Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

personal Statement ExampleI am interested in studying international bloodline police.I had the unique opportunity of realizing my studies outside the United States. Doing so helped me gain a better understanding of the business world from an international perspective. I subscribe to a good understanding of the role international sanctioned system has on business entities. The globalization movement created thousands of multinational corporations which need legal assistance in order to succeed in their international endeavors. Contract law is extremely important for companies dealing in foreign marketplaces because contracts are utilise to stipulate the terms and agreements between different parties. The legal variable in business is actually one of the six macroeconomic forces within a PESTEL analysis which is often utilized to determine the viability of an international expansion plan. Some work tasks that interest me within an international law displace are contracts, imports and exports, and market entry strategies such as joint ventures.I understand that law studies study a high level of personal commitment and sacrifice. Law students perform a lot of reading of laws and court cases. I have always love reading and analyzing the information being read. During my college years I usually spend over 20 hours a week in the library doing research. A law student must also be responsible and have good communication skills. I have always being very good at performing oral presentations in front of a group. A career in law provides lots of benefits for the person who achieves that status. The law is one of the highest paying careers globally. The norm salary of a first year law associate in a large upstanding is $145,000 (Legalnut). Along with great potential income a career in law provides an opportunity to help others. As an international lawyer I would have an opportunity to work in an exciting work purlieu and deal with people of all nationalities. Pri or to starting

Monday, April 29, 2019

Innovation and Technology Management - Long Tail Essay

Innovation and technology Management - Long Tail - Essay Examplerd to the explosion of online commerce and dispersion is that this new diffusion medium is changing the way products and operate are consumed, away from the traditional model of mass ingestion that is premised on scarcity of distribution resources and the need for hits to keep the markets for all kinds of goods and services viable and humming via a reliance on hits. In the new distribution paradigm, there is no additional cost to retention non-hit products in the inventory, especially with regard to electronic goods such as music and books, and that pioneering companies in the new distribution channels, such as Amazon and Netflix, as well as Apple for music, are finding erupt that non-hit music, books and movies kept in stock and easily procured by specific niche consumers have come to piss a steady stream of on-going business, This is to the extent that in some cases, the cumulative sales of these so-called long -tail products and services have come to account for a king-sized portion of the total sales of these firms, dwarfing or decorous comparable to the sales of the hits products and services that used to account for all the sales. This is a new business candor that is the result of the online commerce revolution itself, and promises to be a very profitable new reality for those who get laid how to capitalize on the knowledge and implications of the long tail (Anderson 2004).The literature has come to unearth a large number of phenomena in the business world relating to the long tail, even as the term itself has come to be associated with the returns that can be had from keeping goods in stock for those items that are not in large choose but whose costs of distribution, marketing, warehousing, storage and merchandising are low enough that those costs are outset by marginal sales. Statistically too, the implication of the long tail concept is that there is money to be made within t hat area of the probability distribution for a population lying at the follow

Sunday, April 28, 2019

In times of crisis, such as the one currently experienced in Europe, Assignment

In times of crisis, such as the i currently experienced in Europe, b be-ass ideas of how to manage and organise are required for - Assignment pillowcaseIn this situation, it becomes important to create new organizations and create new jobs in order to sustain. The report pull up stakes discuss about the global sparing crisis and its impact on the national economies of the nations. In this context it leave alone specifically high smartness the Euro crisis and its impact on the affected countries. It will also emphasize the importance of new company establishments and job creation in a country. The report will also shed light on how individuals influence the management practices of an organization. Finally the report will conclude stating the extent to which an individual impacts in company establishment and management practices. Introduction During the last 15 years, countries around the world have been open to make impressive advancement and historical transformations in their economical policies. With rapid globalization and based on the institutional establishments nations have been successful in building up effervescent private sector. It has also light-emitting diode the countries to participate in international trade (Rutkowski and Scarpetta, 2005, p.xiii). The economic growth has in turn helped the nations to reduce the train of poverty as well as brought higher incomes. However the global economic downturn has stop the growth process and clearly indicated that no economic policy is stable enough to face economic crisis. Many scholars thus highlighted that it is important for the nations to focus on reforming the financials of a country. In this context a spot of scholars have highlighted that financials of a country can be best reformed by creating new concern ventures and thereby creating new jobs. According to Global Entrepreneur Monitor (GEM) around the world there are 200 million who are engaged in the creation of new jobs. There are some other 200 million people who are the managers or owners of newly established firms. The study was carried out in 75 countries of the world and which covered nearly 80% of the total population of the world (Reynolds and Curtin, 2010, p.1). The focus of the wander will be therefore based upon the issue of how creation of new stage business and jobs will tutelage a nation to embrace economic growth. The intentions of the projects will be also to uncover how new business and jobs will be created and sustained during the crisis periods. The next half of the project will discuss all the germane(predicate) theories as well as the earlier literatures from the same field of study. Discussion In the recent past one of the major economic crisis occurred in Europe, which is also known as the Euro Crisis. It is an ongoing financial hand brake that has caused difficulties for a number of countries in Europe to refinance the debt of their Government. This economic catastrophe has impacted t he Euro economy to a large extant. Countries such as Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain or collectively known as GIIPS were the major sufferers. It has actually undone the economies of European Union. A number of reasons have been highlighted regarding the cause of this economical turbulence. The Euro Crisis In Europe there

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Observing Science Teaching in a Secondary School Essay

Observing Science Teaching in a Secondary School - see ExampleShallow and understandable language was in application, no experimentations, no confirmation tests, just a mention of few examples relating to the military issue. Ideally, the reference to a lemon as an acid and ash as a base was the only regard to the topic. Moreover, the pupils had no questions to the topic and the teachers barely explained further details on the topic.In the secondary school level, much advancement came in defining the chemical terms, detailed examples, applications, experimentations, confirmation tests, and reactions that usher the topic. Indeed, there were chemical definitions of acid, bases, and salts. These definitions were reliant on certain concepts and theories that establish the loss or gain of henry ions in dissolving deepens. At this level, the confirmation tests same the litmus test were in application, more examples like hydrochloric acid, ammonia as a base, and ammonium chloride as a salt were present, and much emphasis came to being. The apply of a pH indicator to ascertain acidity or basicity was relevant at this level. Actually, the teachers would offer numerous experiments in light of putting emphasis on this topic. Additionally, the students had varied questions on this topic that the teachers answered and significantly separate acids, bases, and salts. In fact, the teachers introduced the idea of balancing and representing such reactions in chemical equations. Moreover, the issue of chemical reactions that manifest this topic was dominant at this level of education and the results of such equations representing chemical reactions were either acidic , basic, or electroneutral compounds (Roanoke Valley Governors School, n.y, p.1). The concept of water dissociation and neutralization that rose from the reaction between an acidic compound and a basic compound largely featured in this context.HNO3 (aq) + NaOH (aq)-H2O (l) + NaNO3 (aq) was such a

Friday, April 26, 2019

Fatigue Risk Management in Aviation Maintenance Term Paper

Fatigue essay Management in Aviation Maintenance - Term Paper ExampleMaintenance personnel, have to stomach significant fatigue risks. However, there are several characteristics of aircraft maintenance that provide chances of reducing the hazards created by fatigue. In the first place, maintenance work should be internally rather than externally paced. Maintenance should not be performed under pressure. The maintainer conscious should be able to stop a task and consider aiming for truth rather than speed.Where possible, methods of performance of a maintenance task should be modified. For example, tasks cards can be dispose and secondary inspections and operational functional checks introduced to serve as errors capturing barriers.Where maintenance organization has the flexibility to choose when indisputable maintenance tasks can be performed, it is necessary to schedule the most risk susceptible tasks at a time when employees are less likely to be fatigued. Finally, maintainers should rarely be required to travel crosswise different time zones performing their duties. This assists in preventing aircraft lag and circadian rhythm disruptions, which are key considerations or flight, crew FRMS.Effective fatigue management requires partnerships with shared responsibility between the employers and the employees. Fatigue does not still originate from the workplace but also from the personal life of the employee. Personal factors that can lead to fatigue include social and family commitments, medical conditions and second jobs. Therefore, it is the employees responsibility to ensure that they have enough fill-in fit for duty before assuming for work.The employer has an obligation to ensure that working hours are reasonable, availability of proportion break periods and adequate staffing. However, the International Federation of Airworthiness asserts that the responsibility to control working hours is not solely the order of the employer. Employees have a respo nsibility to take advantage of opportunities & facilities for rest sessions provided. Further, it is also an employees responsibility to protrude and use the rest periods appropriately in order to reduce incurring fatigue.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

1.In 2003 the government outlined how Every Child Matters. Discuss Essay

1.In 2003 the government outlined how all Child Matters. Discuss both the developmental needs of children, and the appropriate social work response, in rel - prove ExampleThe case of Victoria Climbe can be marked as a revolution in the history of reforms for the children. It prompted the government to understand the needs and requirements of the children in the world. As children grow up they earn authoritative requirements which ought to be fulfilled and the design Every Child Matters assures every child of his right. This article would further handle the developmental needs of children and the appropriate social work response in relation to the outcomes of the scheme.Many of the children living in this world argon deprived of their basic needs and hence the governments are implementing different schemes to curb that the children are getting their basic needs. The scheme Every Child Matters has a total of five aims to interpret the children with their basic necessities Heal th is a basic necessity for all the people in this world and thereof children ought to have all the facilities to maintain their health. The scheme is implementing different strategies to ensure that the children are healthy mentally, physically and socially both. The children ought to have their basic right to exercise different activities to ensure that their health is maintained. They require health facilities if they are undergoing any major problem with their health. The environs that the children are provided depends upon the state, parents and the school and thus this environment should be healthy. The scheme has made the concerned authorities aware of the necessities of these children. The societies in the UK have started working towards a better environment for the children. Different sporting events are organized by the scheme so that the children can participate and have a healthy routine. The schools in which the children are studying have an important obligation of ma intaining the environment for the

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

SERVICE INDUSTRIES MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

SERVICE INDUSTRIES MARKETING - Essay ExampleThe food items were fully covered in order to maintain the hygiene. But it was especially done to uphold the pleasing aroma of the coffee in the store (Thompson, n.d.).The music played in the store was soothing and enthralling. It provided peaceful aura. With this type of calm environment, it seemed to meliorate the taste. The atmosphere was pleasant that pleased everyone especially the couples present in the store (Michelli, 2007).The ambience of the store provides a cozy and intimate atmosphere. It is a perfect place where one can break free from the commotion of the fast-paced world. People can relax, escape into a book friends can huddle on a sofa and chat over a mug of coffee. Overall it provides a unique magnificent ambience (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2010).For the conjure upment of the service level Starbucks has referred employees as partners. In the year 2002, Starbucks has employed 60,000 partners globally. When Mr. Howard Schu ltz was associated with the company he believed that satisfaction of the consumers will be generated and enhanced with the partners satisfaction (Tewell & Et. Al., 2006).The key success for Starbucks is with enhancement of the service. Starbucks being in the business of coffee retail chain needs to focus hugely upon the service quality that will enhance the satisfaction of the consumers aiming to attract them back to the store again. Providing warm response and friendly service will make the consumers feel more satisfied and these will increase the gross sales (Tewell & Et. Al., 2006).There are numerous approaches for the service marketing in the coffee retail sector. Starbucks has been in this manufacture for a longer period of time and consumers have a set of perception towards the company. The biggest challenge for Starbucks is to enhance the service marketing thorough various applications of service marketing concepts.The extension in the

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 47

Journal - examine ExampleNevertheless, it uses captivating pictures that captures the attention of the reader. These pictures show how the protestors are prepared and determined to remain on the streets no matter what happens and regardless of how long it takes to achieve their agenda. The reporters show bias because they seem to sympathize with the pro- country demonstrators and condemn the Chinese government for taking a hard stand on the decision not to allow democracy in Hong Kong.This story is timely because of the ongoing demonstrations. The authors use quotes from prominent officials, which gives the story credibility and reliability. Moreover, the reporters gives a reach to the issue of Hong Kong demonstrations, and this helps people who have not been following current events understand the context of the story. Finally, the target auditory sense are the Chinese government and world leaders who can bring intervention to help class out the issue between Hong Kong and Beiji ng. For the government of China, it aims to show them how resilient the protestors have become, and they are not voluntary to give up anytime

Language and Literacy Development and Exploring Games Assignment

Language and Literacy Development and Exploring Games - Assignment ExampleAdditionally, the childrens sitting is at the nerve centre of the room besides having ample space where some kids out of their preference can sit on the ground and work or play with their prints. Primarily, the setting concentrates on having diverse harmonious bright colours that will liven up childrens moods. The books includeIt is a picture book about Pinkalicious girl, who rightfully loves knock color where regardless of numerous warnings by her parents not to eat too many pink cakes declines and eventually turns pink. The book mainly authored for new kindergarteners who have joined preschool.This is a battery-operated maturate having slots that contain angle in them and normally opening their mouths at interval but not at the same time. The board spins in a moderate speed to allow the kid(s) to slant and remove them once they have sec ones plastic bate, mainly hooked on the fishing line. The entire boards body may be circular or made in the shape of a fish and produces water sounds similar to that of a running river.This is a circular, moderate revolving board comprising of diverse colored sectors (probably 8) where at their edges it has slots. The player normally has a small hand cue, where one tries to pin the sector having the color of choice.The spirited normally aids in enabling the preschool childs mental capacity to master and gain their ducking while trying to keep up with the moderate revolving speed. Supplementary activities meant for classroom to enhance their concentration and mental include matching games (letter, pictures or color matching).Primarily, this game entails using a propelling subway like gadget to through small plastic balls into the three plates, probably placed about 1 to 2 meters way. The child normally erects the propelling pipe like a canon and then tries to retain the balls into the plates, which are 3 to 4 in number and act as target.It co mprises of

Monday, April 22, 2019

(business law)organization and financial structure of corporations Case Study

(business law)organization and financial structure of corporations - Case pick up ExampleThe issue to be determined is whether a director, who shams on behalf of a company before it is incorporated, moreover in good faith and on the knowledge that the organization is already incorporated, is liable for the actions.Applicable determine of law to the case is the Revised Model Business Corporation Act that states that parties that assume actions as agents of a corporation with the knowledge that the subject organization has not been incorporated are liable for their actions (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers and Langvard, 2012).The rule is competent for determining the case because its provisions cover facts of the case. R & F Corporation had prepared its articles of association for file and Rose was the chair of the corporations board and and then acted on behalf of the organization, contracting for the lease of the warehouse. temporary hookup the act protects parties to a contract with ag ents of a corporation who acts before the register of the corporations documents, it protects individuals who act in good faith, especially with the knowledge that the organization is already legally incorporated. Determining the case therefore requires proof of whether or not, Rose acted in good faith, and whether or not, he was aware of the incorporation berth of the organization.The testimony by Rose that he acted believed the organization was already incorporated was supported by a co-director to R & F Corporation and this establishes validity of his limited knowledge. His position as the corporations death chair that identified responsibility of signing the boards resolution further suggest that his actions were undertaken within his jurisdiction and for the interest of the corporation and the co-directors testimony supports this. The facts of the case that indicates a long delay in filing the signed articles also justifies Roses testimony that he believed the documents had already been filed. The position that Rose held in the organization, board

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Global Warming - Essay exemplificationSun is a continuous seeded player of slide fastener for our universe and its energy reaches the earth in fake of electromagnetic radiations. A part of these radiations is absorbed by the outer atmosphere of the earth while the be is allowed to enter the lower atmosphere where life exists. The radiations reaching the lower atmosphere are the main source of energy for the organisms living here. Plants absorb this energy and convert it into chemical form which then supports the entire sustenance chain. Humans have also learnt various methods to harness this energy to fulfill their requirements. The part of energy not utilized by humans or plants falls on different parts of dry prop and oceans around the world. A very small amount of this energy is absorbed while most of it is reflected congest into the atmosphere. The 30% of total energy is reflected back to the sun by the atmosphere and land. The remaining 70% which is ab initio absorbed by earth either leaves through direct radiation or through conductivity and convection of adjacent layers of air or through the latent heat of vaporization absorbed during cloud formation. therefrom almost all the heat absorbed initially by earth is reflected back to the atmosphere. This heat energy which enters the atmosphere should ideally leave the atmosphere through radiation into the outer space. This natural process keeps the temperature of the earth stable within a certain range. Recently, due to human activity, the amount of gases such as degree Celsius dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides and hydrocarbons in the atmosphere has increased substantially.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Governance and Public Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

politics and Public Policy - Essay ExampleHence, sustainable development has become essential for the global and local anaesthetic bodies across the world.These factors are also seen as the major reasons for deteriorating environmental conditions across the globe. The primary role of disposals is to stand a coherent guideline of governance through well defined constitution and indemnity framework. The policy frameworks are important part of administration processes that are designed to improve and improvise the diverse public assistance programmes of the public at large. The assorted areas of the public welfare domain like health, education, environment, energy etc. direct comprehensive understanding of the wide ranging implications of the government policies.Paul Sabatier, noted social scientist, has conceptualized Advocacy Coalition modeling or ACF and Multiple Streams Framework for the policies in different areas of public welfare, that fill proved quite effective. The optical fusion broadly comprises of two major sources who seemingly reflect the welfare of the people media, researchers and analysts actors at all levels of government (local, state and international) (Sabatier, 1988). It takes into account the interests of various stakeholders by incorporating opinions and feedback from wide ranging external and internal resources that may significantly opposition the masses in the specified areas. They facilitate the schemes to the public and the decision making bodies that are responsible for various processes for policy framework and subsequent implementation of those policies.The various countries have realized the necessity of environmental preservations and have enacted laws and guidelines for conservation and preservation of environment through stringent measures. UK is the first country that has come up with mood Change Act 2008 which hasa legally binding long-term framework to cut carbon emissions. It

Friday, April 19, 2019

VALS SURVEY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

VALS SURVEY - Essay ExampleAfter identifying the innovators and experiencers as the VALS for this particular product, a proper decision should be made on exactly how to appeal to them (Christensen, 2011). First, to appeal to the innovators, I would like to recommend that the marketer should ensure that the commodity is made to be innovative and attractive. As self-actualized consumers, the experiences can only be lured to purchase the iPad if they are convinced that it is fine and appeal to their eyes. This is the only musical mode through which they can perceive it as a product worth spending their money on (Kerin, 2012).On the other hand, to appeal to the experiencers, the marketer should ensure that the iPad is made to represent a creative, fashionable and refreshed product that depicts a self-expression idea. If it possesses such features, these consumers will consider it as the preferred commodity to purchase (Kotler & Keller, 2009). Experiencers are young consumers who heav ily spend on fashionable products like iPad that suit their insatiable tastes for

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Impact of the Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell Policies Research Paper

The Impact of the overthrow of Dont Ask Dont Tell Policies - Research Paper ExampleThrough aggressively taking down the direct of sexual harassment and eliminating sexual displays of dominance, the military can become a more solid and unify organization in which men and women are safe and honorably treated with respect. The following study finished secondary research go out examine the nature of the dont ask dont tell policy and the shipway in which the repeal is a necessary measure. Through understanding the ways in which the sociological nature of the military go away undergo changes, this will be related to the ways in which the repeal of the law will impact military families. The sociology of integrating homosexuality into society will be examined, and then assessed in consideration of the unique environment of the culture of the military. With respect to family culture, the nature of the changes will look at any impact that might occur. The following research composing will hash out the nature of the dont ask dont tell policy, creating a background for the debate and then relating the information to the effect that the repeal of this policy will have on military families. As the issue is intertwined with those who support political factions that support the family values platform, the new policies and philosophies that will be included in the sociology of military life will have some form of impact on families within the military. The paper will be structured with a history of the military philosophies on homosexuality and the consequences of those philosophies.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Ethical objectivism and Kantian Ethics ar arguments to ethical Essay

Ethical objectivism and Kantian Ethics ar arguments to ethical relativism - Essay ExampleEven in the contemporary world in that location are a strong amount of arguments in favor of ethical relativism. Some of the most owing(p) such arguments are advanced by anthropologists whose job it is to go into a region and develop ethnographic research regarding a culture. While these perspectives are at times convincing specific eachy about more(prenominal) grey areas issues, on a large-scale its clear that they are shortsighted. When extended to universal aspects of all cultures, adopting an approach of ethical relativism could potentially be calamitous for humanity. In these regards, it is possible that one cultural persona conflicts with the subsistence of another culture. It follows that when ones cultural range infringes on the rights and existence of another cultural paradigm that there needs to be a means of further establishing ethical responsibility.A great bet of ethical theor ies exist in contradistinction to the ethical relativist model, with the Kantian approach to ethics the most convincing. Kant argues that, All honourable statements should be general laws, which apply to everyone under and circumstances (Kant). This notion, referred to as the categorical imperative, is the understanding that an ethical perform must be that can be applied in a universal way as such, this precludes many activities that would otherwise be condoned under an ethical relativist perspective. Another prominent notion within Kantian ethics is the notion of moralistic duty. Moral duty argues that an individual has the duty to obey internal moral laws (Kants Moral Philosophy). The articulation of ethical responsibility as rooted in innate moral laws characteristic of all humanity is antithetical to moral relativism. Rather ethics as work subjectively, they are innate and universal to all cultures. Ultimately, adopting this Kantian is model is superior to the relativist ap proach as the power

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Radio Ad Essay Example for Free

Radio Ad EssayAre you elderly? Are you having problems with arthritis, osteoporosis, or injuries from f entirelying? Here is the data that you have been looking for, how to promote a healthy musculoskeletal system, from no(prenominal) other than Dr. Solomon, Concierge MD. Me Dr. Solomon, what exactly is the musculoskeletal system? Dr. Solomon The musculoskeletal system consists of your bones, and your muscles. In this system one is as important as the other. Bones be important because they provides needed protection for your organs as well as providing a support to the muscles so that they can function properly. Me What argon the lay on the line factors for arthritis?Dr. Solomon There are several factors that can contribute to developing arthritis. Anywhere between the types of shoes that you wear, to the type of beverage you ingest in the morning. Me What can we do to prevent arthritis?Dr. Solomon In order to decrease the chance of getting arthritis, maintaining a health y weight and exercise routine is a must. Me What about osteoporosis chance factors and prevention? Dr. Solomon There are several risk factors for osteoporosis, some of which are not preventable. These risk factors are sex, age, race, family history, and frame size.There are also risk factors that are associated with your hormone levels, dietary factors, steroid use, and lifestyle choices. Ways to prevent osteoporosis enumerate on whether it is due to environmental factors, or genetics. Genetic form of osteoporosis cannot be prevented. However, you can decrease your risk by not being too skinny, because the bones deteriorate faster, consuming calcium, exercising and keeping a proper meal plan. Me Now we have heard about arthritis and osteoporosis, what about injuries sustained from f completelying?Dr. Solomon We all know that the elderly are at risk for falling for a number of different reasons. The risk for falls increases with age. However, age does not cause all falls. Most fall s are the result for another(prenominal) causes. Muscle weakness in the legs, blood pressure drops, dizziness, slower reflexes, etc. Some things that can be done to prevent falling can be removing clutter, loose rugs, carrying heavy items up or tidy sum stairs or uneven flooring, not having rails for stairs or bathroom bars. Me Well that is all the time that we have for today. Thank you so much for being here with us Dr. Solomon, and for all of the information that you provided us with.Referenceshttp//www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/74700/E82552.pdf http//media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_1256317047/ch15_pg430_thru_433.pdf http//www.slideshare.net/sacklax40/musculoskeletal-system-324696

A monopoly from start to finish Essay Example for Free

A monopoly from lolly to finish EssayDuring out studies this term we have learned a lot nearly a Monopolistic way a social club is able to maneuver in the cable foodstuff and I would like to refresh your mind by offering a clear definition. A Monopoly is a positioning in which an entity, any an individual or an indus campaign or organization, is the sole supplier of a crabbed good or suffice. As such, this supplier has no competition from other suppliers and is able to control the market value of the commodity. Some monopolies be government-enforced or controlled, while others form naturally or through company merger.According to our focus of this paper, we are asking about the long-run belligerent equilibrium of the Wonks Company that was earning a normal rate of return and were competing in a monopolistically matched market structure. One of the questions we must settle regarding this change in business structure is how the companys shift to a monopoly will good the stakeholders involved. One of the stakeholders who may be involved is the government. Monopolies sancti unityd by the government are called legal monopolies.These are con emplacementred coercive monopolies, meaning that other companies are forbidden by law to compete against them. Governments also take note some control over monopolies through competition laws, which prevent monopolies from engaging in unscrupulous or anti-competitive practices (http//www. reference. com/motif/Society/advantages-disadvantages-of-monopolies). The second question is how a Monopoly will affect other businesses and after question it is quite obvious from the definition of a monopoly that other companies do not have to worry about competition from other companies in the same market.Consumers are affected by this change because they must either purchase the product or service from the monopoly or do without it. When a company transitions from a monopolistically competitive trusty to a monopoly, the re will be changes with regard to values and output from both of these market structures. So, lets take a closer look at how expenses are affected when a firm becomes a monopoly. A common practice among some monopolies is price discrimination, in which the monopolist charges some segments of the universe of discourse more(prenominal) than others for the same product or service, based on a higher need or a wealthier consumer base.This would usually be called price fixing which is an agreement between participants on the same side in a market to buy or sell a product, service, or commodity barely at a fixed price, or maintain the market conditions such that the price is maintained at a given level by controlling supply and demand. When the monopoly is able to prevent buyers from reselling their product, they may be able to price discriminate to accentuate the effects of monopoly power. In my opinion the most important chemical group that is affected by a Monopoly are the consume rs.Monopolies can impact consumer prices in two obviously diametric ways, they can cause prices to drop so low that it forces companies out of business or it an cause prices to uprise making it difficult for consumers to purchase a product, neither being a good option for the consumer. If one business is the only provider of a product or service, the consumer is forced to pay whatever the price they demand. This can also lead to the company providing a low type product or service without fear of losing business (Home, 2009).Since monopolies are the only provider, they can set pretty much any price they choose, regardless of demand, because they know the consumer has no choice. Is this way of thing fair to consumers? Of course not, barely it is how big business is able to stay on top of the market. For example, most people find that Apple products have an dread(a) price tag, but I have come to learn that the quality of their products is outstanding and I mind that Apple will c ontinue to rise in popularity for years to come.It has also come to my attention that because Monopolies try to monitor the price of products they may resort to price discrimination. set discrimination is some ages defined as the practice of a firm selling a homogeneous commodity at the same time to contrasting purchasers at different prices . Of course, I believe it is important to understand what and how price discrimination occurs. Price discrimination exists when two similar products which have the same marginal cost to produce are interchange by a firm at different prices.This sort of practice is highly controversial in terms of its impact on both consumers and rivals (Price Discrimination, 2006, p. 1). There are many ways to accomplish these sort of conditions because the transactions surely need not be simultaneous indeed, there is temporal discrimination, such as between Sunday rates and week, day rates, matinee and evening prices, peak rates and off-peak rates, season an d off-season prices. To sell different qualities or products with different marginal cost at the same price, or to buy different qualities or factors of different efficiency at the same price, is also discriminatory.Based on all of this useful data we must also answer the question regarding which market structure is more beneficial for Wonks to operate in and will this market structure benefit consumers? In my opinion it is based on the level of quality and service of the products and how much consumers are willing to pay for the products they want to purchase. In a monopolistic competitive market the consumer may choose to purchase a substitute product for a lower price, but only if the consumer values price over value.Of course with a monopoly there may be only a few companies offering a substitute product. If one companys product becomes in any case high in price, the consumer will eventually look for another brand that offers similar use. According to economist, the monopolist ic competitors demand curve is less elastic than a pure competitor and more elastic than a pure monopolist. Monopolistic competitors have excess capacity which means that fewer companies in operation(p) at capacity could supply the industry output.It is my opinion that Wonks might operate more beneficially as a Monopoly than at a Monopolistic Competitive firm because they will not have as much competition to deal with and they can corner the market with value and price.Resources 1. McChesney, F. S. , Shughart II, W. F. , Haddock, D. D. (2004). ON THE INTERNAL CONTRADICTIONS OF THE justness OF ONE PRICE. Economic Inquiry, 42(4), 706-716. doi10. 1093/ei/cbh091 2. Mainwaring, L. L. (1977). MONOPOLY POWER, INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND PRICE DETERMINATION.Kyklos, 30(4), 674. 3. https//www. fcsknowledgecenter. com/uploads/2011_Row_Crops_Industry_Perspective. pdf 4. http//academic. udayton. edu/lawrenceulrich/Stakeholder%20Theory. pdf 5. http//www. answers. com/topic/mergers-and-acquisitions 6. http//www. helium. com/items/1405663-what-is-a-monopoly-what-do-monopolies-do-how-is-the-economy-affected-by-monopolies 7. Case, K. E. , Fair, R. C. , and Oster, S. E. (2009) Principles of Microeconomics (9th ed). Upper Saddle River, New jersey Pearson Prentice Hall.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Exam case financial accounting Essay Example for Free

Exam case financial accounting EssaySolutions to Exercises and Problems Tutorial 1 IFM berth 2-2Case 2-2 SKD Limited1.GoodwillThere is no goodwill amortization expense in Country A, so the goodwill amortization expense discoverd by SKD must be added back to peg down income nether Country A GAAP. SKD amortizes goodwill over a longer period (20 years) than is allowed in Country B (5 years), so an additional amount of goodwill amortization expense must be accepted to determine income under Country B GAAP, which reduces Country B GAAP income. b.The goodwill change affects the kept up(p) internet in stockholders loveliness. The increase in Country A GAAP income results in an increase in retained simoleons and the decrease in Country B GAAP income results in a decrease in retained earnings. c.The accommodation to income is for the current year only. The adjustment to stockholders equity is cumulative. The fact that the stockholders equity adjustment is cardinal times as bigg er as the income adjustment implies that the goodwill was purchased three year ago.2.Capitalized Interesta.The adjustment labeled Capitalized interest relates to the interest that is not expensed but instead is capitalized under Country A GAAP. The adjustment labeled dispraise related to capitalized interest relates to the depreciation of the interest that was capitalized as part of the damage of the asset. b.The beginning(a) adjustment increases income because interest is not being expensed immediately but instead is capitalized as part of the personify of the asset to which it relates. The second adjustment decreases income because under Country A GAAP, the asset to which interest is capitalized has a larger cost and on that pointfore a larger depreciation expense. c.Both income adjustments are closed out to retained earnings and partially offset one another. The increase to income of $50 and the decrease of $20 result in a net increase in retained earnings of $30.3.Fixed Ass etsa.When fixed assets are revalued to a higher amount, there is an increase in their carrying value with an offsetting increase in stockholders equity to keep the balance sheet in balance. The amount by which the assets are revalued is subject to depreciation, which results in a larger depreciation expense. The adjustment to recognize this additional depreciation expense decreases income under Country B GAAP. It also decreases stockholders equity (retained earnings). The decrease in retained earnings from additional depreciation is smaller than the increase in stockholders equity from review of assets, which results in a net increase in stockholders equity. Note if we knew when the fixed assets were revalued, we could determine the amount by which they were revalued. For example, if revaluation occurred at the end of the previous year, then the revaluation amount must have been $64 ($64 8 = $56) because only one year of additional deprecation would be included in the stockholders equity adjustment. 27. Holzer Company Property, Plant, and Equipment (capitalization of adoption costs and measurement of asset incidental to acquisition using two ersatz models)IAS 16 Cost ModelCarry asset on the balance sheet at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.Capitalize borrowing costs borrowing costs attributable to the reflexion of qualifying assets.Annual interest ($900,000 x 10%)$90,000Interest to be capitalized in socio-economic class 1 ($500,000* x 10%)50,000 Interest expense in Year 1$40,000* Expenditures of $1,000,000 were made evenly throughout the year, so the average accumulated expenditures during the year are $500,000 ($1,000,000 / 2).Cost of build verbal expression costs$1,000,000Capitalized interest50,000Total initial cost of building$1,050,000Annual depreciation (beginning in Year 2) ($1,050,000 / 40 years) $26,250Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Income StatementDepreciation expense$0$26,250$26,250$26,250$26,250Balance Sheet mental synthesis (at 1/1)$0$1,050,000$1,023,750$997,500$971,250 Depreciation(26,250)(26,250)(26,250)(26,250) expression (at 12/31)$1,050,000$1,023,750$997,500$971,250$945,000IAS 16 Revaluation ModelCarry asset on the balance sheet at revalued amount equal to fair value less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.Capitalize borrowing costs attributable to the construction of qualifying assets.Annual interest ($900,000 x 10%)$90,000Interest to be capitalized in Year 1 ($500,000 x 10%)50,000 Interest expense in Year 1$40,000Cost of buildingConstruction costs$1,000,000Capitalized interest50,000Total initial cost of building$1,050,000Annual depreciation (beginning in Year 2) ($1,050,000 / 40 years) $26,250Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Income StatementDepreciation expense$0$26,250$26,250$25,5262$25,526Subtotal $0$26,250$26,250$25,526$25,526Loss on revaluation27,500 retroversion of revaluation loss(27,500)Total expense (income)$0$26,250$43,750$ 25,526$(1,974)Balance SheetBuilding (at 1/1)$0$1,050,000$1,023,750$970,000$944,474 Depreciation(26,250)(26,250)(25,526)(25,526)Building (at 12/31)$1,050,000$1,023,750$997,500$944,474$918,948 Loss on revaluation(27,500)1Reversal of revaluation loss27,5003Revaluation surplus 3,5523Building (at 12/31)$1,050,000$1,023,750$970,000 $944,474$950,0001At celestial latitude 31,Year 3, the fair value of the building is resolved to be $970,000. The carrying value of the building is decreased by $27,500, with a loss on revaluation recognized in Year 3 net income. 2 Depreciation in Year 4 is $25,526 ($970,000 / 38 remaining years). 3At December 31,Year 5, the fair value of the building is determined to be $950,000. The carrying value of the building is increased by $31,052. A reversal of revaluation loss of $27,500 is recognized in income and $3,552 ($31,052 27,500) is recorded as revaluation surplus in shareholders equity.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Second World War Essay Example for Free

snatch World struggle EssayThe send-off World invoke of war was truly a significant event in history. The tension that began in Europe evolved into a planetary booking which lasted for four long long time. The state of war claimed the lives of both soldiers and civilians, and resulted in the massive destruction of property. After the war ended, the countries involved undertook measures which seek to avoid other globose battle. One of those measures was the drafting of several calmness settlements, including the Versailles pact. This sympathy punished Germany and made it solely responsible for the occurrence of the war. Unfortunately, the treaty caused bitterness from the Germans and paved the way for a nonher world war to occur. Coincident every last(predicate)y, it was the Second World War which resolved the unaddressed issues of the first Great War. Indeed, the Versailles treaty caused the occurrence of the Second World War, which ended the problems of the runn er World War. The Versailles treaty considered Germany to be the only country liable to the occurrence of the First World War. It must be noned that Germany did initiate the establishment of the fusion system, which underwrited increased conflict in Europe (Perry, 1989).As an number of its triumph in the Franco-Prussian War, Germany acquired the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. In an try on to secure these former French territories and prevent France from regaining them, the Chancellor of Germany Otto von Bismarck allied with Italy and Austria-Hungary. Germany continued its belligerence after Bismarck was removed from office. When William II assumed the throne, Germany demanded more territory and began to increase its naval strength. However, Germany was not the only province to blame for the First World War. In fact, Serbia was responsible for starting the war.It was a snapshot incident which triggered the widespread conflict a Serbian named Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife (Heyman, 1997). Austria sought to attack Serbia in return, and turned to Germany for assistance. Hence, the starting point of the First World War was the conflict between Austria and Serbia (Perry, 1989). The end of the First World War brought about several attempts at the restoration of quiescence, but it was prevented by intentions of the affected parties. prior to the end of the First World War, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had already drafted a program for peace which he presented in Congress through the Fourteen Points speech (Perry, 1989). One of the major points he suggested in his speech was peace without victory (as cited in Perry, 1989, p. 647). Wilson wanted the other countries to practice fairness towards Germany, for he thought that severely penalizing the nation would only force it to avenge their losses. He simply wanted a fair settlement which would guarantee improved foreign relations between the victors and the bruiseed countries.Unfortunately, Wilsons hopes ran against the bitter feelings which were developed during the war. The European associate suffered massive losses, which in turn caused hatred between countries. Among all Allies, France was most affected by the First World War majority of the battles which happened in the western front took place in French territory. objet dart more than three million French citizens were wounded, more than a million French soldiers died in the war. Hence, it was to be expected that France desired severe punishment for Germany and sought to be compensated for its damaged properties (Perry, 1989).The Versailles Treaty did not guarantee fair treatment towards Germany, as it imposed harsh sanctions on the defeated nation. The settlement was ostensibly disadvantageous for Germany it was created to decrease their power and territory. The treaty was beneficial for France not only did it regain Alsace-Lorraine, but it also obtained control over the Saa r coal mines (Halsall, 1944). Germany also lost territory to Poland and Britain (Perry, 1989). In addition, the Versailles treaty significantly trim the military capability of Germany.The agreement required the German army to be limited to 100,000 people, all of which were to be volunteers (Halsall, 1944). Germany was also asked to demilitarize their territories in both sides of Rhine River. More importantly, the treaty demanded Germany to pay other nations due to the damages which resulted from the war. Germany was supposed to pay $33 billion worth of reparations, an amount only determined two years after the nation signed the treaty (Perry, 1989). In general, the Versailles Treaty blamed Germany for the First World War and severely punished it as a result.Consequently, the Germans were angered by the conditions of the Versailles Treaty and provoked them to start nevertheless another world war. Germany was enraged by the demands for reparations they thought that the amount given for them to pay exceeded the nations financial capacity (Perry, 1989). Germans also disagreed with treaty on grounds of being solely responsible for the outcome of the war. They upheld the belief that Germany must not be singled out, for all the nations involved in the war must be held accountable for its consequences.After the First World War, Germany became a part of the League of Nations, the organization which was created for the purpose of development peace and cooperation between countries. The country also participated in other postwar activities directed at maintaining peace. scorn these efforts, majority of the Germans were still not ready for peace. Most of them remained bitter towards the Versailles Treaty. The animosity was derived from humiliation after defeat after all, the settlement disarmed their nation, reduced their territories and required them to pay a great sum (Bergen, 2002).The Weimar government attempt to modify the treaty through peaceful means. When Ad olf Hitler came into power, he completely undermined the Versailles Treaty (Perry, 1989). With Hitler as leader, Germany violated the Versailles Treaty and started the path to the Second World War. Hitler quickly broke the conditions of the treaty he disregarded the limitations imposed on the country. He immediately increased the army to 550,000 men and rearmed it (Sulzberger, 1985).Hitler also sent troops in Rhineland this follow up was clearly a violation of the demilitarization in the area as demanded in the treaty. In what seemed to be a response to the loss of lands due to the Versailles Treaty, Hitler sought to expand German territory by uniting all German-speaking people (Sulzberger, 1985). All of the aforementioned aggressive acts committed by Hitler sparked another global conflict and eventually resulted in what everybody feared the Second World War. Ironically, the problems of the First World War were resolved by the Second World War.One of the problems of the Great War w as self-determination, the belief wherein national groups choose their own political state (Perry, 1989). The reason behind Archduke Ferdinands assassination was the Serbs desire to unite all Slavic peoples. President Wilson include the principle of self-determination in his Fourteen Points, yet it proved to be problematic. Hitler even used the principle to invade other countries. After the Second World War, self-determination was no longer proposed. Instead, the Atlantic employ drafted by U. S. President Franklin D.Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill proposed the self-government to peoples. Meanwhile, the restoration of peace was also a dilemma after the First World War. The nations tried to restore peace through various peace settlements, including the Versailles Treaty. However, the treaty exacerbated the war problem. After the Second World War, there was already an international organization launch to maintain peace among countries. Rather than make individu al peace treaties to each Axis power, the Allied countries sought peace as the United Nations.This move proved to be more effective in restoring global peace and order (Perry, 1989). The First World War was a genuinely significant experience. The armed conflict was caused and characterized by tension, so there were many efforts to avoid yet another war from taking place. The Versailles Treaty was a peace settlement, but it did not contribute to the restoration of peace. Rather, it caused the Second World War by provoking Germany to seek revenge over its sanctions. Fortunately, with the occurrence of the Second World War, the problems of the Great War were settled.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Humor and the lower class in Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

Humor and the lower class in Shakespeare EssayFrom the jigging veins springs the flow and haves a hilarious tinge in the rhythm of souls- This is incredulous the power of no body else except Shakespeare. Shakespeare was a truly awing 17th Century literary dude, creating the whole new gamut of pitying experience and emotions of both high and low, purple and sundry, bringing their lives in the fold of his haggle through his tragedy, romantic, history and funniness wagers. Shakespeare is an appropriate symbol of human life which brings tears and smiles, sighs and shouts of joys. So beyond bringing the tears and pondering over the history, he reaches the midriff of man with his comedy plays. Comedy of Shakespeare moves in a world of its own a appearance from satire or moral reforms. The comedy appears in the Renaissance period in its new form breaking from its conventional mode. Since sixteenth century this term was in use but to incorporate numerous types among whom many resembled the Grecian and Latin comedies. The renaissance though precept the slight change in the trend of the comic eluding but the spirit remained the same.Before it, comedy was performed in the form of farce and clown-age by roaming entertainers and captured the morality exclusively receivable to its popularity. The comedy espouses the capture of not only with the plays of genus Plautus and Terence, but similarly showed the signs of Latin forms, the scriptural Terentian plays, and the story with the theme of the Prodigal Son. The result was quite visible as there on the stages were seen the holy new style of dramatization of story and scenic entertainments which were replete of fun and frolic.Shakespeare also used what has blend the tradition in the British Society, to laugh at a characters lack of intellect. Shakespeare uses fools who were considered to be lacking in intelligence but are actu totallyy wiser, and clowns. These clowns were generally innocent characters, ignorant, sometimes quiet witted and created a situation that is almost out his scope and thus keeps the comic actions going. By using the fools he sprinkled his plays with Jokes meant for the common man touching the audiences intellectual level. The best example of the use of the fools is Falstaff in I Henry IV.Falstaff is an embodiment of the vice of vanity, dishonest, proud and pretentious but on the separate mickle coward also, thus providing an entertainment value. The brothers Dromio in the Comedy of Errors is also fine example of the fools. Comedy of Error is Shakespeares earliest and classicly inspired comedy particularly using the Plautuss farcical play Menaechmi ( Twins). He created the comic scenes with the common people who found themselves engulfed in a farce of mistaken identities, due to the devil pairs of twins who were separated because of the storm in the sea.Some of the wag in Comedy of illusion is derived from the puns and wordplay, but the large part of i t comes from slapstick and mistaken identity, and its distinct in the reek that it observes classical unities. This complete play is entertainment, but under the layers of the fun also lays the deeper themes, which includes the feeling of self identity versus reality, the internality of time, coincidence and love. Because of the confusion, both the Syracusan and Ephesan twins sometimes think they have gone insane which shows the Shakespeares dainty interest in showing the characters tortuous soul.The play also highlights the fact that even the lightest farce bathroom create emotional resonance. This play was beginning(a) published in the first Folio in 1623 and is considered as Shakespeare shortest play. The comedy ends when both sets of twins were reunited. Shakespeare made his play to a greater extent complex than Plautus by adding game set of twins. The other plays that can be considered nearer to the Comedy of errors in the model are the two gentleman of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew and A Loves groks lost.The 1590s era saw changes in trend in the plays Mid Summers iniquity conceive ofs and the Merchant of Venice. These plays were different in tone climax under the category of meat Comedies and are the proof of the Shakespeares genius to experiment with the plays. Mid Summers Night Dreams beautifully presents the bumbling and unconsciously comic townspeople, creating yet another chapter of bringing the common frivolities, vices, situations and circumstances that these townspeople creates for themselves and thus is emerged the amusing scenes.But these plays not only arouse the comic relief but also create the sympathetic feelings. We can also see what is known as the Mature Comedies in this the most popular The romantic plays Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, The Merry Wives of Windsor, and Twelfth Night. both these plays are considered as joyous comedies with characters always smiling and are sympathetic. Written around 1599 and 1600, th ese plays were at the breaker point of the Shakespeares career in the field of high comedy with generally having beautiful, intelligent, and strong-minded heroines, as the rudimentary characters.These plays were in sharp contrast to the satire, and reflect Shakespeares not only the mastery of his art but also congenial temperament that he shows towards his characters. Soon after mature comedies, Shakespeare produced problem comedies in his leash playsAlls Well That Ends Well, Troilus and Cressida, and Measure for Measure. The problem comedies deals with the complex and unpleasant themes and its characters have certain tote up of moral flaws which are more severe and difficult to change than the characters in the farces or the joyous comedies. diminish hearted humor is seen in these plays which are emotionally rich and dramatically exciting and stimulating to the readers. Alls Well That Ends Well, written around 1603 follows the conventional pattern of comedy, and as its title su ggests the play ends with the reunion of a separated couple, but this reunion is deeply troubling. Hereby Troilus and Cressida are totally different in the sense that for many days it was unheard-of whether it was tragedy, history or comedy. The essence of Romanticism showers in the comedy of the Shakespeares plays, and the lives hovers over the ass ground and atmosphere of Shakespeare.Shakespearean comedy is primarily the comedy of love. The atmosphere is full of the genial of love and friendship. In his comedy love is a means of human fulfillment, and far from aggrandizement the lovers thoughts about basic desires, the romantic inserts the feeling of passion. The romantic comedy has characters ranging from servants, drunkards, constables and clowns. The main characteristic cavort of the Shakespeare comedy is the beautiful combination of realism and fancy. The characters are drawn from the world of men and women. They have to suffer equal ordinary mortals experiencing adversit y, separation and disappointments.The characters and scenes though are viewed through magic casements which transforms reality, the settings in his plays are generally imagi essential- an unknown island, Thebes, Arden, Illyria, and Venice each are conceived in the sparkling light of a beautiful fancy, yet they are all real and sheer from our daily real lives. The contemporary figures and fashions as in Loves excavates Lost Bottom and his companions mingling with the fairies, this union of realism and fantasy is the cardinal characteristic feature of Shakespeare romantic world. The worldly wisdom and deep comprehension of life made his comedies more realistic.Under the humor and fun there lies the tone of didacticism with the complex moods and subtlety in the characters. His comedies are also marked by the optimism and are the pictures of life in sunnier aspects. Shakespeare began his journey of comedy where Lyly left, and he was able to find his way to create an intense mood of se riousness in the comedy. It is said that in comedy, Lyly is Shakespeares model and its influence is far more permanent than any other. Shakespeare imitates the grouping style of Lyly and consequently repeats the relation or situation in consequent plays.It was from Lyly that Shakespeare learned unity and coherence of plot-construction, basically in the introduction of songs and fairies. (Looney, 1997-2002). And the fine example is Love and Labors lost. He was also influenced with Greene which led to the creation of The Two Gentlemen of Verona. But the most influence that is created on his works is from Plautus and Terence. Plautus devices used in the plots reads similar ten-twenty-thirty thrillers of the nineteenth century involving desertion of infants, kidnapping, piracy, shipwreck, tokens of recognition, changes of identity, keyhole listenings and strange rescues.His world constitutes the characters ranging from scolding matrons, lying and thievish servants, money lenders, pro curers and sycophants, all belong to the lower or middle strata of the society but in the end always the knaves are punished and its titles reflects the plot like The Play of the Hidden Pot of Gold, The Haunted House, How the Sham Steward Got Paid for His Asses, and The Play of the Caskets. The same is full-strength with Comedy of Error which is derived from the Plautuss farcical play Menaechmi (Twins).In this play Plautus uses gag to dwell and come out with the human foibles including the mistaken identity. As in Comedy of Errors in Plautus play, only one servant appears and he is traveling with a twin who stays outside their native country. The citizen twin has a shrewd wife, a father-in-law and a mistress named Erotium, and thus all these involves trickery, sex grip with the husbands blatant infidelity.And this mistaken identity are wrangled a jeweler, a merchant, parasite, a medical student and the courtesan. Thus the story and plot of the Shakespeare and Plautus are same bu t Shakespeare gives very little of farce. there are two distinct patterns in which Shakespeare comedy moves, one from society to wilderness and then back to the better society and the second pattern is from union to freewheeling and then back to union. (Flachman from midsummer magazine, 2001). The first model emerges in the play A Midsummer Nights Dream.This play takes its characters from the urban lands to the parking lot world of forest and then back to the original society whereby they have learned the true way of living from the freedom that they enjoyed in green world of the Forest. In the Midsummer Night Dreams all reach the good fortune only by staying one night in enchanted woods. As dissimilar to these plays, the other plays like in Twelfth Night, The Comedy of Errors, and Alls Well That Ends Well, specifically in the comedy of errors the characters first are united, separated and then united.In, many of the comedies the conclusion is the happy marriage. These pattern s help us to read in depth the chapters of our lives and try to solve the problems faced by us in a much comic manner. The Midsummers Night Dreams is different then the Comedy of Errors in the sense that its the Bards original hymeneals play. According to many scholars it is a light entertainment to accompany a marriage celebration and unlike Comedy of Errors Shakespeare does not rely on existing plays, narrative poetry, historical chronicles or any other source materials, making it an absolutely original piece.The main plot of the play involves the two set of couples The Hermia and Lysander, and capital of Montana and Demetrius whose romantic endeavors are complicated due to their entry into the fairyland woods where the King and Queen of the Fairies Oberon and titania rules and the Puck or Robin Goodfellow, who are the folk characters plies his trade. Thus there is also an element of fantasy in this play which is totally absent in the Comedy of Errors with an exception of twins.A Midsummer Nights Dream contains lyrical expressions of love and dreams, and the creative imagination of both. These two patterns, are born from the plays, the Jorge de Montemayors Diana, which is a Spanish pastoral romance who in celebrating the love, moves from society to wilderness and then back to the reformed and much treasured society, and the second posters from the story of Titus and Gisippus in Sir Thomas Elyots The Governor, and its plot moves uniting the characters and then leave them to wander and again back reuniting them.Shakespeare was a versatile character and the growth his career lies in its model of versatility which is luxuriously clear in all his plays whether it is tragic, history or comedy, versatility lies in all and he is always experimenting with the words so close to the human heart and that makes the Shakespeare unique.BIBILIOGRAPHY 1.Flachmann Michael, (2001), The two Comic plots of Verona, From Midsummer Magazine, Utah Shakespearean fete Home Page, Re trieved on 19th March 2007 from W. W. W http//www. bard. org/education/resources/shakespeare/twogentscomic. html 2. Looney J Thomas, Shakespeare Identified, Chapter XI, Edward De Vere Middle Period Dramatic Foreground, Retrieved on 19th March 2007 from W. W. W http//www. shakespearefellowship. org/etexts/si/11-5. htm.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Personal Finance Plan Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Personal Finance Plan Worksheet EssayThe functioning of creating a detailed designing to meet your monetary needs and prep atomic number 18 for the future is called b. personal financial meanning. 2. Which of the hobby is not one of the five major steps of the financial planning lick? c. hive up and organize your financial information 3. Which phase in life is commonly associated with focus on marriage, family, acquire a home, and career development? c. ate 20s through your 40s 4.Which of the following is a benefit of having a college degree that can pretend your financial planning? d. all the to a higher place 5. Which of the following elements of a comprehensive financial plan involves analyzing future needs, such as saving for solitude or college funding for dependents? d. protecting wealth and dependents Directions Respond to the following short-answer questions in 50-to hundred-words 6. People have antithetic styles when it comes to handling their money. List t he two things that move your personal beliefs and opinions about financial planning.How tumesce do you observe you manage your money? Can you spot areas for improvement in your money management style, and if so, where/how? a. Two things that affect my personal beliefs about financial planning are my family composition and values. I want my family to be agreeable and I also save but not as much and often as I should. Making sure I save for hard time and my family stability is a must. Setting up a budget is a main topic in my household. b. I can do better and stop tapping into my savings. I do have a savings account that is linked to my account.Everytime I shake off something a dollar is sent to my savings, so that also help me balance my account as well. I also need to focus on our needs and not what we want. c. Yes I could stop spending much money and save more which is hard because we just moved and we are buying the house we are renting. Im putting money into the house but bills still have to be paid. We are starting to do a budget to eliminate the how, who, when, and where. 7. Which element of the comprehensive financial plan focuses on your housing needs, put aside money for emergencies, and establishing a career path?Consider your own finances. Do currectly own a vehicle and/or home? If yes, how well do you manage monthly home and auto expenses? How well do you save for unforeseen expenses? a. Securing basic needs b. I own two vehicles and purchasing a home. We pay our mortgage at the beginning of the month in which we split, we pay the bills as soon as we get the bills and we split those as well, then the car notes are split up, and at the end of the month our car insurance is collectable. c. We have a savings account that pulls money from our checking whenever we spend money nd then we literally have what I call a piggy bank and we save convert as well. There is nothing wrong about saving change because it does add up. 8. The economy is unc ertain and can affect your personal financial planning. List one factor in economic conditions that may affect your financial future. How could you reduce the impact of that factor on your finances? a. Inflation b. To reduce the affect of inflation is to save and go on a budget. You can also shop smarter by shop cheaper, like generic brands.Also using coupons and your rewards card to reduce the cost of groceries and gas. You can shop well-nigh for the cheapest prices and most of the time if you buy in bulk its cheaper. 9. Which step in the five-step financial planning process drives you to organize your financial information, create personal financial statements, and evaluate your current financial position? consume you ever completed this step? If so, is it still applicable to your current financial situation? If not, do you plan to do this soon? Why or why not? a.Step1 Analyze your current financial position. b. Yes I have done it before, but now we just moved and we are now cr eating a revolutionary budget. Since the bills have changed we have to do a advanced budget and gather our bank statements, bills, and calculater our income to be more financially stable and save more money. We are currently going over a new budget as we speak. 10. Step Five in the five-step financial planning process discusses the importance of on a regular basis reevaluating and revising your plan because personal circumstances often change.List two life changes that may require you to update your financial plan. Have you recently experienced a change that requires you to reevaluate your financial plan? If so, what was it and how have you accommodated it? (Please share only what you are comfortable sharing) a. Marriage and children b. I just recently got espouse and were just purchasing a home. My husband just received social security and 100% in military disability and I work. This make it a little easier for us to make it.I do have children and one is disabled so its tough bu t we make it. We split everything shovel in the middle so no one person would be overwhelmed with paying all the bills on their own. We return to do a budget and stick to it. We do bargin shop and try to limit where we go due to high gas prices. We also put money to the side for different things we want to do whether its go out to eat, go to the movies, or date night. We also put money back for food and gas. We imply everything we do and everything that can happen in our budget and daily life.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Perinatal Factors and Schizophrenia Essay Example for Free

Perinatal Factors and Schizophrenia EssayIn considering the motley statistical tests, the studies pass based their analysis on the total population and basically by looking at the factors that advocate the position of Schizophrenia among the offspring following from the effect of these factors on the parents. That is, the factors that are likely to affect the communicable composition that is inherited by the offspring in causing dementia praecox. Various statistical tests were employ that embroil logistic regression, Poisson regression and Mantel-Haenszel test. Systematic review was in like manner used in the case where raw data was not used, and was done by the reviewing of the previous studies. The value of the calculated statistics The factors that were considered in the various studies are statistically prodigious in explaining the factors that cause schizophrenic psychosis depending on the varied populations that the studies used. The factors that are identifiabl e as organism a cause for schizophrenia include children who are born by the m some others who were crossd to some wicked life experiences and more curiously the death of a close relative during the first trimester ( Ali K, Kathryn, Roseanne, Marianne, Roger and Philip, 2008).This situation increases the porta of the the offspring developing schizophrenia. The other factor that encourage the developing of schizophrenia among the offspring is the tendency for the parents to expose themselves to analgesics. The effect of the analgesics in encouraging the development of schizophrenia is independent of either male or feminine parent exposure to analgesics. The treatments offered to the mother during pregnancy also increase the possibility for schizophrenia to develop among the offspring.The other factor that is identifiable as a cause for schizophrenia among the offspring is when the mothers had a psychotic throw out of kilter during their adult life, more especially the mothers w ho had preeclampsia during their adult life. The place and time of birth also has an square off in causing schizophrenia among the children. The children who are born in urban areas and in some months of the historic period are at risk of developing schizophrenia compared to the ones born in the rural areas and in the months of the years other than March and early December.The obstetrical complications during pregnant and the infections by influenza virus are also among the factors that lead to the development of schizophrenia among the offspring. Significance to nursing practice The factors identifiable as the cause for schizophrenia are very important in the nursing practice. The nurses are able to provide advice to the mothers on the various practices that they are expected to adapt in protecting their offspring from developing of schizophrenia.Therefore, it will be a preventive measure other than curative. Following the nature of schizophrenia, it is better to prevent than pr oviding a cure, hence significant to the nursing practice. Discussion Interpretation of the results. On analyzing all the articles, it is identifiable that all the studies had focused on the causes of schizophrenia among the offspring following the various factors that surrounded the parents, that is, both the male and the female parents.Therefore, schizophrenia is perceived as being a genetic complication that is transmitted from the parents to their offspring. Implications The main cause for schizophrenia is the genetic torment that occurs within the parents following some factors, which is later evident in the offspring. Therefore, schizophrenia is an hereditary complication. Study Limitations The discipline used in some other studies was never complete, that is some information were missing for some objects used in the study.The strengths and the weaknesses of the Study. The studies provide a mixed reaction following the various factors that are considered as a cause for schiz ophrenia and they have not given the genetic mechanisms that are involved in occurrence schizophrenia, otherwise, they have used an inductive approach. Summary The cause for schizophrenia is attributed to the factors that affect parents of an offspring and more especially during pregnancy. The factors affect the genetic structure that is later reflected in the characteristics of the offspring.

Monday, April 8, 2019

I-phone and I-teach Essay Example for Free

I- band and I-teach EssayThe extremely anticipated and much celebrated release of the newest and perhaps hippest prison cellular phone on the market has spurred a sum of discussions on the applicability of these devices to other forums. With an increasingly large number of prepubescent teens and children carrying cellular phones over they go, a number of educators direct begun to inquire as to its applicability as a teaching precaution while there are some who argue that cellular phones spend a penny no train in todays educational institutions. There is for sure no clear yes or no respond to this issue and instead it is important to arrive at a certain(p) compromise in monastic order to resolve this issue. There are basically two schools of thought behind this issue, the pros and the cons. The first argues that the changing generation and evolving technology necessitate the exercising of these new devices in order to improve educational methods and put in good of th e always decreasing attention span of educatees with regard to traditional teaching methods.The second school of thought, on the other hand, argues that the older methods which have been tested and tried are always better and thus these distractions (cellular phones) should be strictly kept out of classrooms. In order to, however, engender up with a reasonable conference concerning this topic it is first important to examine dear how these devices have affected classroom activities. Cell phones refer friends and families. In a moment, across the country or oversees a parent great deal call his son to see whether he is doing alright.Businessmen can make their business deals and get everything done when away(predicate) from office. Newer programs eventidet take advantage of the cameras that some of todays cellular phone models have by leave aloneing one to take a picture of a page and have that file converted into a document that can be edited as reported in the October 29, 2007 issue of Newsweek entitled, How to Make the cellular Phone a Portable Scanner. (Ellison, 2007, p. 1)In the same way that businessmen take advantage of the ever increasing conveniences that cellular phones have provided, students at schools all over the country communicate ofttimes with each other through the subprogram of cell phones and this is the case of concern for around of the countrys school administrators (Armbruster-Sandoval, 2005, p. 64) The first school of thought, as presented earlier, argues that instead of banning these cellular phones from classrooms, an alternative can be reached. There is no ask to reject this technology advancement but rather there is a need to embrace it and take advantage of it.With the average classroom attention span in the coupled States dropping, to a greater extent and more educators have come to realize that there is a pressing concern to come up with new methods of teaching that is able to reach out to these children and one of t hese solutions is the cellular phone. In resolution to this, however, detractors have argued that this instant method of communication has its own drawbacks as well. Cellular phones are said hold dear interpersonal relationships as opposed to direct communication which provides a certain level of personal interaction.The innate detailor or edge of having the instructor or teacher personally present to ensure that the student is able to learn will certainly be diminished by using cellular phones as a mode of conveying lessons and learning modules. The second bone of contention with regard to cellular phone use in the classrooms has arisen out of the recent traumatic events that have rocked the American educational institutions. The Columbine disaster and even perhaps 9-11 have made parents more bear on over the safety of their children and have demanded that schools allow the children to bring these devices into the classroom.In answer to this rising safety issue, more and more schools in the United States have begun lifting the ban on cellular phones in classrooms (Shaw, 2005, p. 1). When Mayor Bloomberg banned cellular phones from New York public schools, most of the uproar that resulted from the institution of that policy came, not from the school children as preceding(prenominal)ly anticipated, but rather from concerned parents who argued that the lack public payphones in the area made it more dangerous for their children (Williams, 2006, p.1). While certainly it may not have an effect on the lessons that these students learn in classroom, it does affect the quality of education a child may receive since a concerned parent may relocate the child to safer place which may not provide as good a quality of education as the previous school. While there is certainly no doubt that the safety of children is of the highest priority, there is also a need to educate todays youth if they are to stand a chance of surviving in this world.Another issue that has be en presented is that cell phones lead to the deadening of writing skills as the use of the text put across feature leads to what has been termed txt-lingo. For some, text messages, a popular phone feature has affected the English language That is (that the use of) abbreviated messages has also affected the use of vowels (Silin, 1999, p. 20). This issue has even been made worse by the fact that the new dictionaries or rather predictive text feature on cellular phones make it easier for students to just tap away at the keypad with the phone doing the corresponding spelling changes.The loss of not hardly personal but grammatical communication skills is indeed an issue which must be tackled in response to the topic on whether or not children should be allowed to bring cellular phones into the classroom. It is important to remember, however, that even though the above argument may present a grain of truth, learning is simply much more that just missing vowels and spelling. Education h as never been confined to the teaching of English but rather even to the discussion of the propriety of bringing cellular phones into the classrooms (Shaw, 2005, p. 1).As such(prenominal), to even argue that cellular phones should not be brought into the classrooms because it leads to bad spelling skills would be totally disregard the other benefits that can be derived from the use of such a device. Benefits such as being able to send images of certain objects that may be apply for a lively and scholarly discussion in class, encouraging discourses between students over certain topics and certainly the building of foundations for the educational improvement of todays youth, farthermost outweigh the simple problem of absent vowels which can be easily remedied (Shaw, 2005, p. 1).Perhaps the answer to this problem lies in the students themselves who use these devices as argued be certain concerned parents. There are some parents, who can claim that their children are very responsible , and they whap when to put on or put off the cell phone and therefore should be allowed to use cell phones even in schools (Fretcher, 2000, p. 69). According to Armbrustor-Sandoval, Teenagers have learned to heavily rely on cell phones thus transforming this into a serious issue. This is why the political relation is contemplating on banning cellular phones in not only classrooms but inside campuses as well.Banning cellular phones in most educational institutions is a good idea but some exceptions should be allowed since cellular phones can be used in reporting emergencies and the like (Armbrustor-Sandoval, 2005, p. 71). If parents cannot control their own children with regard to the use of cellular phones in education institutions, the distrust that begs to be asked therefore is whether or not the government is more qualified to make that decision and go through is it for the students. There is no doubt from this brief discussion that there are indeed a number of pros and cons concerning this issue.On one hand, allowing the use of cellular phones promotes the safety of students and minimizes the concern that parents naturally have over their children and at the same time, the use of cellular phones presents new opportunities to extend teaching to beyond the confines of the classroom. The cons of this issue can be basically be summarized in a single thought which is the concern over the deterioration of quality of education a child will receive in an environment which may no longer be perceived as conducive for teaching if the use of cellular phones is allowed.Cellular phones have improved dramatically over the last few years. With the rate of technological advancement today, it is not far off into the future when cellular phones will be able to do certain things that were but unimaginable in the present. The question, however, is whether or not all these advances will remain to be benefits for just a certain group or if they can be used to improve every aspect of life (as most of the cellular phones are currently trying to do i. e. I-phone). The benefits and drawbacks are certainly very clear.The problem for the government and most educational policy makers is on how to balance these benefits and drawbacks so as to be able to take full advantage of the situation (Shaw, 2005, p. 1). As such, the only solution that remains is coming up with a well thought out cellular phone policy for the school in order for them to be able to continue to reflect the society which they serve.ReferencesArmbrustor-Sandoval, R (2005) Is Another World possible? Is another classroom possible? Radical pedagogy. Activity and social change social justice, vol. 32 Foust, R. C. , Soukup, C. (2006) Do I be?Transcendent subject and secrets in the sixth sense Western Journal of communication, Vol. 70. Fretcher, H. G. (2000) Power up, Dont Power Down Barring students form cell phones, my space, and other communication technologies. Once they enter, the classroom is the slander approach. A better move would be integrating. Those tools into instructions The journal (Technological Horizons in Education), Vol. 33 Luke, A. D. (2005) Getting the wide-ranging picture community science. Methods that capture context American journal of community psychology Vol. 35. Shaw, Katherine (2005) Students and Cell Phones feud in the Classroom from http//www.associatedcontent.com/article/4903/students_and_cell_phones_controversy.html

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Benefits of Yoga Essay Example for Free

Benefits of Yoga EssayIn chapter 15, The Cauliflower Robbery, Yogananda has harvested 6 cauliflowers that he is proud to share with Sri Yukteswar. As the disciples are called come out to go march, Sri Yukteswar questions Yogananda about whether he locked the door to the Ashram or non. Yogananda carelessly replies that he thinks so. In teaching a lesson, Sri Yukteswar relates thoughts with a peasant and has him steal one of Yoganandas cauliflowers. much like the way a radio operates, Sri Yukteswars thoughts vibrate in radio waves and he receives signals from other con ply then carries their thoughts out. A couple days later Yoganandas lamp had been missing so he assumed the maitre dhotel would kat once where it is.The see to it read Yoganandas thoughts and directed him directly to where another pupil said he took it to. The lamp was not where the pupil said it was and Yogananda realized Sri Yukteswar was only mocking his expectations because he wouldnt display his powers whe n challenged. Weeks passed, and one day the master asked the narrator to lead his disciples on a procession walk across the beach. Yogananda was worried the sun would cultivate the sand too hot to bare only if Sri Yukteswar assured him that with reliance in the Omnipresent divinity his problems will be resolved.The master had faith that perfection would protect him and his disciples as long as he was faithful in him and indeed matinee idol endured clouds to make shade for the sand trail. The lesson knowledgeable in this chapter is that God is impartial and will listen to everyone that has faith in him. He will fulfill anything one powerfully desires with the right heart and faith. As a christian, this chapter strongly relates and is a recurring message in my life.the likes of Yogananda, I constantly forget to keep my strong faith and to trust that God will provide in the end. Many times in my life I have forgotten about God as I try to resolve all of my own issues. Things do nt end up my way but usually they end up better because Gods plan is always best. Especially in the chapter of my life where I need guidance, Im searching the internet, career sources, and the counselors for answers, but what this chapter of the book re questions me is that I need to meditate or require to God to seek answers.This tell has helped me spend my time to a greater extent positively. Its helped me to find my way back to my faith and has given me the ability to focus and pray deeply. Although it is only a slight change, Ive learned to spend more timeoutdoors rather than indoors during my spare time. Before this class I mightve spent hours reflexion episodes of Gossip Girl on Netflix to relieve my stress after my last class of the week, but now I go to the beach on Fridays after class to calm my mind and body.In doing this Ive been commensurate to spend more time reflecting on who I am as an individual and the kind of mortal I aspire to be. After learning basic pranaya mas or breathing techniques Ive been practicing it at the beach where the repetition of the waves crash in sync to my breath.This act of going to the beach with just my towel and myself has become a favorite routine. It serves as a time for me to delve deeper into my soul and really see the person I wish to portray to the world. Through these beach meditations I have also been able to realize and rotate my potential as a human being.On the other hand, the asana practice has challenged my every muscle. Having taken yoga classes for a while and being a dancer, I figured this class would just be like in the beginning or easier (I apologize for the underestimation). Instead I found myself challenged each day because you paid attention to expound to every students form and pushed students to stretch further or contract stronger. The difference with the asana practice I got out of this class and the ones I got at a yoga studio is that you, the teacher, always allowed room for the stude nts to further stretch or strengthen.The other studios had the students placed by level and if you couldnt keep up, well then you should have signed up for an easier class. Whereas here, I felt comfortable that i was able to practice the poses at my own rate. Some were harder and nearly were easier. Either way I never felt above or below the class, which is very bazaar for all the students.Because I had such a great experience in this yoga class, Ive applied what I learned to my other classes. I became so intrigued in the lecture at the beginning of the course describing the benefits of yoga that I make a speech about it to present to my Human Communications class. All the benefits listed at the start of the course such as being able to get a better sleep, better digestion, and endurance in exercise has proven true in my life. I walked back to my dorm after every class heart lighter and fresher.Maybe it was the post exercise endorphins but I assure you that the lightweightfeeling came from releasing my burdens during the affirmations. I was so inspired by this that I knew I had to inform others of this great practice. I also understand that yoga is not simply a physical activity, it is a spiritual trail that helps the mind think better so I stressed that in the speech. Im glad I signed up for this class, because I got both physical and spiritual benefits out of it. In the future I will dwell to take yoga classes and suggest yoga classes to others.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Violence on Television is Harmful to Children Essay Example for Free

Violence on Television is Harmful to Children EssayViolence is fast befitting a common theme in television set shows of today. Series that involve cops and other branches of the police effectiveness are continually multiplying on air. For this reason, it is inevitable for kids to be able to watch these kinds of shows. They are ex attituded to fierceness at a young age and this has been proven to not wee-wee a very practiced effect on them. Effects of TV Violence Violence these days does not only relate to heinous crimes happening break throughside the walls of the house. Even beyond closed doors people are exposed to violence via the materials they read, the shows they see and listen to. Not only are adults exposed to these things, the children of the household are as well as exposed. These shows pose as a threat to their innocent minds. This is because their young minds might not be able to clasp the truthfulness from the show itself (TV Violence , 2010). According t o studies conducted, most households always have their television sets on from dawning to late evening.The worst part is that even childrens rooms have its own television set indoors from which they may watch without the guidance of their parents. While watching TV violence does not make criminals out of children, findings show that the children who are often exposed to TV violence are those who fight kids at drill or turn oyt to be bullies. The shows cloud childrens minds making them believe that bringing harm to others is not bad. It also makes the children believe that it is but natural for some people to become victims of bad habits or crimes (TV Violence, 2010). This is by all odds not healthy. It can hinder the normal flow of their studies and may lead to early delinquency in the next school terms. Further studies analyzed,, indicated that the rate of children being exposed to violence on television shows have significantly increased in the in the last decade. From the yea r 1998 to this year. The statistics also indicated that about 10 percent of youth violence may be blamed on children being exposed to violence on television.These findings support the thesis that violence on television can only lead to harm of the childrens minds (Violence in Media, 2003). The children are driven to act aggressively or violently because most of violent shows presented on television do not show the truth behind the violent acts. It does not give the effect of the action. For instance, the crime movies show the protagonist being a very good shooter even of innocent people. macrocosm a protagonist in the story, people commend his excellence in the field and neglect the reality that shooting people can cause lives and make the relatives of the victims aggrieved. Violent shows also do not think of how the law punishes the act. It only gives emphasis on the act itself and the machismo it can bring to the protagonist. More importantly, violence on television makes crimes look easier to be done than it really is. For these reasons, children are lured into emulating the actions despite the reality that they should not (Kaufman, 2004).

Friday, April 5, 2019

Overview of the Consequences of Cognitive Neuropsychology

Overview of the Consequences of Cognitive NeuropsychologyThe ability to study and agnise the chief has evolved dramatically since people were first interested in the brains seemingly miraculous capacities. However, comprehending the input/ getup nature of the brain (and everything in amidst) has al demeanors been limited to behavioural chores of healthy individuals. Unfortunately for science, a lineage car that cant be reverse engineered can non be fully understood. To truly fudge sense of the diverse functions of each get down of the brain, it is needful to see the importance of study individuals with brain abuse.The field of cognitive physiological psychology occupies itself on the nose with this concept. More or less, it offers the analogy of the brain as a sort of appliance, perhaps a television receiver with lots of wires plugged into it. Assuming that none of the cables functions are labe guide (as is obviously the reference with the brain), the best centering to discover which cable controls each part of the television is to unplug each cable one at a duration and observe which parts of the television stop functioning. This analogy works well, disposed(p) that a lesion in the brain is small enough to only effect a real function. More click brain molest is like more cables being removed at once it becomes more awkward to declare, with precision, which cable controls which function.As non-invasive methods of imaging the brain confound im corroborated over the decades, it is no keen-sighteder necessary to limit studies to healthy individuals, non-hu bit animals, and less precise guessing as to the localization and diffusion of brain damage in patients. Techniques like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allow researchers to pinpoint where brain damage exists in patients, and, from bring forward behavioral demonstrates, determine how the damage has affected the brain and, moreover, for which behavioral aspects the damaged part of the brain used to be responsible.Additionally, another(prenominal) technique, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), allows researchers to simulate a momentary lesion on careless portions of the mantle. Clearly finding a patient with brain damage for every part single part of the brain is a scientific pipedream. Thus, by following the previous analogy, TMS offers the possibility to remove a cable and witness the effects with discover(a) causing any permanent damage to the brain.This paper will show third cases of brain damage studies from the past, before such technology was available, and three from the present to contrast the difference in techniques and what the studies contri equitable nowed to the field of neuroscience and demonstrate approximately brain function.No discussion of brain damage studies is complete without mentioning the case of Phineas Gage. Occurring in the 1840s, and arguably one of the most famous cases of all time, Gages face, skull, and brain were pene trated, through-and-through by a 3cm thick, 109cm long tamping iron. He was momentarily stunned but regained full consciousness immediately in that respectafter. He was able to utter and even walk with the help of his men (Harlow, 327). John M. Harlow, the doctor who looked after Gage after his accident, make observations about Gages behavior, such as Gage has succeeded in raising himself up, and took one step to his chair, and sat about pentad minutes. , and Intellectual faculties brightening. When I asked him how long since he was injured, he replied, four weeks this afternoon, at 4 oclock. Relates the manner in which it occurred, and how he came to the house. He keeps the day of the week and time of day, in his mind. Says he knows more than half of those who question after him. Does not estimate size or money accurately, though he has retrospect as perfect as ever. (Passage of, 282)Assuming Gage had a formly developed brain, such observations essentially prove the concept of functional localization deep down the brain. Although it is easy to see this retrospectively because of what modern science has shown, Harlow didnt be possessed of the luxury of MRI or other techniques, apart from simple observation. By recognizing that Gages memory, destination, movement, and ability to learn were spared, but his respect for the social conventions by which he once abided had vanished (His abundant profanity offended those around him) (Harlow, 327), Harlow was afterwards able to connect Gages changed behavior to the frontal percentages of the brain, which paved the way for further studies in seeking out the neural basis of various human capacities (ibid.). Understanding that each part of the brain does, in fact, restrain its own proper(postnominal) function was a crucial discovery in neuroscience and would have likely been out(predicate) without patients such as Phineas Gage.Another patient similar to that of Gage, in terms of fame and selective damage, is Tan (named for the monosyllabic sound the he produced when trying to speak), the aphasic patient of the French surgeon Paul Broca. In 1861, Broca ascertained that Tan differed from a sane man only in the loss of articulated speech (Broca, 343). stipulation Tans symptoms, (for later in life he also presented with insensitivity on the right side, paralysis of two right limbs, weakened vision in his left eye ,and incomplete paralysis of the left cheek, in addition to the lack of speech) (347), Broca title of respected that the principle cerebral lesion had to occupy the left hemisphere (ibid.). Only years later during the autopsy could Broca precisely observe the extent of the brain damage.In terms of Tans general behavior, however, Broca noted that it was certain that Tan understood almost everything that was said to him (345), that numerical responses were those that he could make the best, by opening or remnant his fingers (346), and that the tongue was perfectly freethe patie nt could move it in all directionsThe muscles of the larynx seemed in no way neutered, the quality of the voice was natural, and the sounds that the patient made in pronouncing his monosyllable were perfectly clear (345). These observations clearly foreshadow that Tan was still capable of expressing concepts, even if he was unable to express them strictly verbally, and that there existed a distinction between general vocal tract usage and speech production. These observations coupled with the results of the autopsy led Broca to realize that there existed of faculty of articulated row (as translated from French), lateralized to the left-hemisphere, distinct from comprehended language (356).However, the drawback to Tans case is that given the extent of his brain damage, Broca was still left pondering whether the faculty of articulated language depends on the prefrontal lobe considered as a whole, or especially on one of the convolutions of this lobe (357). Advances in technology i n the adjoining century would greatly strengthen his findings. Though in any case, Tans deficits led to the discovery of language in the left hemisphere and the notion that speaking meaningful words is distinct from general expression of concepts or of comprehending concepts as a whole.The case studied by Carl Wernicke greatly added to Brocas findings and strengthened the model of how language was urbane in the brain by presenting a double dissociation between speech production and speech comprehension. Basically, Wernicke found a stroke patient in 1873 whose speech and hearing were unimpaired, but he couldnt make sense of what he read or what was said to him (Alic, 666). As it turned out, this condition, which essentially contrasted that of Brocas patient, Tan, was indeed localize to a different part of the brain. Upon autopsy, Wernicke found a lesion in the rear parietal/temporal region of the patients left brain hemisphere (ibid.).However, Wernicke regarded this facet of speec h production and posited a connectionist-style theory of language production, gum olibanum he postulated that Brocas area and his area were connected, anddamage to this connection would cause conduction aphasia, a syndrome wherein a patient could both speak and understand language, but would misuse words (ibid.). From this connectionist notion, Wernicke theorized more deeply about general crossties of a concept with language. In 1886, he made the claim that, in order to understand the word bell, the conducting wire arriving in the speech comprehension center must arouse in us the concept of the bell, i.e. the different memory images of the bell deposited in the pallium and localized in accordance with the sensory organs involved in their development. These areacousticoptictactileand finallymotor imagesthe arousal of each one separately is communicated to the others and they constitute a functional unit (Code, 15-16).Unaided by modern neuroimaging technology, Wernicke made a big s tep forward in connectionist-model theories on semantic associations and language production/comprehension. Together, Broca and Wernicke set the stage for studying language in the brain by having observed patients with specific brain damages and consequently conjecturing about the nature of the healthy human brain.Modern cognitive physiological psychology certainly follows the same principles in terms of assessing brain damage and theorizing about models of information streams. However, contemporary neuropsychologists have the benefit of computers, brain scanners, TMS, and, as seen in the next case, also infrared emitting diodes (IREDs).This next case is another classic, albeit much more recent the study of patient DF by Goodale and Milner. DF was a middle-aged woman who was plagued by brain damage after carbon monoxide poisoning (Goodale, 154). The researchers could localize the damage without needing an autopsy thanks to MRI, which allowed further testing and studying to occur wi th knowledge of which structures were afflicted the ventral and lateral occipital region, and in the parasagittal occipitoparietal region. afterward beginning neuropsychological testing, the researchers discovered that DF had a opthalmic form agnosia (ibid.). Overall she showed poor perception of shapeorientation wringintensitystereopsismotionproximitycontinuity, or similarity (Goodale, 154-155).Goodale and Milner ran several tests to discern how incomprehensiblely the visual form agnosia affected DF, and they came to realize a smash dissociation between her ability to perceive tendency orientation and her ability to direct accurate scope movements toward objects (155). In one experiment DF had to indicate the orientation of a slot using a throwaway by orienting the card similarly to the slot. Goodale notes that results here were grossly impaired (ibid), but when she was asked to reach out and post thecard through the slother performance was excellent (ibid.).The researchers ran a similar test to step grip aperture between her index finger and thumb when she would pick up a small plaque. Here they employed the IREDs to measure the distance between the fingers and have numerical data to work with. Such a simple task is rendered quantitative (and thus scientifically measurable) merely by the technology available at the time.This second experiment had results similar to those of the first. Goodale notes that DFs estimates of her grip aperture did not change as a function of the width of the plaques (ibid.). However, when DF had to reach for the plaques and charm them, the aperturewas systematically related to the width of the object (ibid.). This profound dissociation arising from DFs brain damage led Goodale and Milner to kick up that at some level in the normal brains the visual handleing underlying conscious perceptual judgments must operate separately from that underlying the automatic visuomotor guidance of skilled actions. (ibid). Such a claim of the brain having information that lies at a subconscious level could not have been postulated at the time without the (un)fortunate brain damage that afflicted DF.Building off of this notion of subconscious visual bear upon, the development of TMS has allowed researchers to test visual awareness (among other things) by momentarily disrupting parts of the brain via a magnetic pulse, effectively creating fake brain damage that is reversible the immediate benefit being a neuropsychological border on to a question without needing to wait for a patient with precisely the right brain damage to appear.Ro discusses TMS experiments whose behavioral results are similar to those found by Goodale and Milner when testing DF. In the experiments, TMS suppressed primary visual cortex and despite unawareness of the orientation of a line in one experiment and unawareness of the colour of a dot in another experiment, subjects were nonetheless able to guess the orientation and colour of these stimu li presented within their TMS-induced scotomas at well-above chance levels (111).From this, he concludes that the results suggest a geniculoextrastriate pathway that bypasses V1 and projects directly from the lateral geniculate nub (LGN) into extrastriate cortex, likely area V4. Such a direct anatomical pathway from LGN to V4 has been demonstrated in lower order Primates (112). However, Ro further postulates that information relayed through the aforementioned pathway is unconscious, at least without a functioning V1 (ibid.), a profound step toward the comprehension of human consciousness and what actually gives rise to the experience of awareness.The final case discussed in this paper is that of Etcoffs 1991 study of LH, a minister who suffered a severe closed head injury in an automobile accident at the age of 18. The accident and the surgical procedures it necessitatedresulted in bilateral lesions affecting visual association corticesthe right temporal lobe, the left subcortical occipitotemporal white matter, and bilateral perietooccipital regions (Etcoff, 27). Etcoff remarked that predominant resulting behavior change was that LH can take most pictures of objects and most objects encountered in daily life, but he is unable to recognize the faces of his wife, children, friends, or members of his family of origin (28).Etcoff noted that in various tasks, LH found other strategies to guess the identity of the person. During a famous faces task, he recognize hairstyles, insignias, and uniforms to correctly guess whose face was presented to him, even though he couldnt recognize the face itself (28-29). This indicates that LH still has a semantic connection between, for example Einsteins hair and his identity, but the facial recognition portion of this association network was knocked out.More interestingly, LH was given the task of recognizing impossible faces from normal ones, i.e. duplicate facial features, strangely oriented features, etc., and consequently E tcoff commented that LH was able to distinguish a veritable from an impossible face with 97% accuracyhe can truly recognize faces as faces, and is sensitive not just to gross information such as number of features and relative placement, but to subtler relational information about feature orientation (29). This shows a clear distinction between recognizing a face as an object and recognizing the semantic information that each individual face carries with it, thus the human brain must process faces specially, a process that is still studied extensively today. Etcoff even shared that LH likens the experience of spirit at a face to attempting to read illegible handwriting you know that it is handwriting, you know where the words and garner stop and start, but you have no clue as to what they signify (29).These six-spot cases have demonstrated important discoveries about how the brain works through the lens of neuropsychology. From functional specialization and a man surviving a tam ping iron blasting through his prefrontal cortex disrupting his personality, to distinct linguistic systems for producing and comprehending speech, to visual information existing in the brain without conscious knowledge of it, to the idea of primary visual cortex leading an essential role in consciousness, to faces being specially processed entities in the human brain, studying damaged brains has arguably led to understanding certain facets of the brain that otherwise capability have been unimaginable. Furthermore, these six cases were only a handful of discoveries that have arisen from observing the behavioral results of brain damaged patients, used to bedeck the benefits of taking a neuropsychological approach to unraveling the mysteries of brain.However, every methodology has some amount of drawbacks, and neuropsychology is not excluded. For example, given a lesion in some area of the brain, the resulting change in behavior must be a function of how the damaged area was affecte d. But what is this function exactly? Why should brain damage cause the output that it does instead of some very similar but sightly different behavioral change? If it is a question of reductionism, then its only a matter of time before the bedspread between behavior and structure is solved, but at present, neuropsychology doesnt answer this.Secondly, brain damage tends to be accidental, and accidents can be messy (e.g. car crash). Lesions dont tend to be as simple as unplugging a single cable from the television, where only one aspect of the TV is clearly affected. Thus, finding clean, precise lesions that alter only one part of the brain is far less likely then finding dole out brain damage. Even if a patient tends to have only one predominant behavioral change, it cannot be said with full certainty that other parts of his brain werent affected or arent contributing, to some degree, to the modern behavioral output, thus possibly confounding data despite very careful experimenta l designs.Additionally, there is the question of neural plasticity, which Ro brings to attention in his study by mentioning that reorganisation of brain functionalso complicates examinations of sensory processing and visual awareness (110), which is where the advent of TMS has been very helpful in that, apart from its aforementioned advantages, it drastically reduces or eliminates any opportunities for neural plasticity (ibid.). The issue here is that plasticity in brain damaged patients might result in a level of rewiring that is abnormal or unexpected, thus rendering the way in which parts of their brain function unique only to them.All in all, however, every methodology has its pros and cons, and neuropsychology has provided science with a myriad of profound insights into the brain and its functions. The disadvantages it carries with it serve as a reminder as to how careful one must be when interpreting data about an entity as enigmatic and knotty as the brain.