The room writhed around me as though it were alive. The light twisted into strange patterns, curved into the shapes of monsters from my past. A Vulture unfurled its wings†¦ a claw beast swung its heavy pincers toward my face†¦ Doc smiled and reached for me with silver trickling from his fingertips†¦ The room spun once more, slowly, and then went black. Unconsciousness didn't claim me for long. It must have been only seconds later when my head cleared. I was all too lucid; I wished I could stay oblivious longer. I was moving, rocking back and forth, and it was too black to see. Mercifully, the horrible smell had faded. The musty, humid air of the caves was like perfume. The feeling of being carried, being cradled, was familiar. That first week after Kyle had injured me, I'd traveled many places in Ian's arms. â€Å"†¦ thought she'd have guessed what we were up to. Looks like I was wrong,† Jared was murmuring. â€Å"You think that's what happened?† Ian's voice cut hard in the quiet tunnel. â€Å"That she was scared because Doc was trying to take the other souls out? That she was afraid for herself?† Jared didn't answer for a minute. â€Å"You don't?† Ian made a sound in the back of his throat. â€Å"No. I don't. As disgusted as I am that you would bring back more†¦ victims for Doc, bring them back now!-as much as that turns my stomach, that's not what upset her. How can you be so blind? Can't you imagine what that must have looked like to her in there?† â€Å"I know we had the bodies covered before -â€Å" â€Å"The wrong bodies, Jared. Oh, I'm sure Wanda would be upset by a human corpse-she's so gentle; violence and death aren't a part of her normal world. But think what the things on that table must have meant to her.† It took him another moment. â€Å"Oh.† â€Å"Yes. If you or I had walked in on a human vivisection, with torn body parts, with blood splattered on everything, it wouldn't have been as bad for us as it was for her. We'd have seen it all before-even before the invasion, in horror movies, at least. I'd bet she's never been exposed to anything like that in all her lives.† I was getting sick again. His words were bringing it back. The sight. The smell. â€Å"Let me go,† I whispered. â€Å"Put me down.† â€Å"I didn't mean to wake you. I'm sorry.† The last words were fervent, apologizing for more than waking me. â€Å"Let me go.† â€Å"You're not well. I'll take you to your room.† â€Å"No. Put me down now.† â€Å"Wanda -â€Å" â€Å"Now!† I shouted. I shoved against Ian's chest, kicking my legs free at the same time. The ferocity of my struggle surprised him. He lost his hold on me, and I half fell into a crouch on the floor. I sprang up from the crouch running. â€Å"Wanda!† â€Å"Let her go.† â€Å"Don't touch me! Wanda, come back!† It sounded like they were wrestling behind me, but I didn't slow. Of course they were fighting. They were humans. Violence was pleasure to them. I didn't pause when I was back in the light. I sprinted through the big cavern without looking at any of the monsters there. I could feel their eyes on me, and I didn't care. I didn't care where I was going, either. Just somewhere I could be alone. I avoided the tunnels that had people near them, running down the first empty one I could find. It was the eastern tunnel. This was the second time I'd sprinted through this corridor today. Last time in joy, this time in horror. It was hard to remember how I'd felt this afternoon, knowing the raiders were home. Everything was dark and gruesome now, including their return. The very stones seemed evil. This way was the right choice for me, though. No one had any reason to come here, and it was empty. I ran to the farthest end of the tunnel, into the deep night of the empty game room. Could I really have played games with them such a short time ago? Believed the smiles on their faces, not seeing the beasts underneath†¦ I moved forward until I stumbled ankle deep into the oily waters of the dark spring. I backed away, my hand outstretched, searching for a wall. When I found a rough ridge of stone-sharp-edged beneath my fingers-I turned into the depression behind the protrusion and curled myself into a tight ball on the ground there. It wasn't what we thought. Doc wasn't hurting anyone on purpose; he was just trying to save – GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I shrieked. As I thrust her away from me-gagged her so that I wouldn't have to bear her justifications-I realized how weak she'd grown in all these months of friendliness. How much I'd been allowing. Encouraging. It was almost too easy to silence her. As easy as it should have been from the beginning. It was only me now. Just me, and the pain and the horror that I would never escape. I would never not have that image in my head again. I would never be free of it. It was forever a part of me. I didn't know how to mourn here. I could not mourn in human ways for these lost souls whose names I would never know. For the broken child on the table. I had never had to mourn on the Origin. I didn't know how it was done there, in the truest home of my kind. So I settled for the way of the Bats. It seemed appropriate, here where it was as black as being blind. The Bats mourned with silence-not singing for weeks on end until the pain of the nothingness left behind by the lack of music was worse than the pain of losing a soul. I'd known loss there. A friend, killed in a freak accident, a falling tree in the night, found too late to save him from the crushed body of his host. Spiraling†¦ Upward†¦ Harmony; those were the words that would have held his name in this language. Not exact, but close enough. There had been no horror in his death, only grief. An accident. The bubbling stream was too discordant to remind me of our songs. I could grieve beside its harmony-free clatter. I wrapped my arms tightly around my shoulders and mourned for the child and the other soul who had died with it. My siblings. My family. If I had found a way free of this place, if I had warned the Seekers, their remains would not be so casually mangled and mixed together in that blood-steeped room. I wanted to cry, to keen in misery. But that was the human way. So I locked my lips and hunched in the darkness, holding the pain inside. My silence, my mourning, was stolen from me. It took them a few hours. I heard them looking, heard their voices echo and warp in the long tubes of air. They were calling for me, expecting an answer. When they received no answer, they brought lights. Not the dim blue lanterns that might never have revealed my hiding place here, buried under all this blackness, but the sharp yellow lances of flashlights. They swept back and forth, pendulums of light. Even with the flashlights, they didn't find me until the third search of the room. Why couldn't they leave me alone? When the flashlight's beam finally disinterred me, there was a gasp of relief. â€Å"I found her! Tell the others to get back inside! She's in here after all!† I knew the voice, but I didn't put a name to it. Just another monster. â€Å"Wanda? Wanda? Are you all right?† I didn't raise my head or open my eyes. I was in mourning. â€Å"Where's Ian?† â€Å"Should we get Jamie, do you think?† â€Å"He shouldn't be on that leg.† Jamie. I shuddered at his name. My Jamie. He was a monster, too. He was just like the rest of them. My Jamie. It was a physical pain to think of him. â€Å"Where is she?† â€Å"Over here, Jared. She's not†¦ responding.† â€Å"We didn't touch her.† â€Å"Here, give me the light,† Jared said. â€Å"Now, the rest of you, get out of here. Emergency over. Give her some air, okay?† There was a shuffling noise that didn't travel far. â€Å"Seriously, people. You're not helping. Leave. All the way out.† The shuffling was slow at first, but then became more productive. I could hear many footsteps fading away in the room and then disappearing out of it. Jared waited until it was silent again. â€Å"Okay, Wanda, it's just you and me.† He waited for some kind of answer. â€Å"Look, I guess that must have been pretty†¦ bad. We never wanted you to see that. I'm sorry.† Sorry? Geoffrey'd said it was Jared's idea. He wanted to cut me out, slice me into little pieces, fling my blood on the wall. He'd slowly mangle a million of me if he could find a way to keep his favorite monster alive with him. Slash us all to slivers. He was quiet for a long time, still waiting for me to react. â€Å"You look like you want to be alone. That's okay. I can keep them away, if that's what you want.† I didn't move. Something touched my shoulder. I cringed away from it, into the sharp stones. â€Å"Sorry,† he muttered. I heard him stand, and the light-red behind my closed eyes-began to fade as he walked away. He met someone in the mouth of the cave. â€Å"Where is she?† â€Å"She wants to be alone. Let her be.† â€Å"Don't get in my way again, Howe.† â€Å"Do you think she wants comfort from you? From a human?† â€Å"I wasn't party to this -â€Å" Jared answered in a lower voice, but I could still hear the echoes. â€Å"Not this time. You're one of us, Ian. Her enemy. Did you hear what she said in there? She was screaming monsters. That's how she sees us now. She doesn't want your comfort.† â€Å"Give me the light.† They didn't speak again. A minute passed, and I heard one set of slow footsteps moving around the edge of the room. Eventually, the light swept across me, turning my lids red again. I huddled myself more tightly together, expecting him to touch me. There was a quiet sigh, and then the sound of him sitting on the stone, not as close beside me as I would have expected. With a click, the light disappeared. I waited in the silence for a long time for him to speak, but he was just as silent as I was. Finally, I stopped waiting and returned to my mourning. Ian did not interrupt. I sat in the blackness of the big hole in the ground and grieved for lost souls with a human at my side.